Water purification tablets

------------------------------------------------- Revised 03/31/2021
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How to control diarrheal symptoms
Above, the seven steps to ensure your inventory of water in the
event of a catastrophe is safe.

Take care of your stored water too!
AquaMira Water Treatment, pictured slightly top right, kills odor
causing bacteria and enhances the taste of stored potable water.
The Part A and Part B effectively controls the build-up of slime in
water storage containers treats up to 60 gallons of water. Once
treated with AquaMira Water Treatment, stored water has a 5 year
shelf life and will help prevent slime build up.

AquaMira is made in America. This Chlorine Dioxide water
treatment is a two-part liquid. Chlorine dioxide is what municipal
water treatment plants use to kill a variety of waterborne
pathogens since the 1940s.

Get a Big Berkey
While water purification tablets effectively kill bacteria, viruses and
protozoa in water from natural sources, they will not remove other
threats to your water supply such as lead. They can help prevent
cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other water-borne diseases. A Big
Berkey will kill 99.99% Bacteria and is trusted by the Red Cross,
UNICEF and the Peace Corps! A Big Berkey will kill 99.99% of the
Vibrio Cholerae Cholera bacteria. Combine your treatment plan with
AquaTabs in a cholera outbreak emergency.

Happy endings...
Water purification tablets will turn questionable water into potable
drinking water that's free from microorganisms, such as viruses and
bacteria. Some are more potent or more trusted than others. While
water purifications tablets are safe if used properly.

Many water sources throughout the world, even after filtration,
remain contaminated and require some form of disinfection, which
is another reason to add water purification tablets to your list of
preps. Add them to your hurricane preparedness supply list, take
them with you camping or on day hikes, put them in your suitcase
on your international travels.

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Potable-aqua two-pack
Potable Aqua
Water Purification Tablets
Methods for purifying water using chemical tablets

Purify water and make it potable with water purification tablets.
Water purification tablets work against bacteria, fungi, protozoa,
viruses and other harmful pathogens, so you can stay hydrated
and not get ill from these microorganisms when water is in short
supply or only available from a natural raw water source.

They are portable and simple to use, but not all water purification
tablets are created equal. Some kill only the bacteria, others
provide a full-spectrum of disinfecting. Some water purifications
will make your water taste better, some will work faster than
others, and some are used by the military or the World Health

Below is a review of the best water purification tablets so you can
make an informed decision the best water purification tablets for
your needs...

Best Water Purification Tablets
Think of using water purification tablets for your drinking water
and also for washing fruit and vegetables in an emergency as well
as for hygiene. Poor water quality in regards to hygiene in
disaster situations can lead to diarrhea, intestinal worms and
water-related diseases.

It takes about 35 minutes or up to four hours for these water
purification tablets to work, but they won't desalinate your water
or filter your water from impurities such as dirt and debris, and
they also won't remove lead. They will filter most of the
waterborne disease you'd otherwise face by drinking water raw.

Now you can turn water from lakes and streams into potable
drinking water with a tablets. Water purification tablets are a
good addition to your survival plan because they are highly
portable, relatively inexpensive and extremely effective at
fighting pathogens such as bacterium, virus, or other
microorganisms that can cause illness and disease.

These chemical tablets are a convenient backup plan to make
your drinking water safe from microorganisms when you don't
have a water filter, but they have a relatively short shelf life of
around four years or less than one year after opening. Still they
have a place in the
prepper's supply cabinet. There are many
chemicals that can kill pathogens, such as chlorine dioxide,
Sodium Dichloroisocyanurat or iodine. Learn more about the
efficacy of the different brands available to preppers...

Here's a list of the best water purification tablets:

#1: Aquatabs.
Aquatabs water purification tablets are effervescent tablets which
kill micro-organisms in water to prevent cholera, typhoid,
dysentery and other water borne diseases. Available in a range of
sizes, the 200 tablet pack, immediate right, treats up to 400
quarts of water. Aquatabs is also recommended for disinfecting
raw or pre-treated water. The source of water to be treated may
be collected rain, rivers, lakes, wells, cisterns or similar sources.
Fast acting, Aquatabs make water ready to drink in 30 minutes.

Trusted by NATO and many other military organizations, AquaTab
are easy to use, you can take them anywhere and they're very
affordable. Best of all, AquaTab is safe for continuous use in
households that do not have access to safe drinking water. It's
recommended for disinfecting both raw or pre-treated water.

  • How fast do they work? 30 minutes (considered fast acting).

  • What's the active ingredient(s)? Sodium
    Dichloroisocyanurate (NaDC), which releases hypochlorous
    acid (a safe and effective water disinfectant).

  • What's the shelf-life? Five year shelf life.

  • What microorganisms do they eliminate? Aquatabs are
    effective against Giardia cysts, bacteria and viruses -- this
    includes cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other water borne

#2: Coghlans Drinking Water Germicidal Tablets.
Coghlans Drinking Water Germicidal Tablets, pictured right, make
most water bacteriologically suitable for drinking. It's cheap and
effective. Store these tablets against humidity, moisture and
exposure air to increase the shelf life. We recommend that you do
not keep an opened bottle for more than one year. Unopened
bottles should remain effective up to four years.

For short term or limited emergency use only, not for use on a
continual basis. The manufacturer says the iodine-based
compound gives no unpleasant taste, but some customers
disagree and suggest flavoring your water.

  • How fast do they work? 30 minutes.  To use, add 2 tablets
    to a quart of water. Cap your container loosely so as to allow
    leakage. Wait 5 minutes, then shake the container to allow
    screw threads on the closure to be moistened. This prevents
    pathogens at the lip of the container from getting into your
    drinking water. Tighten cap and wait 30 minutes before

  • What's the active ingredient(s): The Iodine-based
    compound (no chlorine): Tetraglycine Hydroperiodide and
    6.68%Titratable Iodine.

  • What's the shelf-life? Four years.

  • What microorganisms do they eliminate? Giardia Lambilia
    Bacteria. (The ingredients will NOT inactivate
    Cryptosporidium cyst.)

#3: Coleman Drinking Water Purification Tablets.
Coleman Drinking Water Purification Tablets makes questionable
water bacteriologically suitable to drink. Proven effective against
Giardia Lamblia when used as directed, these Tablets remove
iodine taste and color from water. Ideal for camping, hiking and
travel the  packet of tablets pictured right treats up to 25 quarts
of water and is ready in just 30 minutes.

  • How fast do they work? 30 minutes.

  • What's the active ingredient(s)? The PA Plus Tablets
    remove iodine taste and color from water. Tetraglycine
    Hydroperiodide and Titratable Iodine.

  • What's the shelf-life? Four years.

  • What microorganisms do they eliminate? Giardia Lamblia
    when used as directed. Makes questionable water
    bacteriologically suitable to drink.

#4: Chlor-Floc by Rothco.
Used by the U.S. Army, Chlor-Floc water disinfection. Rothco's
Chlor-Floc tablets ill pathogens to make it safe for human
consumption. The reason the military choses this brand is that
the chemicals work in around 11 minutes, which is among the
fastest of competing brands. What's more, it removes evidence of
sediment making the water look more appealing. The sediment
actually falls to the bottom of your container.

Chlor-Floc is effective as a disinfectant thought it's not a failproof
method for killing Cryptosporidium Protozoa and may fail to
remove the oocysts and cysts . Certainly the packaging promises
t eliminates Giardia, most bacteria viruses, other harmful micro
organisms and sediment.

  • How fast do they work? Approximately 11 minutes.
    Instructions: #1. "Carefully tear open sachet and add to 1
    liter water. #2. Shake for 1 minute then leave for 3 min. #3.
    Swirl for 30 seconds. Leave for 7 minutes #4. Filter through
    cotton cloth before drinking. 11 minutes 30 seconds total.

  • What's the active ingredient(s)? Chlor-Floc has both
    chlorine dioxide, a bacterial killer), and flocculant, which is
    an ingredient added to bind and suspended particles in the
    water causing them to settle to the bottom of water
    container. Hint, don't drink the last sip of the water you
    purified if you want to avoid the sediment. It's not harmful,
    though unsavory.

  • What's the shelf-life? Three year shelf life.

  • What microorganisms do they eliminate? Eliminates
    Giardia, bacteria and viruses to clarify and disinfect naturally
    polluted water.

#5: Ef-Chlor Water Purification Tablets.
Perhaps the most effective against virtually all known bacteria,
viruses and spores is Ef-Chlor Water Purification Tablets.
A potent option in the water purification tablets market is Ef-
Chlor, which can clean your water from virtually all known harmful
bacteria and viruses with only one tablet. It's a difficult to find
product, but if you're lucky enough to get your hands on it you
can purify 265 gallons of water.

Ef-Chlor Water Purification tablets offers a broad spectrum fast
acting sanitizer and water sterilizer, which is rapidly effective
against bacteria, fungi, Protozoa and viruses. It's recommended
by leading infection control experts worldwide because it's
effective against virtually all known bacteria, viruses and spores.
Plus, it's safe to handle and store.

If you're looking for the total spectrum of activity, rest assured EF-
Chlor is effective against hydro hypophilic viruses, gram positive
and gram negative bacteria, fungi mould, yeast, mycoplasmas
and protozoa.

When water is scarce, water purification tablets like EfChlor
purification tablets are crucial for an emergency preparedness kit.
It's the only water purification tablet with NSF 60 certification and
approved formula.

Applications include purifying drinking water for hospital
disinfection of baby bottles and catering to clean fruit and
vegetables, and even for janitorial cleaning. Used worldwide by
campers, hikers, the military, emergency organizations, and
anyone else who needs to drink water of questionable quality,
these Portable Aqua iodine tablets will disinfect contaminated
drinking water in a pinch.

  • How fast do they work? 30 minutes

  • What's the active ingredient(s)? These iodine tablets will
    disinfect contaminated drinking water in a pinch.

  • What's the shelf-life? Three-year shelf life.

  • What microorganisms do they eliminate? Bacteria, viruses,
    fungi and Protozoa. Removes 99.99% of water-born bacteria,
    99.99% of waterborne protozoan parasites, and filters to 0.2
    microns; surpasses EPA filter standards. This provides the
    total spectrum of activity and is effective against hydro
    hypophilic viruses, gram positive & gram negative bacteria,
    fungi mould, yeast, mycoplasmas and protozoa.

#6: Katadyn Micropur Tablets.
Katadyn Micropur Tablets are the most powerful solution to
eliminate viruses, bacteria, Giardia, and cryptosporidium from
your water. Clearly the top choice in water purification tablets if it
weren't for the long time it takes to purify your water (four
hours)! It's the only purification tablet or liquid that's EPA-
registered as a microbiological water purifier! Katadyn Micropur
tablets are the only tablet or liquid proven effective against
viruses, bacteria, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium in all water
conditions. It also has a decent flavor!

With no aftertaste, Katadyn Micropur Tablets improves the taste
and odor of treated water. They're individually wrapped. Best of
all, each tablet is pre-measured to treat one liter of water, which
means there's no mixing or measuring required. Ideal for
emergency situations, Katadyn's Micropur MP1 purification tablets
are safer than iodine tablets and leave virtually no taste in your
water. Katadyn Micropur tablets come with an instruction card and
as well as instructions printed also on the back of the individual
foil packets.

  • How fast do they work? 30 minutes

  • What's the active ingredient(s)? Chlorine dioxide.

  • What's the shelf-life? Four years.

  • What microorganisms do they eliminate? Micropur MP1
    water purifier tablets gets rid of all your concerns:
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Giardia lamblia
  • Bacteria (E. coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella)
  • Viruses (Enterovirus, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, rotavirus)

#7: Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets.
Make questionable water bacteriologically safe to drink with
Potable Aqua. Used by military and emergency organizations
worldwide Potable Aqua is proven effective against Giardia when
used as directed. Free from iodine taste, it makes water drinkable
using. Potable aqua uses Tetraglycine Hydroperiodide. The most
common causes of water-borne TD are bacteria, such as
E. coli,
cholera and salmonella, which are reduced or eliminated by
Potable Aqua water purification products.

  • How fast do they work? 35 minutes. Add two tablets to
    one quart (one liter) of water and cap loosely. After waiting
    5 minutes, shake container to allow screw threads to be
    moistened, then tighten cap. Allow 30 minutes for the
    germicidal tablets to disinfect water for safe drinking.

  • What's the active ingredients? Tetraglycine Hydroperiodide
    and Titratable Iodine.

  • What's the shelf-life? Four years. To calculate the EXP date
    please see the date of manufacture noted in the lot code
    printed on the label. If the bottle was made in November of
    2017, it would expire in November of 2017. If a bottle was
    made in May of 2015 it would expire in May of 2019. Use
    your Potable Aqua tablets for one year after the bottle is
    first opened, then discard.

  • What microorganisms do they eliminate? Proven effective
    against bacteria Giardia lamblia cysts.

Note: Iodine tablets are not for use by women who are pregnant
or who may become pregnant or for people who allergic to them.

Why Stockpile water purification tablets?
Water purification tablets provide the remedy to help prevent
illness when washing fruits and vegetables in an emergency or
when helping you secure potable water. Every drop of natural
water is teeming with thousands of microbes in every drop.
Ensure you have potable water with water purification tablets in
case you can't filter your water. Ensure you have some water
purification tablets in your preps and be sure to pack some in
your bugout bags.

Take some for travel. Developing countries often have poor
drinking water quality, not just from microbiological
contaminants, according to the makers of Ef-Chlor. There are
dangerous chemicals from industry and agriculture in their water

In America, we find that natural disaster exacerbate the condition
of our water and this disruption potentially serves up a chemical
cocktail of the municipal water supply that you've come to rely
on. Be sure to have water stored, have a supply of water
purification tablets and water filters so you can be ready for
whatever comes your way.
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How and when to use water purification tablets
Chlor-Floc water purification tablets
Coleman Water Purification Tablets
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