Chewing Gum for Survival

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Think gum for survival
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Chewing gum is a survival item you may have overlooked until
now. Learn how to make chewing gum (and be sure to keep it in
your preps).

Here are some fun facts about chewing gum:

  • Did you say bacon? John Bacon Curtis was the first to
    commercially produce chewing gum. He sold it in 1848.
    Perhaps in humble homage to Mr. Bacon, today you can find
    bacon-flavored gumballs, pictured right from Accoutrements.

  • Blibber-blubber was the original name of chewing gum.
    The name failed from a marketing perspective because
    people thought the product was just too sticky. By now
    you've come to realize the value of chewing gum to preppers,
    and this is just one of the fun factoids about chewing gum.

  • Think twice before chewing gum in Singapore! Chewing
    gum has been illegal in Singapore. The country banned gum
    in 1992 because of a litter problem. Punishment is severe for
    even minor infractions.

  • Don't cry! If your eyes tear while cutting onions, then chew
    gum while slicing onions to remedy that problem next time!

  • Gum helped pay for war? Yes, there was a tax on chewing
    gum (War Revenue Act of 1899), which helped pay for the
    Spanish-American War.

  • Potential fodder for the compost pile? Strangely already
    chewed chewing gum will make a fine addition as composting
    material. Read the full list of weird composting materials.

Happy endings...
Gum can help you relieve stress, improve your dental hygiene and
so much more. Gum really can help you survive.

Gum is scientifically proven to
alleviate anxiety, boost mood and
fight fatigue and so much more. Be happy and chew gum.
Chewing gum might just save your life! Lighten up your preps and
have some fun. "Chews" your survival gear wisely!

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Stress is both a physical and a mental reaction to threatening
situations whether perceived or real. It's good to know that
chewing gum can help preppers relieve stress, and so much
more, including increasing concentration, relieving nausea and
providing a boost in morale.

You've always known that chewing gum reduces cavities and
plaque, but now you know gum provides many other healthful
benefits. Strangely, chewing gum prevents heartburn! Some
gums pack the power of antioxidants. Mega-T Green Tea
Chewing gum is one such gum and it delivers the health
benefits of two cups of green tea.

Make gum from a Spruce Tree:
#10: Gum is useful in bartering.
Gum will prove extremely useful in bartering. In case the world
goes completely off the grid, gum will be a luxury item for
barter. The nice thing about gum is that it packs nicely and
doesn't cost too much. During the Great Depression, small hard
candies became popular treats and "gum was heaven,"
according to the biographer for
Walter E. Diemer who was the
inventor of bubblegum.

#11: Gum promotes oral health and other health
You may know that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend chewing
gum, but did you ever stop and wonder why they recommend it?
Well, it turns out that 80% of cavities happen inside the pits
and fissures of teeth. These pits and fissures trap food particles
under chewing pressure. But a carbohydrate like sugar in the
gum can change the trapped food into acid that brushing can't

Anthropological evidence suggests Neanderthal man may have
chewed birch tree tar sap for it's anti-fungal and antimicrobial
agents perhaps to combat a toothache. If anything, gum will
certainly ensure that a prepper has fresh breath.

  • Dentyne. Dentyne gum was born of notion that gum
    promotes "dental hygiene."

  • Glee Gum (the most natural chewing gum):  Glee Gum
    comes from chicle, a natural tree sap harvested sustainably
    from the rainforests of Central America.Glee Gum, is made
    of all-natural, gluten-free chewing gum with no artificial
    coloring, flavoring, sweeteners, or preservatives. Glee Gum
    is the only gum in North America made the old fashioned
    way, with chicle, a natural tree sap harvested sustainable
    from the rain forests of Central America. Once all chewing
    gum was made with chicle, but today most gum is made
    entirely from synthetic stuff. Not Glee Gum! Glee Gum uses
    chicle because it helps conserve the rain forest. Chicle is
    also what gives the gum such great, long-lasting chewing.

How chewing gum can help you light a fire!
Technically it's not the gum that can light a fire, but the gum
wrapper! Nonetheless it is an important survival consideration
to remember.
The military recognized that chewing ordinary gum increases
mental alertness by encouraging blood flow to the brain, but
they decided to enhance gum further with caffeine. Today,
there are many specially formulated brands of chewing gum
brands loaded with caffeine for the military:

  • Stay Alert Military Caffeine Gum: Stay Alert Gum has
    been supporting our troops in the Middle East. Paramedics,
    firefighters and police officers have also found this gum to
    be compact and a fast acting tool for stopping fatigue.
    Works instantly! Through oral absorption, chewing one
    piece delivers 100 mg of caffeine five times faster than
    pills or the caffeine in coffee.

  • Jolt Gum: Jolt gum has caffeine, guarani and ginseng. Just
    two piece of Jolt Gum equal 1 cup of coffee, which is same
    Jolt as Jolt Cola! One pack contains about as much
    caffeine as six cups of coffee. That's an ideal energy boost
    for your bug out bag.

  • BlackJack Gum. BlackJack Gum is a strong and minty gum
    that's sure to wake you up! Ingredients such as oolong tea
    extract, gingko extract, and caffeine give this gum that
    extra punch.

Now you know how chewing gum can provide a stress release
and keep you alert, and it also helps you concentrate on
important survival tasks at hand.

#3. Gum improves working memory.
Gum not only improves mental alertness, but it enhances
working memory. The BBC reports that "...
chewing gum may
help make people smarter by improving memory and brain

Something to think about: gum improves your thinking.
Chewing gum (whether or not it has caffeine in it) can enhance
your working memory. When you chew, you relieve tension in
the jaw and along with it some anxiety, which is one reason
why many teachers use chewing gum in their classrooms.
Chewing gum can help kids with learning disabilities, such as
Dyslexia, to relieve the pressure of reading or doing math
problems. Teachers are discovering that chewing gum during an
exam improves test scores as well, and there's research to back
the claim:

Chewing gum improves tests scores. Contributing factors,
according to the article from NBC, is that chewing increases
arousal by means of increased heart rate, blood pressure, and
cerebral blood flow. The increased blood flow improves test

There is a science behind the fact that chewing gum can help to
get your brain tuned up for an exam. Studies cite a
"mastication induced arousal" -- whereby the act of chewing
gum stimulates the hippocampus (the part of your brain that
plays a significant role in memory). In short, chewing ordinary
gum warms up the brain, thought it may not improve memory
for the long term.

In another study by US National Library of Medicine National
Institutes of Health, "
Chewing gum was associated with greater
alertness and a more positive mood." The study failed to show
that chewing gum improved memory.

As a prepper, not only do you want to be as stress-free as
possible, but you'll need  to concentrate. Think Gum will help
you do just that! Think Gum is designed to enhance mental
performance. It contains potent herbs and herbal extracts that
are scientifically demonstrated to improve concentration,
increase alertness, reduce careless errors and enhance
information recall.

  • Think Gum: Chewing ordinary gum improves memory, but
    Think Gum is a sugar-free, candy-coated chewing gum
    carefully designed to enhance mental performance. It
    contains potent herbs and herbal extracts that are
    scientifically demonstrated to improve concentration,
    increase alertness, reduce careless errors and enhance
    information recall.

#4. Gum improves morale.
The sweetness of gum will help boost morale and may also
supply a little boost of energy. A small act of kindness could go
a long way in stressful times. Think of the gum as a way to
"break the ice" with a stranger to help you assess whether the
person is a threat to your family and livelihood in uncertain
times. Add your favorite gum to your supply list! Have some
handy if you have little ones who might need to be quiet to
hide. Gum will keep their mouths occupied.

  • Wrigleys at Wartime. In addition to helping soldiers stay
    mentally alert, did you know U.S. Soldiers distributed gum
    from their rations during World War II (along with
    chocolate) as a form of goodwill to the people of war-torn
    regions? They did this to help improve morale. Kids were
    especially fond of receiving this precious gift.

  • Dubble Bubble during the Great Depression. Dubble
    Bubble Gum also put a smile on the faces of the kids of
    the Great Depression (it came out in 1928)/ and it could
    put on smile on yours too. Chewing gum helps provide a
    sense of normalcy in uncertain times and has many other
    benefits. Don't over look this inexpensive part of your

#5: Gum aids digestion, and relieves nausea.
Mastication, otherwise known as chewing, increases the
salivary flow. Chewing gum, increases the saliva production in
your mouth, which is the first step of digestion. In turn, these
stomach acids help break down food to aid digestion. Some
gum goes beyond the ordinary to aid in digestion by relieving

For example, ginger gum can provide all-natural relief from
nausea. Ginger gum is ideal for women in your group who may
become pregnant because 80% of women experience nausea
during their pregnancy. Ginger has been used as a medicinal
herb for thousands of years. Now you can enjoy its natural
soothing properties in a fast-acting, great-tasting chewing gum.
This drug free option for reducing nausea symptoms related to
morning sickness

  • Anti Nausea Ginger Gum, pictured immedate left, is an all
    natural releif of nausea. Ideal for motion sickness, morning
    sickness, general nausea and stomach upset or
    chemotherapy, you'll find ginger gum a good drug-free

  • Sea-Band Anti-nausea Ginger gum. Pictured right, Sea
    Band Anti-nausea ginger gum is a drug-free alernative for
    morning sickness, chemotherapy and induced nausea relief.

Want more proof?
  1. Nurses report that chewing gum may help post-operative

#6: Gum acts as an appetite suppressant.
Another reason the military favors chewing gum is that it may
help suppress an appetite for when eating a meal is not
convenient for the job at hand. The same scenario may be true
of preppers. Chewing gum can help suppress an appetite, which
may be a useful aid in distracting when food supplies are short.

While ordinary gum can satiate appetites, at least briefly, there
is a gum on the market with the specific task of suppressing

  • Zoft Gum: Pictured immediate left is Zoft Hoodia Gordonii
    Gum Appetite Suppressant. You get five packs (or a one-
    month supply) for $10 including shipping. Zoft Hoodia Gum
    is an advanced, cutting-edge appetite suppressant, which
    may prove useful when food is in short supply.

#7: Gum can quench thirst.
Helping to quench thirst is one of the many benefits the U.S.
military found in adding gum to its rations. Ordinary gum
releases flavor to stimulate saliva, which moistens the mouth,
but there's gum available that does more than the ordinary!

  • Quench Gum: Quench gum is a classic sports gum that
    can be a bridge to hydration and keeps you in the game.
    Keep some in your bugout bag. The Sports team bucket
    has approximately 200 assorted pieces of gum, including
    grape, juicy orange, tangy fruit punch and classic original
    lemon.For quick recovery and energy, Quench Gum actually
    quenches thirst and provides electrolytes plus 5 mg
    potassium. High citric acid content stimulates salivary
    glands and increases oxygen intake.

  • Vitamin and Electrolyte Sport gum. VitaminGum Sports
    gum, pictured immediate right, is specially formulated for
    your young athletes and keeping it fun as well as
    nutritional. Chew before, during and after your favorite
    sports activities for an extra boost of nutrition. Each
    gumball is individually wrapped, so you can have it as part
    of your everyday carry.

#8: Gum can fix a myriad of broken things.
It's well documented that Nahuatl-Aztecs used chicle as a
sticky substance to bind things together. Preppers can take a
thoughtful application to this concept by using gum to repair
eyeglasses, broken pottery, and more.

  • NOTE: You can fix many things with gum, but a leaky pipe
    is not one of them. Chewing gum is not strong enough to
    fix a leaky pipe because the water pressure is too much for
    the gum to withstand.

#9: Gum helps catch fish!
You might be surprised to know that you can also use gum as
catfish bait and minnows! Gum has also been used as crab lure.
We suggest using gum with sugar (and not the sugar free
variety). Gum with color also may help.

Don't believe us? See the video below to learn how to catch a
minnow with Orbit Gum (quick proof that you can catch a fish
with gum):
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Chew on this: chewing gum should be part of your preps.
We hope to blow your mind about gum! Since we first published
the article in 2012, we've uncovered many more ways gum will
enhance your survival plans.

How Chewing Gum can help you Survive
Since the dawn of humanity people have been chewing on gum
  1. Egyptians chewed a mixture of saps from frankincense,
    myrrh and mixed it with cinnamon.
  2. Greeks chewed mastic tree sap, called "mastiche."
  3. Mayans chewed sapodilla tree sap, called "tsiclte."
  4. Nahuatl-Aztecs chewed chicle, which may have come from
    the Mayan word, and used the sticky substance to bind
  5. Native Americans chewed spruce sap.
  6. U.S. Soldiers chewed Wrigleys gum in World War II.
  7. An astronaut smuggled gum into space, and today Trident
    Gum is part of the space shuttle pantry.

#1: Gum is a stress reliever.
Chewing gum has many survival uses and among them relieving
stress. Gum acts like a nerve tonic and is scientifically proven
to alleviate anxiety and stress. Specifically "[
Chewing gum]
reduces cortisol during acute laboratory psychological stress"
and alleviates negative mood, so says a study published in the
U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced naturally by the adrenal
gland, which is a response to stress. During a stressful
situation cortisol levels are high so chewing gum helps. A
sideline benefit is that gum can elevate blood pressure and
even slow wound healing.

Why is lowered Cortisol important?
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced naturally by the adrenal
gland, which is a response to stress, as well as low blood-
glucose concentration. During a stressful situation cortisol
levels are high, which is okay for short periods, but prolonged
cortisol levels can elevate blood pressure, impair cognitive
performance and even slow wound healing, and help with many
other maladies. Because gum stimulates cortisol is one reason
to include gum in your first aid kit, but there are many more

Add gum to your first aid kit!
Since gum has a stress relieving effect, you may as well add
gum to your first aid kit. Gum works especially with children to
help calm them down during stressful situations.

Gum is scientifically proven to alleviate anxiety, boost mood
and fight fatigue and it reduces coritsol levels

#2: Gum increases mental alertness.
Gum helps fight fatigue and improve mental alertness.
According to a study published in the U.S. National Library of
Medicine, National Institutes for health,
chewing gum increases
alertness. The military has known that gum helps fight fatique
and improve mental alertness for a lot longer than the 2009
study. In fact, gum has been included in military rations since
World War II.

Was chewing gum included in World War II military rations?
Yes, it's interesting to note that Wrigley's gum was the first
gum included in
U.S. Military rations of World War II.

Wrigley's Spearmint gum was a regular part of the "rations."
Gum helped soldiers stay alert, relieve stress, and quench
thirst. Today the military uses a special caffeine gum for
situations of sleep deprivation where it's impractical to drink or
brew coffee.

Gum helped soldiers release tension as they endured long
marches or huddled in the trenches. It seems the U.S. Army and
Navy had an inkling long before the study! They soon realized
chewing gum also had other benefits. Wrigley's packages
claimed that "chewing helps teeth - breath - digestion after
every meal."
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