Prepper guide to fuel storage

Prepper's Guide on Fuel Storage
How to save money, store fuel, and use it wisely

Fuel storage guide for preppers.
Storing fuel is an essential prepper activity and yet storing fuel is
not without a heavy note of precaution, as you may well burn off
all your preps if you store fuel improperly! Handle fuel with care.
Learn how to store your fuel reserves properly and extend the life
of the fuel you store.

Did you know...

Below are some fuel storage tips...

How to store fuel
The following will guide you to storing your fuel:

Step one: Store your fuel correctly in the proper container
(and never mix fuels).

  • Choose the proper color: Did you know gasoline containers
    are red, kerosene containers are blue, diesel containers are
    yellow, and generally propane containers are neutral white
    for barbecues, and green for portable Coleman type stoves?
    Keeping your fuel in different containers is important as
    mixing fuels could be lethal!

  • Keep valves and lids sealed properly.

Step two: Use fuel additives and stabilizers:

  • STA*BIL. Fuel stabilizers keep fuel fresh for quick, easy
    starts after storage, and they also prolong engine life. A
    trusted brand is STA*BIL on Amazon. It removes water to
    prevent corrosion and cleans carburetors and fuel injectors,
    and also protects your engine from gum, varnish rust, and

  • Fuel storage tip: Use a fuel funnel to help. The helpful
    extended filler neck opens gas tank trap door.

Step three: Check the storage conditions that apply to your
selected fuel type.
    Propane is odorless in it's natural state; however,
    manufacturers add an odor to help make this fuel more safe
    for consumers to handle: if it leaks, consumers will notice
    the odor! Always store propane outside. Read more below on
    the safe handling of propane.

Fifteen Fuel Options for prepping

#1. Firewood.
Firewood must be seasoned six months and kept dry. The harder
the wood, the longer it will burn.

#2. Propane*.
Propane is on the more expensive side of fuels, yet  a convenient
fuel for preppers for cooking off the grid. Store propane in a well
ventilated area free from moisture in a flat and non-flammable
area, such as outside under an overhand and on concrete. Here's
more information on how to store propane properly.

#3. Butane.
Ideal for camping stoves, Gasone butane fuel canisters are
relatively light in comparison to another popular fuel for cooking
stoves, propane.

  • Butane/Propane Mix Canister. Coleman makes a
    Butane/Propane mix canister, which are lightweight,
    resealable, and easily connect to stoves and lanterns.
    Backpackers who count ounces will appreciate this
    convenience. The downside: you can't recycle them, and in
    subfreezing temperatures, the fuel won't perform well.

  • WARNING: Don't mix fuel yourself!

#4. Kerosene.
Kerosene oil lamps provide a classic prepper lighting source, but
Kerosene is also heater fuel alternative. Kerosene is odorless
when burning and has an excellent heat output. It's extremely
easy to store, but in an ordinary plastic container lasts only a
couple of months.

#5. White gas*.
Extremely flammable, white gas is for outdoor use only! Ideal for
backpacking, it requires less fuel and burns better in higher
elevations. Coleman Fuel (white gas) is for lanterns, stoves and

#6. Alcohol or Alcohol Stove Fuel.
Clean-burning, alcohol stove fuel for marine and lightweight
alcohol stoves.

#7. Paraffin Lamp Oil and paraffin wax.
Clear smokeless and odorless, paraffin lamp oil is a general-
purpose lamp oil for traditional

#8. Zippo or lighter fuel.
Distilled from cosmetic-grade petroleum, Zippo is the top choice
to refuel BIC-style lighters. Zippo's cool fuel burns cleaner and
lights faster than other fuels. More noticeably, it produces less
odor, making it a
great choice for hunters who want to keep man
made scents to a minimum.

#9. Turpentine.
Klean Strip Turpentine is made from 100% renewable resources-
derived from tree resin. Because it's all natural you'll find no
hazardous air pollutants and no ozone depleting chemicals. It's
clean burning fuel.

  • Turpentine will transform ordinary matches into waterproof

#10. Charcoal*.
Essentially burned wood, every prepper should learn to make
charcoal! You'll need a cookie tin. Here's
how to make charcoal.

#11. Rock Coal.
Coal is a mineral fossil fuel and not so easy to find. There are
two different kinds of rock coal: Anthracite Coal (best for home
use) or Bituminous Coal (easiest to light). For blacksmithing, coal
is essential and either kind of rock coal will work. Buying coal
nowadays is more of a novelty than a fuel source for your wood
burning stove as they are very pretty.

12. Cooking oils.
Fuel can be cooking oil, shortening, or any kind of fat or grease to
start your fire (campfire or candle light)!

13. Cosmetic and skin care oils.
Suntan oils and Petroleum Jelly. Suntan oil, lip balm, Vaseline all
will burn, which is good to remember when fuels are in short
supply. Preppers often combine Vaseline with dry lint or cotton
balls to make a tinder. Remember lip balm contains petroleum

14. Solar Power.
Preppers today have the luxury of so many solar powered options.
You can start your solar project small by simply stocking solar
rechargeable batteries.

15. Car fuel. Gas and Diesel.
Fuel evaporates easily, but you can store gas in a gas tank
storage container for up to two years and with stabilizers, such
as Sta-Bil, you can go a few years longer. Diesel on the other
hand, only six months.

    * Because gasoline, propane, natural gas, and charcoal produce carbon
    monoxide, use of these fuels must be outside in a well-ventilated space, and
    never indoors or you will risk carbon monoxide poisoning.

Happy endings...
The time to get fuel for warmth is not the time when you're cold.
Plan when the weather is good. Chop your firewood. Order that
generator. Set up the solar system. Fuel up with propane for the
grill. Invest in and install a
wood burning cookstove. and

Generators are hungry for fuel: so you'll need to store reserves
and plenty of it.

  • What fuels are best for generators?  

Related articles...

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*Note: the U.S. Department of Transportation restricts shipment of pressurized fuel

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