how to deal with burns

------------------------------------------------- Revised 02/09/2021
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Burn station
Emergency burn equipment
Stretch guaze
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instant cold pack
Burn gel with Lidocaine
Burn gel packets refills for the prepper medical first aid kit
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How to set up a burn station
Nitrile gloves
First aid for burns
When there is no doctor
Survival Medicine Handbook
Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook
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Above, learn to make a natural salve to deal with burns.

Happy endings...
Thankfully most burns will heal quite well on their own. It's good
to know that Saran wrap or a freezer bag can come in handy for
burns, and that if you have an aloe plant you can directly heal
your wounds naturally. Now you can set up a burn first aid kit!

Related articles..

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* These products are not intended for ordinary use, ONLY for use when help is not
available. Before you use any product for health care, consult your physician or primary
healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision.

**Never give kids under the age of 18 aspirin, because it has been related to a
potentially serious disease called Reye's syndrome in children younger than 18.
Above is a quick first aid video from England on dealing with burns in

You can use  a freezer bag to help keep air from circulating the
injury, yet aerate it. This will reduce the pain. Plastic bags can
help with burns!

Bentonite Clay can reduce pain for burns.
Something interesting to add to your burn first aid kit is
Bentonite clay. To use
bentonite clay for burns, you make a
paste and apply it to a wound and then apply a plastic saran
wrap to keep the wound moist. Apply it for about fifteen
minutes, and the remove the clay with cold water. Don't allow it
to dry as this would make your situation with the burn worse.

How to use bentonite clay to soothe a burn:
As a moist poultice for a burn, bentonite clay is ideal to soothe
a burn. The recipe is two parts water to one part clay. Mix and
seal it into a mason jar.

  • IMPORTANT: Do NOT let clay dry on a burn! If you make a
    poultice for a burn, you must keep the clay mixture moist.
    You can accomplish this by tying a bag around the hand, if
    the injury is there. Or by wrapping the poultice with Saran
    wrap to trap the moisture. Keep a close eye on the
    moisture content of the clay because dry clay on a wound
    will do more harm than good.

How to use bentonite clay as a mud bath:
Buy bentonite clay powder in bulk so you have enough for the
bath. You'll need two cups of the powder mixed into a warm

Burn and blister salve recipe:
For you homesteaders who want a natural solution, Herbal
Prepper shows you how to make your own Burn and Blister salve:
How to treat burns
It’s crucial to know how to deal with that accident when it
happens. Following a burn or scald, you'll need to take
immediate action.

Step one: Identify the kind of burn.
Identification of the burn is important because a chemical burn
may have a different treatment plan than a thermal burn. Also,
as a prepper it's important to mitigate the risks by establishing a
periphery of the types of burn dangers that happen.

Top sources of burning accidents include:

  • Flame contact burns ~ outdoor cooking. Use of an outdoor
    grill or stove is a potential source of burn injury. It's the
    most common cause of burn injuries. About 45% of all burn
    victims had contact with fire or flame.

  • Scalding burns ~ Hot water, spilled coffee. Scalding
    accidents account fro about 30% of all burn injuries.

  • Thermal burns. About 10% of all burn injuries come from
    contact with a hot object. Perhaps this is a higher
    percentage with preppers who partake in soapmaking and
    canning activities:

  • Oven canning. Canning jars aren't designed for the  
    intense, dry heat of oven canning, and may explode
    resulting in serious cuts or burns.

  • Electrical burns. As preppers are a self-reliant bunch,
    electrical burns are an area of concern for preppers who may
    work on various household prepping projects.

  • Chemical burns. Chemical and other types of burns make up
    the rest of the burn risks. Even natural foods such as chili
    peppers, contain a chemical substance irritating to the skin,
    which can cause a burning sensation (the chemical
    compound is capsaicin).

Step two: Stop the burning process.
  • you've extinguished any source of flames
  • you've disconnected the victim from the source of electricity
    (using a non-conductive wooden stick)
  • you've removed the offending piece of clothing as it may be
    a source of heat
  • you've brushed chemical off the skin of a chemical burn
  • you've taken off any jewelry, which can retain heat and
    cause constriction if swelling occurs.

Step three: Cool it down!
Cool down the burn for ten minutes. For blisters, apply tap water
or bottled water by drop cloth. Don't press down hard.

  • Irrigate the wound with tap water for ten minutes.
    Running  cold tap water is the first call of action for handling
    a burn as it will simultaneously irrigate the wound to clean
    it as it cools it down. For larger burns, you can shower.
    Keeping the burn cool is of utmost importance, but do not
    apply ice!

  • Bottled water: If tap water is not available, pouring bottled
    water is a secondary option (if it has not touched lips).

  • Cool pack: Another good option for cooling down the burn is
    to apply a cool pack.

Step four: Blot dry with a sterile gauze.
Blot the wound dry loosely with sterile gauze.

  • NOTE: If you have a blister, then wrap it loosely with a
    sterile bandage. Do not apply any creams.

Step five: wrap the injury loosely.
Air can make a burn painful, which is why you'll want to apply a

  • Sterile soaked burn dressing.

  • Cling wrap. It may seem odd, but you can wrap the injury
    loosely with a fresh sheet of cling film (Saran Wrap) as a
    method of keeping the air circulation away from the wound,
    yet allowing the wound to aerate. The beauty of the cling
    wrap is that it allows also the health care provider to see
    the extent of damage.

Step six: take aspirin*.
Aspirin can help minimize the redness, swelling and pain that can
come from a severe burn, so you'll feel better more quickly.

*Caution: Do NOT use aspirin if you are allergic.

Step seven: use hydrocortisone cream or aloe vera
When in doubt, leave it out (creams*), as the application of the
creams can trap heat and cause the situation to worsen.

  • Hydrocortisone. Apply a hydrocortisone cream if your burn
    has not formed a blister, or a more natural option is to
    apply an aloe vera plant.

  • Aloe vera. Aloe vera is an excellent medicinal plant for your
    garden. Just break a piece off the end and apply it gently to
    the burn. This will soothe the injury as well as take away
    the redness of the burn. Applying will slightly numb the
    area. As well, aloe vera can be used like a carrier oil for use
    with essential oils.

    *Caution: If you already have a blister then do not apply a
    cream as it will trap the heat. Hydrocortizone cream may
    help you avoid blisters in the first place.

  • Colloidal Silver. Curad Silver Solution, which is a barrier to
    MRSA (and it says so right on the package). You'll find Curad
    Silver Solution first aid antimicrobial gel is effective for
    treating burns.

Colloidal silver soothes a number of skin ailments, including
soothing burns, minimize scarring, relieving herpes sores, and
medicating boils, ringworm or warts.

Step eight: Look for danger signs.
Be sure to seek medical attention for large areas of burn.

Seek medical attention...
  • if the skin is charred and leathery looking
  • if the blister is larger than two inches
  • if the burn is oozing, has redness or swelling
  • if pain increases

Generally, there are four degrees of burns:

  • First degree: Redness that effects a superficial layer of the
    skin. Takes 2-3 days to heal.

  • Second degree: Ranges from redness with clear blisters to
    bloody blisters. May require skin grafting. Some scarring,
    Can take 2- weeks or up to eight weeks to heal.

  • Third Degree: Tough and leathery skin. Takes months to

  • Fourth Degree: Black and charred skin that extends to the
    bone or muscle. Amputation may be necessary to avoid

Finally, know what not to do!

  • Do NOT use ice or extremely cold water. Very cold water
    or ice can damage skin and can even cause hypothermia, so
    be sure to keep the person warm to avoid hypothermia.

  • Do NOT attempt to take tar off a victim.

  • Do NOT attempt to neutralize chemicals.

  • If clothing is stuck as a result of the burn, don't attempt
    to take it off. You could damage the skin further. Irrigating
    wtih water is your best option.

  • Do not pop your blister. Popping a burn blister will prolong
    healing time, be a source of potential infection.

  • Already have a blister? Do not apply burn creams or home
    remedies. Oils can trap heat in, and as a result the burning
    will continue. Worse yet, if you eventually require
    hospitalization, the staff will scrape it off and that will
    cause you extra pain.

How to set up a burn station
The WaterJel Burn station has the components of an individual
emergency burn treatment Module,. Included in WaterJel burn
station, is a smaller version of a larger Burn Treatment Module
for treating and dressing burns, an external analgesic that
conatins 2% Lidocaine.

Components of a burn station could include:
  • Antimicrobial gel
  • Aspirin**as an analgesic (pain reliever).
  • Aloe vera plant (aloe vera gels, may include other
  • Bentonite Clay
  • Cold packs
  • Cling film (Saran wrap) or freezer bags
  • Disposable gloves
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Exedrin, Motrin), as an analgesic
    alternative to aspirin
  • MediHoney
  • Sterile gauze
  • Trauma shears
  • WaterJel external analgesic containing 2% lidocaine*

    *NOTE: lidocaine can cause an allergic reaction.

Now you know how to recognize and treat burns, so are you
ready to get the stuff you need to take care of patients? Be
prepared to handle burns, but also be sure to take a look at
other injuries as a burn might not be the only injury your patient
sustains. Take action now to set up a burn station for your family
or group and learn some basic first aid techniques.

Here's how to handle a burn...
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Burn gel
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Emergency burn care
How to set up a burn station

First aid for burns:
Have you put much thought into first aid for burns? Be prepared
to handle burns because a burn emergency can strike at any time.
Burns are the second leading cause of death in young children, so
if you're a parent you'll want to pay close attention now. Get to
know the basic first aid for burns with the tips below.

Identifying and treating thermal burns.
Don't be a burn victim. Set up a burn station and learn how to
treat burns! Here's an overview of the basics:

  • Establish the cause of the burn: You'll treat chemical burns
    differently from heat related burns. For example you'll want
    to wear personal protective equipment with a chemical burn
    and take care so as not to inhale any fumes.

  • Cool the burn and do not use ice or butters! The best
    course of immediate action is to hold the burned area under
    cool running water for 15-20 minutes if possible. Don't use
    ice or butters because this will trap the heat and cause more
    skin damage. If you don't have much water available,
    submerge the area as best you can in water.

  • Remove jewelry. If possible, remove rings, watches, belts
    and jewelry in anticipation of swelling.

  • Don't remove damaged clothing. Unless the clothes are
    smouldering, don't remove the clothing. The fibers could
    stick to the skin and pulling them off could cause further
    damage. It's okay to remove clothing that's not adhered to
    the skin.

  • Never burst the bubble. The bubble that forms is a body's
    defense mechanism for dealing with infections. Never remove
    the damaged skin.

  • Apply a water based gel to prevent burn progression. Do
    not apply Neosporin. A water-based gel for minor burns will
    help prevent infection and also help sooth the pain.
    WaterJel, pictured immediate right, has 2% Lidocaine for
    fast relief of minor burns. It cools and soothes. The first
    ingredient is water, and it also includes natural ingredients
    such as tea tree oil, leaf oil and glycerin which moisturizes.

  • Cover the burn loosely. After the burn has cooled
    sufficiently, cover the wounds loosely with sterile, non-stick
    bandage. Avoid fluffy dressings where the fibers can
    penetrate the skin.
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