reasons to stockpile oats

Reasons preppers store oats
...and why you should make oats part of your food storage!

"He who controls the food, controls the world." ~ Henry A. Kissinger

Oats in the prepper's pantry:
There are dozens of reasons to make oats part of your food
storage! For starters, the
Russians are stockpiling oats. Stock up
now on oats while this important food is still available.

Good Reasons to Stockpile Oats
When it comes to food storage, preppers are often quick to
rice and beans and yet oats continue to go under
appreciated! Oats are a prepper food worth stocking.

Adding oats to the
prepper's pantry will add a variety of meal
ideas for your family or group. You can toast oats, grind them
into flour, bake them, sprout them, boil them, and also make oat
milk! There are so many reasons to love oats, and to make them
part of your food storage, but let's start with the price...

Reason #1: Oats are cheap and easy.
Oats are an inexpensive food. What's more, considering it's such
a compact and nutritious food, like rice, a little bit goes a long
way. Oat groats and quick rolled oats are the cheapest. They are
whole oats with the husk removed. Rolled oats by Augason
Farms. You get ten pounds of food delivered to your door for
around $22. Regular rolled outs are a little more expensive, but
still a great deal.

Oats are cheap and they are easy to prepare. Just add hot water
and a little flavoring and you have a meal. Seriously, you can add
hot water directly to steel cut oats for a tasty meal without
boiling them into porridge! It's that easy.

Reason #2: Oats store really well.
Amazing and true: the Augason Farms Rolled Oats bucket,
pictured top left, is good for 30-years in your food storage! Long-
lasting and versatile, oats are an ideal prepper food for long term
Pioneers took oats along the Oregon Trail for this very
reason. Provision instructions suggested bringing half a bushel of
oats per person.

While taking a bushel of oats isn't practical for a bugout bag,
you'll find steel cut oats, by Legacy Essentials packed in sturdy
mylar. In mylar alone they will last 15 years and even longer if
you seal them properly into a 5-gallon food grade bucket with
oxygen absorbers.

Reason #3: Oats can cook quickly.
While you can spend a lot of time preparing some kinds of oats,
you'll find steel cut oats cook very quickly. Steel-cut oats are
whole oats (groats) that have been cut into smaller pieces. The
starches release quickly in hot water and give you a relatively
creamy texture.

To make a quick bowl of steel cut oats, just add hot water
directly to the oats and stir your oats with a spoon directly in the
bowl. It's nutty flavored warm breakfast cereal. Adding coconut
flakes and almond flour can enhance the flavor and add a
satisfying texture. For sweetness drizzle in maple syrup and top
with blueberries or strawberries (even the freeze dried kind), and
breakfast is served!

Quick cooking rolled oats are completely natural and not pre-
cooked like instant oats. They are rolled thinner than regular oats
to help make them faster to cook. Less processed than instant
oats, rolled oats are best for baking, which is reason #5 to
stockpile more oats in the prepper's pantry.

Reason #4: Oats are clean eating.
Perhaps the best reason to stock oats is that oats are clean
eating (and gluten-free, to boot)!

In the "Ingredients 101: oats" video below, Dani, from Clean &
Delicious, will give you a lesson on clean eating and share with
you the four kinds of oats:
  1. oat groats (least processed);
  2. steel cut oats;
  3. rolled oats (typical oatmeal);
  4. instant oats (the fastest cooking of the oats, it's like the
    "instant rice" of oats).
Rolled Oats in a bucket
Mylar bags
------------------------------------------------- Revised 02/01/2021
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Oxygen absorbers
Manual grain mill
Seed sprouter Prepper's essential
Grainmill for coffee or grinding flour
Steel cut oats have a 15-year shelf life
:Prepper food! Rolled oats are inexpensive food storage
Auguson Farms Rolled Oats
Nut and grain milk bag
Honeyvill steel Cut Oats Recipe for Granola
Oat grass for cats
Reasons to stockpile oats in the prepper's pantry
Organic rolled oats
Happy Preppers site for survivalists + preppers
Top ranking prepper Web site - prepping and survivalism
nine reasons to love a Big Berkey
Foods with the best shelf life
Quick rolled oats
Since oats are cheap (as mentioned in our first reason to
stockpile oat), it makes an ideal animal feed. Livestock are
routinely fed oats also for its nutritional value and long term
storage. In short, the same reasons you'd stock oats for yourself,
is the same reason you'd store it as feed for your animals.

Here's a
recipe for making homemade dog food with oats from a
prepper you may know (Engineer775 from Practical Preppers)
using long term food storage, including oats:

Reason #15: Oats are anything but boring!
Now that you've read all the reasons above, it's easy to see that
oats are anything but boring. You may just need a little boost of
creativity to see how you can use oats. Oatmeal isn't boring

Ways prepper's keep oatmeal interesting:
  • Add chocolate chips (and use almond milk)!
  • Mix in crunchy peanut butter and chocolate chips.
  • Combine chocolate chips and coconut.
  • Spread an array of chopped apples, walnuts with a dash of
  • Slice dried apricots and mix in slivered almonds.
  • Add freeze dried peaches, blueberries or strawberries.
  • Top with chocolate syrup, toasted coconut and chocolate
  • Chop raw almonds, salted cashews and walnuts.
  • Combine chopped bacon, shredded cheddar cheese and
  • Chocolate syrup, peanuts, chocolate chips, and whipped
  • Banana, peaches berries or apples (for apples add cinnamon)
  • Crumble chopped nuts or nuts and coconut (add vanilla)
  • Garnish oats with a poached egg, soy sauce and green onion!
  • Chia seeds work well with oatmeal!

For these reasons and more, preppers store oats, bake and cook
with them, sprout and grow them; and use them medicinally. Get
your bucket of oats now while they are still available.

Organic oatmeal is best!
Now that you've decided to stockpile oats in your food storage,
be careful to pick the right kind.  The organic kind is the only kind
of oats you should stockpile. Organic oats, like Bob's Redmill, do
not have the controversial Glyphosate (a widely used herbicide
that's carcinogenic). If you don't buy organic, then the New York
Post warns you that your
Quaker oatmeal could be killing you.

Happy endings...
An ideal food for so many reasons, oats can help fight "food
fatigue." Grinding oats into flour brings up many possibilities.
Oats are nutritious and versatile, inexpensive and easy to store.
For these reasons and more, preppers store oats, bake and cook
with them, sprout and grow them; and use them medicinally. Get
your bucket of oats now while they are still available.

When it comes to food storage, preppers are often quick to
stockpile rice and beans and yet they overlook oats, but ther are
any good reasons to stockpile oats...

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Oats bucket
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daily deals for prepping
gear and food storage.
Rolled oats bucket
Reason #12: Oats promote wellness.
Oats are healthy to eat for a variety of reasons. They also will
give you a healthier outlook as oats have an antidepressant

In addition to helping with diabetes, eating oats can help certain
health conditions, including:
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • heart disease
  • obesity and
  • cancer.

  • Oats helps control your blood sugar and manage diabetes,
    which is why physicians recommend it for their diabetic . Not
    only does it help diabetics feel fuller longer, it prevents
    spikes in blood sugar. It's the soluble fiber in oats, which
    slows the absorption of glucose. Adding almonds, pecans or
    walnuts to oatmeal can help provide the necessary protein
    to stabilize the blood sugars even more.

Storing oats is a wise thing, but here's more food for thought:
stay away from those convenient packs of oatmeal, particularly if
you're a diabetic! Sure, they're easy to store and prepare, but
unfortunately, they container refined sugars and the
manufacturers take out the nutritional fiber! In addition to
sugars, the prepackaged oatmeal packets include corn syrup,
dextrose, lactose and fructose. That certainly is not a healthy
choice for people with diabetes! It's much better to cook oatmeal
from bulk.

Reason #13: Oats can help you soothe skin.
Oats contain anti-inflammatory properties, which is why women
around the world have used oats as part of their beauty regimen.
There are many ways to use oats to soothe and heal your skin:

  • An oatmeal bath can soothe Chicken Pox. Place two cups
    quick oats in a nylon stocking and place under the faucet,
    then swirl in the warm water. Patient should soak for 15-20
    minutes in the bath to relieve itching.

Oats are a sturdy crop, consider growing them. Harvested in the
Fall, oats can grow in temperate regions and withstand poor soil
conditions, making them an ideal crop for preppers to consider.
Preppers should hoard oats and consider growing them or at least
sprouting oats. Above left, the Certified Organic Whole Oat Grain
is perfect for grinding into flour for oat bread, sprouting, food
storage, animal feed and more.

#14: You can feed oats to livestock and pets.
As fodder for your livestock and pets, oats are versatile to help
you meet their dietary needs:

  • You can serve sprouted oats for chicken feed. Feeding
    sprouted grain to your chicken is a cheap way to get "green
    feed." Oats are the third most popular grain to sprout for
    chickens. Green feed supplies nutrients that are easier for
    your chickens to absorb. Sprouted oats makes for a cheap
    and easy feed. Here's how to sprout oats for your chicken.

  • Cats love sprouted oat grass. Oat grass is very similar to
    wheat grass and cats seem to have a dietary pleasure in
    partaking of them.

  • Make dog food from oats, too. Famous Doomsday Prepper
    Consultant, Engineer5575, shows you how to make dog food
    from oats:
How to Sprout Oats
Handy Pantry Sprouting oats will sprout in about three days and
then start growing like crazy, but you must soak them to get
  • Rinse oat groats in a sieve or colander.
  • Place your oats in a sprouter, like the one pictured
    immediate left, or in large glass jar well covered with
  • Soak for 6-8 hours and the oats will triple in size.
  • Rinse well and drain the water.
  • Set the oats to sprout in a kitchen seed sprouter or jar.
  • Cover the jar with a sprouting lid, screen, paper towel,
    or cheese cloth.  
  • Let sprout 24 hours or so until the tails just barely
    start to burst.  
  • Rinse and drain every 6-8 hours, making sure to drain
  • When your sprouts are full, they are ready to enjoy in
    salads, sandwiches and omelets. Give a final rinse
    before eating!

Reason #9: Oats are high in fiber and protein.
Steel cut oats in particular are a rich source of soluble fiber,
protein, and vitamins:

  • Fiber. Oats have the most soluble fiber of any grain! Foods
    high in fiber will help relieve constipation, which certainly
    will help in a crisis situation when you'll be eating a few
    unfamiliar foods.

  • Protein. Oats have more protein than wheat or rice, so it
    easily beats some popular prepper staples. Oat has the
    highest protein levels of any grain.  Any food that is high in
    protein will also make you feel fuller longer, which makes it
    even more of a reason to stock up on oats.

  • Vitamins. Steel cut oats are really the best of the best
    when it come to getting the most out of a whole grain oat.
    Steel cut oats maintain all the nutrients from the whole
    grain oat as they are simply whole oat groats that have
    been cut into small pieces. Steel Cut Oats are a rich source
    of soluble fiber, protein, and vitamins, as well as other
    nutrients like selenium, thiamin, phosphorous, and

Because oats are high in fiber and because they are high in
protein, you will feel fuller longer having eaten them. For these
reasons, oats have been used to extend meals and thicken
soups and stews.

Reason #10: Oats are a meat extender.
While you could extend your meats using bulger, quinoa, lentils
or Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)*, oats are just more
familiar and seem to blend in better with the meat. Here are
some ways to use oats to extend hamburger meat:

  • Hamburger helper and meatloaf. Back in the day,
    oatmeal was the real hamburger helper. People extended
    meals during the Great Depression with oats. It became
    common practice to stretch hamburger meat by adding two
    cups of oatmeal to a pound of hamburger along with some
    grated onions and an egg. Eventually, this favorite meal
    became known as meatloaf. The concept of stretching
    hamburger meat with oats is ideal because of the texture.

  • Great Depression Meatloaf Recipe: To make your
    hamburger stretch, add 2 cups oatmeal to a pound of
    hamburger meat, then add grated onion and one egg.

  • Tacos and chili. Taco night gets a budget friendly lift when
    you use quick oats or rolled oats with hamburger. You can
    also cut down on the beans when you add oats to your
    chili. How to do it? Grind the oats into a powder, then add
    a little water to make a paste. Next, blend the oat mixture
    into the meat as you're browning it half way when there's
    still just a tad bit of pink left in your hamburger meat.
    After you add the chili powder spices, the oats will be
    unrecognizable and your unsuspecting family will be none
    the wiser. The bonus is that oats can extend your taco
    meal and help you feel fuller.

  • Spaghetti and Lasagna. Using the paste method for tacos
    and chili described above, you can transform your meat
    spaghetti sauce with oats. Italian seasonings and a rich
    tomato paste also help to disguise your little secret.

  • Soups and stews. Flavors meld in the pot with vegetables,
    herbs and spices and hamburger meat to make oats
    disappear into your favorite soup and stew recipes.

* Stay away from TVP, unless it's organic, because TVP is made of GMO

Reason #11: You can toast oats into granola.
Toast and toss your oats into a beautiful and delicious home-
made granola. Below is the
very best granola recipe from It's healthy and highly rated.
Reason #8: Oats can be sprouted and rolled.

  • Sprouting oats. You can sprout whole raw oats, which are
    the "seeds" and use them to make fodder or enjoy them
    yourself. Whole Oats have the husk intact. The hull of the
    oat must be there to sprout oats, so don't try sprouting with
    processed oats. Be sure to get whole oats that have not
    been husked. Handy Pantry's sprouting oats below are

  • Rolling oats. The versatile hand crank, oat rolling machine
    pictured below, works as an oat roller, cereal flaker and
    coarse grain grinder and cracker. Until you have tasted
    freshly rolled organic oatmeal, you won't realize how mushy,
    listless and bland oatmeal made from store bought,
    processed rolled oats really is. Oatmeal made from freshly
    rolled oats is hearty with a phenomenal texture somewhere
    between crunchy and chewy. Can eating oatmeal truly be
    fun? Rest easy knowing you are giving your family an organic
    whole food breakfast powerhouse.
How to grind your oats into flour:
Grind oat flour with your kitchen food processor or a hand grain
mill. With your kitchen food processor, choose the high setting
and coarse into powder for a few seconds. Another option is to
process oats on high for several minutes for an extra fine powder.

Reason #7: Oats can be made into a vegan milk.
Surely you've heard of almond milk, rice milk and others, but
many haven't heard of oat milk. The concept is the same and you
make the milk by rinsing and draining, then soaking steel cut
oats, which provide the right amount of starch to make a tasty
milk. After soaking for around 20 minutes, you strain through a
nut milk bag, like the one picture left. From steel cut oats (or oat
groats), you can make a delicious vegan milk. It’s fast, easy and
cheap to make oat milk! Here's the
recipe for homemade oat milk
Reason #6: Rolled oats can be ground into flour.
While you can buy oat flour, its much more satisfying to grind oat
yourself, and it will taste better, too, because it's fresher. The
bonus is that when you store whole oats they will last longer
than oats you store as flour. That's because oxygen is one of the
destroyers of food storage. Flour has more surface area to expose
to oxygen, but keeping oats in a whole form expose less of your
food to oxygen and it won't degrade as fast.

Think of oats the way you do hard wheat! You can grind oats to
make gluten free breads and even
oat flour pizza crust. To grind
all kinds of grains, many preppers depend on their sturdy and
dependable Wondermill. (For an inexpensive off-grid way to grind
outs, check out the manual grain mill, pictured left.) The Wonder
Junior hand Mill is worth the extra price because it's built to last
and is equipped to grind a variety of grains. It has a burr grinder
that works with wet and oily grains, such legumes, coffee,
garbanzos, seeds, nuts, etc. The Wonder Junior makes it a
breeze to grind oats.
Reason #5: Oats add variety in your baked goods.
Baking with oats will adds lots of variety to your food storage
because you can bake rolled oats into breads, muffins and
cookies or top them for added texture.  When combined with
wheat or other gluten-containing flours, you can make leavened
bread. Choose quick rolled oats for most of your baking needs.

  • What are rolled oats? Rolled oats are the most expensive
    of the four kinds of oats to store, but they are also the
    most convenient. That's because they endure a bit of
    processing to make them easier for you to cook. 'Steamed,
    rolled out, steamed again and then toasted. This extra
    processing makes them ideal for baking.
Augasson farms Rolled oats bucket
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