25 Rational Reasons to Prepare

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25 Rational Reasons to Prepare
Rational reasons to prepare for emergencies...

Learn how to prepare for emergencies.
Preppers live by the motto of " hope for the best and prepare for
the worst." We want to “live happily ever after,” yet the act of
prepping causes many people to think they’re insane “Doomsday
Hoarders.”  If you're new to prepping or you're old school, one
thing's for sure: you're not crazy for prepping.

Need a list for reassurance? Below is a list of 25 rational reasons
to prepare for emergencies. Preppers are not so crazy after all...

Twenty Five Reasons to Prepare
If you're reading this article, perhaps there was a recent crisis
and you've come to the conclsuio that preppers aren't so crazy
after all. Maybe you got wind that a family member is a prepper
and you want to understand this insane "cult." Rest assured that
it's not a cult and preppers aren't crazy at all.

Below are 25 reasons it's good to prepare for emergenciesL

Reason #1. Pandemics (Covid-19, Ebola, Swine flu).
Perhaps the most rational reason to prepare is for pandemics.
Nothing brought America closer to understanding that it's rational
to prepare better than the shortages of toilet paper, hand
sanitizers, disinfectants, and N95 masks than what happened
when early 2020 brought Coronavirus to the United States.

Indeed fear is a motivator (and no one is immune). Swine Flu that
hit in 2009 was tame compared to the threat of Ebola in 2014,
and now we're in the midst of Coronavirus though no one died of
Ebola in the United States, there was pure panic in flight travel
from certain countries.

The list of pandemics is quite extensive since the Spanish flu.
There's been
Avian Bird Flu of which has been popping up again!
West Nile
virus, Swine Flu 2009, and Ebola of 2014. Of course,
these were nothing like the preparedness that kicked in when
Coronavirus hit the United States in early 2020.

Reason #2. Fukushima.
The problem at the Fukushima  has not gone away after the
March 11, 2011 earthquake, subsequent tsunami and the resulting
Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. Worldwide contamination
of our food supply as a result of
Fukushima is something not
often talked about. Certainly, preppers have not forgotten
Fukushima! Radioactive elements are being released into the sea
and air, recorded as far away as California, Utah, Oregon and
Washington State.

The aftermath of Fukushima affected not only the fish and
seaweed products, but the crops on the West Coast supplying the
entire nation. Livestock are affected as well as they eat the grass
and cops affected by the air.

What was Japan's response?
Japan is building an ice wall to limit
the contamination of waters in the Pacific Ocean. Americans living
in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, the U.S. Atlantic,
Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands are in Tsunami territory.

Reason #3: The nuclear reactor in your midst.
Fukushima may hit closer to home than you may think if you live
near a nuclear reactor. Not sure how close you live to a nuclear
facility? CNN has prepared the answer for you. Just type in your
ZIP code to
see how close you live to a nuclear power plant.

  • Do you have enough Iodine? Protect your thyroid gland
    against radiation with Thyrosafe or IOSAT "Nuke Pills" ~ the
    Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets. It's used to protect your
    thyroid gland against radioactive iodine released during a
    nuclear emergency. It does this by flooding the thyroid with
    stable, safe iodine, which blocks the absorption of dangerous
    radioactive iodine. Emergency government stock piles of
    potassium iodide are only available in limited supplies in
    Alabama, Arizona, Maine, and Tennessee. In NY and NJ some
    tablets have been handed out to residents closest to Nuclear
    power plants. Preppers take protective measures into their
    own hands with thyrosafe potassium iodide tablets.

Reason #4: The Great Depression.
John D. Rockefeller once said, "Depressions have come and gone.
Prosperity has always returned and will again."  This is true, and
remember that depressions will come again! We are a bit
overdue! Indeed, History has a habit of repeating itself. The
Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn brought
about by the stock market crash of Oct. 29, 1929. That was bad
enough, but the problem of the dust bowl made the situation

The dust bowl caused by drought in the 1930s displaced the
people of Oklahoma, most of whom closed their family farms. It
didn't just affect farmers in Oklahoma. Farmers of the past were
usually safe from a depression because they could at least feed
themselves, but by 1933 many farmers, like all consumers of the
time, were severely into debt and couldn't afford  to harvest their
crops.  What caused the Great Depression? What can you do
about it? Plenty!

Reason #5: Solar flares and EMP.
Threats of Solar flares and ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) are more
of a concern today than ever.

The solar storm of 1859 was a geomagnetic storm first observed
by Richard C. Carrington. His namesake has given rise to the
Carrington Effect, a term coined by Lloyds of London, who
delivered the sobering news to the insurance industry that this
kind of an event happens every 150 years or so and the cost
would be an enormous $2.6 Trillion in financial impact on the
world. Threat of an EMP is also a man-made catastrophe as it
would take only a nuclear detonation in the atmosphere to
annihilate a regions supply of water, electricity and gas, and
thereby send a country back to the dark ages.  

Whether a natural disaster or a man made one, there's always
something you can do.  You do not have a "crazy doomsday
philosophy" because you want to prepare for an EMP.

Reason #6: Cyber attack and terrorism.  
Today, Americans are more dependent than ever before on the
electronic flow of information. As a result we are more vulnerable
than ever not to individual cyber crime and as a country to cyber
warfare and cyber terrorism.

According to the book
Cyber Attack, written by a former hacker,
Paul Day, "In times of economic crisis, cybercrime is a growth
industry." The "digital mafia" seeks monetary gain from you and
it's easy not to get caught! It's possible that the next great
Depression will be from a coordinated attack on the stock market,
ATMS and banking systems and electronics to lock ordinary
citizens away from their money, and that's just the initial stock. A
cyber attack threatens our water, electricity and gas. You need a
plan! A good book is
Game Plan, pictured at the top right hand of
the page, by Kevin D. Freeman. Game Plan is the first "how to"
investment handbook of its type. It will explain the emerging
risks and provide a complete game plan of response for investors
at all levels.

Terrorist attacks and threats to homeland security seem to be on
the rise. The threat of Biochemical war has been looming since
Agent Orange (an herbicide and defoliant used during the
Vietnam War from 1961-1971).  America has been on high alert
since 9-11, and preppers can take a measure of control. The next
attack could be financial or crippling of our resources for gas or
electricity. Since anything is possible, preppers are ready for what
is possible.

Reason #7: North Korea.
During the Hawaii false alarm (ballistic missile alert) in early
2018, pandemonium ensued and residents and vacationers were
wondering a proper course of action. Prepper families knew
exactly what to do!

"Dear Leader" as they call him is an imminent threat to a peaceful
co-existence. He wants to keep his regime and the reason he is
building his arsenal is because he believes the U.S. wants to
have him overthrown. If he could only realize that building nuclear
capability is the only reason the U.S. wants him overthrown.
what a prepper needs to know about North Korea.

Reason #8: Cold war.
People have forgotten how close we were in the 1950s to a
nuclear war. In the atomic age, it was quite standard to have a
fallout shelter. In fact, back in the day, it was your patriotic duty
stash supplies for nuclear fallout and consider building a
shelter. Schools routinely practiced what to do in the event of a
strike (not that the old duck and cover would have had much
protection against nuclear annihilation, but at least they had a
plan and encouraged it). If people weren't considered crazy then,
why are they considered crazy today?

Reason #9: Power outages.
In Winter, power outages are fairly common, but even a high gust
of wind can knock out the power. Nowadays there are also
planned power outages that catch many unprepared.

Preppers will have enough heat, light, food and water even in
ordinary power outages. Food safety is another concern as a
result of long term power outages.

Reason #10. The Big One is coming: (earthquakes)!
Seismic zones are everywhere however, in the West Coast we
often think of the 1906 Earthquake and know the “big one” is
coming; while preppers who are “awake” in the Eastern United
States think of the 1811-12 New Madrid Earthquake, which will be
coming again soon as well. Want to know more about the New
Madrid Earthquake?
Missouri is preparing for the big one!

Reason #11: Drought.
Water is life and drought is a looming threat, particularly in
California. San Diego, among the most arid parts of the country,
at long last is working towards a resource so close and yet so far
desalinization of the ocean waters in Carlsbad. It is an
expensive and yet necessary expense in face of the looming
threat of drought in California.

Reason #12: Floods.
If Hurricane Harvey taught us anything it's that floods happen
very quickly! According to FEMA, floods are the #1 disaster in the
United States, and
everyone lives in a flood zone. In the past 5
years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods.
Homeowners insurance does not cover flood. It requires a special

Reason #13: Hurricanes Harvey, Katrina and Sandy.
"Hurricanes are the most destructive natural weather occurrences
on Earth," according to
hurricane-facts.com.  Preppers have
learned from the past how unprepared the masses are for the
inevitable, because a hurricane
will strike again!

Reason #14. Tornadoes.
Tornadoes often develop quickly and without warning. A tornado
means that tornadoes are possible, while a tornado
means that a tornado has been sighted by weather radar.
A storm shelter can provide a legitimate reason to prep in the
eyes of anyone who lives in tornado alley.

Reason #15: Inclement weather.
Snow storms, thunderstorms (even monsoons in Arizona),
inclement weather happens and there's no shame in preparing for
bad weather. Can you weather the storm?

Reason #16: Landslides.
Landslides happen because of heavy rainstorms, but also because
of earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, fire and even man's
modification of the terrain. To prevent landslides, avoid building
your homestead near steep slopes or the mountain's edge. Your
homestead should also steer clear of natural drainage pathways
and areas known to erode. Planting proper ground covering can
help minimize the threat

Reason #17: Fires and Wildfires.
Wildfires can ruin your local economy if not your own home! The
raging California Wildfires of the Summer of 2014 is another
devastating hit for a state already inundated with the expense of
illegal immigrants amidst concerns of drought.

Learn more about
preparedness for fire.

Reason #18. Death or major illness or injury of a
family member.
The natural disaster that hits closest to home for a prepper is the
death of a family member or breadwinner. Having adequate life
insurance provides only half the answer.

A breadwinner may also be the firearms expert or perhaps the
food preserving expert. When you loose a family member, you
also loose prepping skills, a vital link in your survival chain. Like
they say, nothing is more certain than death and taxes. And
someone in your family who suffers from a major illness or injury
can provide a burden on the family finances, which is why it's so
important to plan for the best of times, even in your darkest hour.

Reason #19. The Amero.
Word of the Amero surfaced around 2007. If you haven't yet heard
of the Amero, now's the time to delve into the threat of the new
currency introduced by the formation of the North American Union.

Reason #20. Monsanto (poisoning of the food supply).
Monsanto threatens control of the world's food supply. As
Kissinger said, "He who controls the food, controls the world."
Preppers avoid soy and corn products most of all. They also buy
and save heirloom seeds for the future. It's just another reason
to grow your own and can your own!

Reason #21. Unemployment and Job Loss.
Job loss Stashing away food and provisions is a good way to
prepare for a rainy day. Your preparations will help compensate
for the lean times of unemployment.

Reason #22. National debt and hyper inflation.
If all that stimulus spending thanks to the governments plan on
dealing with the economy during Coronavirus has you worried,
then wait for the real problems coming your way with hyper
inflation. Here's the
National Debt Clock, just to scare you a tad.

Reason #23. Everyday violence.
Things are crazy now as it is: do you want to wait for the grocery
stores to be empty? Does the name Rodney King ring a bell?

Reason #24. Your Great grandparents were preppers.
Back in the day, everyone was a prepper. People canned food and
set aside provisions to last the Winter. Victory gardens were
patriotic (and even encouraged by the government to support the
war effort). Thankfully the idea of prepping and
survival gardening
is making a comeback. Prepping is in your ancestral blood. Your
ancestors weren't crazy. They were prepared!

Reason #25. The government is prepping.
Russia has been preparing for emergencies for some time.

Whether or not you want to believe it, politicians are all on the
same side. It doesn’t matter who is in office. Enough said!

So there you have it – you’re not a crazy misfit or freak. You're
not an eccentric screwball, crackpot or geek. You're not a
fruitcake, nut-cake, odd bird, strange bird  or buffoon. The real
weirdos are the
Sheeple (the ones not prepping because they
believe in the grocery fairy)! No, that's not you. You're not the
crazy one.

More Reasons Preppers Aren’t Crazy
Aside from the reasons above, prepping makes life more
convenient. Here are the everyday conveniences of prepping:  

1. Never run out of toilet paper again!
Preppers have an abundance of toilet paper and know what to do
when the toilet paper runs out. If you're a prepper, you’ll also
never run out of pasta sauce, bandages, milk, eggs, butter, and
ammunition again. Be it snow, rain or the midnight hour, you’ve
got what you need.  

2. Tonight’s dinner.
Not sure what’s for dinner? Don’t feel like heading to the grocery
store? Tonight’s dinner is as easy as looking in the prepper’s
pantry for a homemade dehydrated meal in a jar, home canned
stew, freeze dried taste test, or eating up an almost expired MRE.
Whether headed to the pantry or the garden for your salad
ingredients, preppers always have something good to eat. Yes we

3. Peace of Mind for Personal Emergencies.
Whether it is shampoo or toothpaste, tampons or diapers you
need, preppers have enough stash to cover their personal
emergencies for months on end. Someone is sick at home? You’ve
got enough soup to feed an army. Have unexpected company?
You have the ingredients to whip up some delicious homemade
cookies or bread. Prepping is peace of mind for your personal

4. Save money.
Buying in bulk and stocking up on two for the price of one is
among the many benefits of being a prepper. Prepping certainly
saves money. Want to save more? Here are
99 ways to spend a
buck prepping at the Dollar Stores.

You may be asking yourself, "Am I crazy for prepping?" The
answer is: No, you're not crazy for prepping! We gave you a list of
25 compelling reasons to keep on prepping, now get to it.

Five more reasons to prepare for the Zombie
IOSAT nuke pills
IOSAT nuke pills
Cyber Attack
Georgia Pacific Toilet paper deal
Bulk toilet paper by marcal
Bugout bikes
Homeless survival prepping lessons
Prepper's Pantry Italian Food Storage Ideas
Top ranking prepper Web site - prepping and survivalism
Are water pouches worth the expense?
Brown Bread in a Can
Best Emergency Survival Food Bars
How to get started prepping
Pemmican as a prepper survival food
Things that Kill germs
Over the counter medicines to stockpile
List of the Best Disinfectants for preppers
Water Disinfectants
What to do when the power fails
Above, Zombie Survival Guide's take on why you should prepare. It
was created six years before the Coronavirus pandemic!

Happy endings...
Use the happypreppers.com Website as your guide to help protect
yourself and your family in the event of an emergency.
Even if they call you crazy, keep on prepping and prepare to live
happily ever after!
Get started prepping now!

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knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific
medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical advice when available.

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at happypreppers.com - the emergency
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