Prepping for Seniors

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Preparedness and aging
Prepping for seniors

Preparedness is a way of life ~ no matter your age!
Preparedness is even more important as someone ages because
with age health concerns may rise and physical stamina may
decline. If you're reading this article, chances are you fall in one
of two categories of preparedness:

  • Prepping for yourself as a senior. If you're a senior you are
    likely a respected part of your community and can lead
    others into prepping, though you will likely have much
    resistance as many young people do not understand the
    value of prepping the way our ancestors did. It's best to lead
    by example. You can help prepare now, so you are not a
    burden to your family or caregivers.

  • Prepping for a senior you love. Some prepper families have
    special needs, such as caring for the elderly. Care of the
    elderly in an emergency may require ~ not only stockpiling of
    special supplies and equipment ~ but also mobility issues,
    overburdening caregivers and protecting them from neglect
    and abuse.

No matter your age you should prepare and here's how...

Prepping for Seniors
How are you going to care for the seniors you love in an
emergency? How might you care and plan for yourself as you age?
Below is a guide to get you started ~ a prepper's emergency
checklist for seniors, as well as for their prepper families and

#1: Stockpile for various medical conditions.
Not every senior prepper is fragile but as we age there are
medical considerations that can get in the way of prepping, so
you may as well plan for them.  Health is a major issue in
prepping for seniors and depending on individual needs, you'll
need to prepare for any of the following:

  • Arthritis: Arthritis is a common factor in aging. If you plan to
    care for the elderly in a long-term emergency, you may like
    to stock up on solutions for arthritic pain. Eucalyptus,
    wintergreen, and cedarwood oil, for example, can naturally
    reduce inflammation and ease arthritis symptoms! Read the
    ten natural prepper remedies for arthritis because this is a
    basic way a senior can prepare. Pain can impact your ability
    to survive.

  • Colds and flu. While many seniors want to get a flu shot,
    vaccines aren't for everyone. Preppers of all ages should look
    to the natural immunity boosters. You can supercharge your
    immunity with thieves oil and more.

  • Lung cancer. Lung cancer is the leading concern in oncology
    and aging (40% of all cases are from seniors who are 70
    years and older). The American Cancer Society will not tell
    you about May Chang Oil as a natural cure option because by
    law they are only allowed to tell you about chemotherapy,
    radiation and surgery. Only 52 percent people diagnosed with
    early-stage lung cancer live for  five years after diagnosis.
    Those are incredibly bad odds, which is why it's important to
    look to natural cures for lung cancer, like May Chang Oil. This
    is not a snake oil, but an oil that has great hope as
    evidenced by abstracts published in the U.S. Library of
    Medicine, National Institutes of Health! In the later stages
    of lung cancer an oxygen tank may be necessary. An oxygen
    tank represents several hazards including mobility and fire
    dangers. It's more important than ever to heed warnings and
    post signs.

  • Oral health. A healthy mouth is a harbinger of good health
    in the rest of the body! Contrary to what you may think,
    fluoride is not good for oral health, in fact fluoride is toxic.
    Look for a fluoride-free toothpaste and look to Xylitol gum to
    remineralize your teeth. Have a plan for dental pain so that
    you're prepared when there is no dentist.

  • Shingles. Did you know that the shingles vaccine is only 51%
    effective? Those are terrible odds! This painful disease will
    happen to one of three people who have had Chicken Pox, so
    you may as well prepare for natural cures to the Shingles.

Take a deep look at your family history and plan accordingly.
Alzheimer's, heart disease, obesity, osteopororis, and other
medical conditions can slow you down or set you off course, but
by discussing contingencies with family and caregivers you can
rest assured that you or your loved one be well cared for in an
emergency. Remember too, that a senior can be a wealth of
knowledge on medical issues for your family or group. Gather
medical guides and share knowledge if you are a senior prepper.

#2: Mobility.
Slips, trips and falls will be a major issue in caring for seniors or
caring for yourself. Slowing down is a natural part of the aging
process and the older you get the less mobile you may become.
Here are some ways you can prepare:

  • Walk with open arms! Stay active and walk, but play it
    safe. Walking is healthy but never put your hands in your
    pocket as you walk ~ no matter how cold it is. Your hands
    will help brace a fall.

  • Know the tripping hazards. Did you know that most slips,
    trips and falls happen at home? Area rugs, uneven tiles,
    slippery bathroom floors, water spilled in the kitchen all
    contribute to falls and are tripping hazards to remedy.

  • Get a walker. Keeping a senior who has mobility issues to
    stay active and safe is as easy as getting a well designed
    compact walker.

#3: Obesity.
People who live a long life have one thing in common: they are
thin! Obesity is behind the problems of gallstones, hypertension,
heart disease, type II diabetes and even cancer. Seniors can
avoid obesity by:

  • Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle! Stay active instead of
    staying on the sofa. Turn off the television or computer and
    do something more active: Cook, garden and do what you
    please. Exercise promotes better sleep.

  • Walking. Taking a walk is probably the best way seniors can
    keep from getting obese. It's a low-impact exercise. Getting
    a dog is a good way to ensure that you walk everyday. A dog
    can also provide companionship, defense or and medical
    support. Dogs have been known to save lives. They are loyal
    and loving.

  • Lifting light weights. Another way to stay in shape and keep
    obesity from sneaking in is to keep muscles active with light
    weights (5-lbs and under).

  • Watching diet. Learn to burn the stored body fat, but step
    up the calcium and antioxidants in the diet. Ensure you get
    Vitamins A, C, D, and E. Vitamin A is particularly difficult to
    find at the local stores. Right is a Vitamin A concentrate that
    comes from carrots!

#4: Diabetes.
Diabetes is a factor in the aging process as many seniors will
develop Type II diabetes along with weight gain. Be prepared to
handle the
special needs of diabetics in an emergency. Insulin
must be refrigerated so you must consider off grid refrigeration.
Solar refrigeration is a must for a diabetic.

As well, there are food requirements that go along with diabetes.
Learn about
diabetic food storage.

#5: Food storage.
One of the most important things to remember in preparing for
seniors is to provide soft foods. Brittle teeth or lack of teeth are
a concern for seniors. Skip the granola bars, hard tack, pilot
crackers, beef jerky and other hard foods in your food storage
when prepping for seniors. Ensure you have plenty of soups and
soft foods.

Thankfully, much of the freeze dried and shelf-stable food on the
market is soft:

Emergency Checklist
In addition to all the areas above, your senior care emergency
checklist should include:

  • Durable power of attorney. A durable power of attorney  
    enables an elderly person to appoint a trusted friend or
    relative to handle finances, health and legal responsibilities
    should the person not be able to make a decision for him or
    herself. Some of this may include resuscitation orders or ther
    medical decisions.

  • List of doctors. A senior may have many different doctors.
    Gather a list of them along with their specialities.

  • List of medications. It's important to know the regimen of
    medicines. Try to take an interest in the medications so that
    you know the supply and needs.

  • Financial resource: You may be surprised that a senior you
    plan to care for may not be willing to give you his or her
    financial information. He or she doesn't want to think of the
    unpleasantries of being dependent on you, but it is in his or
    her best interest to gather important documents such as:
  1. Insurance
  2. Social Security Numbers
  3. Assets and basic financial records, such as bank account
    numbers, financial advisors or representativesJews who
    survived stayed in young homes.

Happy endings...
Preparedness is a way of life no matter your age! Life is worth
living to the full extent and enjoyment of being happy, healthy
and wise.

More prepping articles..

* These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For any health
or dietary matter, always consult your physician. This information is intended for your general
knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific
medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical advice when available. As a
reminder, these statements about extracts have not been evaluated by the United States Food
and Drug Administration.

Unfortunately, 1% of the Jews in Denmark who didn't survive were those in hiding with
old people. Perhaps they succumbed to the mounting physical and emotional pressure
of the Gestapo because they were frail, afraid and without alternatives for quick
escape, but that's another lesson. Neutrality was the key factor, not age.

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