Prepper's List of Antibiotics for Survival

(---------------------------------------------------Revised 02/19/2021

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Manuka honey
andrographis tablets
andrographics capsultes by Nature's Way
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Above, Dr. Chris Barker shares 7 Natural Antibiotics to help kick a cold.

Happy endings...
Take a closer look at natural antibiotics for survival because
antibiotics may not be available when you need them most.
Natural antibiotics can be your first line of defense (before going to
the doctor for antibiotic drugs).  Natural antibiotics can help you
with sinus infections and colds, sore throats, urinary tract
infections and ordinary cuts and scrapes. You need only have the
knowledge of the right natural antibiotics.

Take charge of your health by stockpiling natural and herbal
antibiotics. For the day when antibiotics may not be available you
must consider these powerful and natural antibiotics that don't
require a prescription...

Survival antibiotics  often overlooked by preppers, come from
nature. This earth is complete with natural remedies. Look to
nature to heal. Nature is happy to be your medicine doctor!

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* These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For
any health or dietary matter, always consult your physician. This information is intended
for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice
or treatment for specific medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical
advice when available. As a reminder, these statements about extracts have not been
evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
Antibiotics for Survival
Stockpiling natural antibiotics for survival times

Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food. " — Hippocrates.

Stockpiling natural antibiotics for survival
An antibiotic is a medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys
microorganisms. It can be topical or taken internally. Stop
poisoning your body with man made chemical antibiotics. Instead
trust nature, and let food by thy antibiotic!

Pharmaceuticals won't heal you. They only suppress symptoms
and they end up wreaking havoc on the condition they are
supposed to be treating! Preppers must learn about natural
antibiotics: we must
forage for antibiotics, stockpile them and
even grow them! Below is a prepper's List of antibiotics for

Stockpiling Natural Antibiotics for Survival
With antibiotic-resistant infections on the rise, herbal remedies
present a naturally effective alternative to standard antibiotics
and no one explains this better than Stephen Harrod Buhner in his
book Herbal Antibiotics for treating drug-resistant bacteria,
pictured right.

The survival antibiotics most overlooked by preppers are the ones
from nature! Hippocrates was correct that food has healing powers
and stimulate the body's immune function.

  • Fruits rich in Vitamin C, such as strawberries, pineapples,
    cantaloupes, watermelon, oranges, lemons and limes, for
    example, can help reduce incident of infection by stimulating
    your own body's immune function.

  • Vegetables rich in Vitamin C include broccoli, cabbage,
    cauliflower and kale. They are equally powerful foods to heal
    the body naturally.

The Hippocratic oath includes this important sentence: "With
regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the
best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take
care that they suffer no hurt or damage." This is an important
sentence. The message is clear about doing no harm.

If you listen to advertisements for prescriptions medicines you
will hear an alarming list of side effects. The side effects for
prescriptive antibiotics include vomiting, severe diarrhea and
abdominal cramps, vaginal itching or discharge, white patches on
the tongue, shortness of breath, hives, swelling of lips, face, or
tongue, fainting and rash. Why would anyone succumb their body
to such torture when nature is all the medicine a sick body needs,
and is virtually free of symptoms?

Indeed, nature offers a powerful prescription!

List of Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics
For the day when antibiotics may not be available you must
consider these powerful and natural antibiotics that don't require
a prescription...

Prepper's List of Antibiotics for Survival

Natural Antibiotic #1: Apple cider vinegar
One of the most basic natural antibiotics for survival is apple
cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a natural
antiseptic and
antibiotic. Apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss, arthritis,
cholesterol, skin disorders, sinuses, anti-aging and much more.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent detox for the body and you can
use it as an astringent topically.

Natural Antibiotics #2: Andrographis to help with
upper respiratory infections
Many preppers have not heard of andrographis. Grown in India and
Sri Lanka, Andrographis is a powerful anti-inflammatory to help
you fight respiratory infections. This powerful anti-inflammatory
that's a popular traditional Chinese herb. Andrographis supports
healthy digestive, cardiovascular, and urinary systems. For an
upper respiratory infection make andrographis tea.

  • Recipe for Andrographis Tea: Make a tea by using one
    tablespoon of the herb into hot water. Drink this tea three or
    four times a day. It's rather strong, but well worth the
    benefits. If you can't muster the tea,  then get the capsule
    form! See the Dr. Oz video on natural antibiotics!

  • Andrographis tablets: Andrographis Extract  in Nature's
    Way, pictured right, is standardized to 10% andrographolides
    to support healthy immunity. Take 1 capsule 2 times daily
    with water.

Natural Antibiotic #3: Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil.
Cinnamon leaf essential has a warm, spicy and clove-like smell.
Cinnamon Leaf Oil (distinctly different from Cassia) is extremely
effective against antibiotic resistant bacteria, which makes a
powerful food safe nontoxic disinfectant to disinfect Kitchen
cupboards, inside refrigerators and toys. What's more, Cinnamon
Leaf Oil promotes circulation, helping to alleviate aches and
pains. As well, Cinnamon Leaf oil builds and maintains a healthy
immune system and has long been used to flavor food and for its
internal health benefits.

Cinnamon Leaf Essential oil is a natural antibiotic alternative that
helps regulate insulin levels in the body.

Natural Antibiotic #4: Cloves and Clove Essential Oil.
Another antibiotic for survival comes from cloves. A pungent, but
viable natural antibiotic for survival is clove essential oil. While
it's also valuable as a spice, the easiest way to use this natural
antibiotic is as
clove essential oil. This botanical alternative to
man-made antibiotics is worth considering for many reasons.

First, clove was essential during the plague. It was an essential
ingredient of
Thieves Oil to ward away illness. As the story goes,
thieves who robbed plague victims wore a combination of
essential oil spices to remain healthy. When caught for robbing,
the thieves went before the king who promised to set them free if
they revealed their secret of survival. The magic set of spices
became known as Thieves Oil.

Clove is also an active ingredient in Fresh green black walnut
wormwood complex, which helps treat parasites. Cloves were
precious in 16th and 17th century Europe, worth more than its
weight in gold for its medicinal properties. Avoid during pregnancy.

Natural Antibiotic #5: Coconut oil.
Prepper's love multi-functional preps and coconut oil is one of
them. Coconut oil is a heat stable food that provides fast energy
among many other useful properties, including as a cosmetic. You
can apply coconut oil directly to the skin!  It's the lauric acid in
coconut oil that turn into an antibioitic

Natural Antibiotic #6: Echinacea.
Echinacea purpurea is stem leaf flower, which has been clinically
shown to support the immune system. Echinacea is most effective
at the very onset of a cold of flu. It has the proven ability to
increase white blood cell count, but it is a stimulant.

Natural Antibiotic #7: Frankincense (Boswellia
Frankincense has been used to treat inflammatory diseases for
the centuries. Boswellic acids from Frankincense are compounds
isolated from the gum resin of the Boswellia serrata plant.
Frankincense Essential Oil has a rich woody, earthy scent with a
deeply mysterious nuance dating back to biblical times.
Frankincense also can help aid with cancer according to
Dr. Axe
who also proclaims that food is medicine!

Natural Antibiotic #8: Garlic, Chives, Leeks and
Raw garlic is an antibiotic, antiviral and a fungicide. Not only will
you keep those vampires away, but raw garlic will help you
overcome colds and flu and is used as a cancer prevention food.
Garlic has sulfur compounds which are beneficial to the
cardiovascular system to maintain cholesterol. In the same family
for consideration also are chives, leeks and onions.

Natural Antibiotics #9: Goldenseal.
Golden Seal is an ideal botanical option for antibiotics.
Goldenseal prevents bacteria from adhering to cell walls.  Used as
a treatment for irritations and inflammation of the mucous
membranes of the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts,
Goldenseal is ideal to for preppers to stock for many other
reasons. Because of its anti-microbial activity, goldenseal has a
long history of use during the winter season and is often used in
combination with Echinacea.

  • Recipe for Sore Throat Gargle with Goldenseal: Make a
    gargle from Goldenseal Powder. Start with a pinch of salt
    with half a teaspoon golden seal powder. Mix in the glass
    then gargle and spit. Do this three or four times a day. Do
    not take longer than two weeks! Right, is Smallflower,
    Goldenseal root powder (one ounce of loose herbs).
    Smallflower is packaged in old world apothecary style, air
    tight brown paper canisters to keep light and moisture out,
    and freshness in. Use in teas, tinctures, and elixirs. See also,
    Frontier organic Goldenseal powder, right for your bulk use of

    Read more about the immune boosting powers of Golden
    Seal. Golden seal may be applied topically on dry wounds to
    speed healing!For many centuries, people from all over the
    globe have found fresh herbs to be a gentle yet effective
    health-enhancing blessing. The goldenseal herb has
    properties that stimulate appetite, aid digestion, often
    increase the production of bile and cure digestive problems,
    in addition to its antibiotic properties.

Natural Antibiotic #10: Grapefruit seed extract.
Grapefruit Seed Liquid Extract is a versatile natural oil known to
have antimicrobial,
antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. There
are many tablets on the market, which you can take for anti-
bacterial/anti-fungal maintenance. Grapefruit seed extract helps
keep the beneficial Flora.

Natural Antibiotics #11: Honey (Specifically, Manuka
Honey to help heal cuts and scrapes).
Many preppers believe ordinary honey will do the trick, but really
you must choose only
Manuka honey, which comes from the
Manuka tree in New Zealand!

Manuka honey has a stronger antibiotic component to it than
ordinary honey. (Use a tablespoon of Manuka honey and apply it
topically three times a day). Be sure also to look for the pre-made
bandage with Manuka honey.

Natural Antibiotic #12: Lavender Essential oil.
Lavender essential oil has powerful antibiotic properties to heal
wounds and cuts, but a surprising use if for getting killing a staph
infection. A staph infection is actually a group of bacteria that can
cause a multitude of diseases. A study published by the U.S.
National Library, National Institutes of Health confirms that
lavender essential oil has
anti-bacterial activity against three
strains of staph. Staphylococcus aureu received notoriety when
published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National
Institutes of Health. The study demonstrated the potential of
lavender essential oil also among the antibacterial agents to treat
MRSA infection.

Natural Antibiotic #13: Lemon Eucalyptus Oil.
With it's strong and woodsy aroma, Lemon Eucalyptus oil, is a
treatment for skin ailments such as burns, blisters, wounds,
insect bites, lice and skin infections. Historically Lemon
Eucalyptus oil has helped combat the effects of colds and the flu,
making Lemon Eucalyptus Oil a fine addition to the
list of
pandemic preparedness and supplies. It also has been used for
over 100 years to combat sinus issues. Common uses also include
arthritis, bronchitis, poor circulation, and sinusitis.

Natural Antibiotic #14: Limes and Lemons.
Both lemons and limes contain flavonoids, which have antibiotic
effects. Lime juice is also effective against Cholera.

Natural Antibiotic #15: Oil of Oregano.
Oregano oil has proven antibacterial qualities according to a study
published by the JMM (Journal of Medical Microbiology).

Known to support digestive, respiratory and joint health, an active
ingredient in Oil of Oregano is carvacrol. According to Dr. Oz, "Oil
of oregano, which is distilled from the flowers and leaves of the
oregano plant, could be one of nature's most powerful antibiotics.
"Its ingredient, carvacro,
may provide support to the immune
system and it also inhibits the growth of bacteria."

Natural Antibiotic #16: Olive Leaf.
Olive leaves contain powerful antioxidants and natural plant
actives that are highly anti-microbial. Olive Leaf was used by the
Egyptians and written about by Hippocrates! Pictured below
Barlean's Olive Leaf Complex is an anti-viral,
anti-bacterial, anti-
fungal. It's a powerful antioxidant that can help give support to
the healthy immune system, cardiovascular system, and joints.
Olive leaf features a natural antioxidant (oleuropein), which
neutralizes harmful free-radicals to bolster immune function.

Natural Antibiotic #17: Pau D’arco.
Not often talked about in prepper circles when it comes to
botanical antibiotic alternatives, is
Pau D'arco. Pictured right, Pau
D'arco has a long history of use in traditional cultures as a blood
cleanser. This botanical from the rain forest boosts your body's
defenses at the cellular level.

Natural Antibiotic #18: Peppermint Oil.
Sure peppermint oil is revitalizing, invigorating, and cooling when
applied topically as aromatherapy, but Peppermint Oil aids with
digestive problems (including irritable bowel syndrome). It
freshens your breath as well, which is why it's an active ingredient
in many

Peppermint Oil has antibiotic properties, which is another reason
its often included in mouthwash and toothpaste, thanks the
menthol which is an organic compound of the peppermint plant. In
addition to combating stomach ailments, peppermint oil helps
bruises heal more rapidly and soothes sore joints. As an extra
measure of natural goodness,
peppermint is an antibacterial, as
well. Avoid Essential Oil of Peppermint during pregnancy (and
keep out of eyes)!

Natural Antibiotic #19: Tea Tree Oil.
Preppers are discovering the power of tea tree oil, particularly in
the realm of first aid, but there is so much more tea tree oil can
do for preppers! Indeed tea tree oil is well loved in the medicine
cabinet by preppers for dealing with everything from cuts,
abrasions sun burns and sprains to rashes, tick and chiggar bites
and even tonsilitis!

From personal hygiene, to first aid and pet care, tea tree oil is
extremely beneficial for preppers. Tea tree oil offers a variety of
cosmetic benefits, including clearing up acne, blackheads and
blemishes, as well as eliminating body odor, dandruff and even
bad breath. Tea tree oil is a natural and safe disinfectant!
Preppers are also discovering benefits in fighting mold, and
helping relieve bacterial and viral infections.

Read more about the beneficial uses of
tea tree oil and its
significance to preppers.

Natural Antibiotic #20: Thyme oil.  
According to an abstract published by the U.S.National Library of
Medicine National Institutes of Health, "
Thyme Oil demonstrated
a good efficacy against antibiotics resistant strains of the tested
bacteria." In addition White Thyme Essential Oil is believed to
have the ability to cultivate courage. Aromatherapists credit
White Thyme Oil with having stimulating, uplifting, and reviving

As a natural
analgesic, antibacterial,antibiotic, antiviral, and
antifungal, thyme oil is immensely useful to preppers. Read more
about thyme essential oil for preppers.

BONUS Natural Antibiotics #21: Silver (Colloidal and
Silver is an ancient remedy worthy of consideration. Colloidal
silver was mainstream medicine in the late 1800s and early
1900s. It was replaced by man made antibiotics!

A natural and powerful antibiotic, colloidal silver works as a
catalyst to disable bacteria, fungus and viruses. Colloidal silver
was first discovered in the early 1900s by Alfread Searle who
found it could kills the most deadly pathogens.

For Ebola prevention, choose 10ppm: as with Silver Biotics, which
can supercharge your family's immune systems. Free of artificial
ingredients, preservatives or additives, Silver Biotics supports the
immune system with 10 parts per million beneficial silver. Dr.
Rima Laibow says it's
a nutrient effective in neutralizing Ebola.
(She is referring to Nanosilver 10 parts per million)! The
declassified research in 2009 from the Department of Defense
shows that NanoSilver 10ppm (not to be confused with Colloidal
Silver) inactivates and neutralizes the Ebola virus. Silver Biotics,
pictured left, in the blue bottle, is nanosilver 10ppm.

There are many natural, botanical antibiotic alternatives to find in
the natural food stores or search easily online. Please tell us what
you find!

Extensive list of Natural Antibiotics
While the above list is a good start, below you'll find an extensive
list of more natural antibiotics:
  1. Acacia
  2. Aloe
  3. Andrographis, listed above
  4. Bergamot (natural polyphenolic antioxidant free radical
    scavenger, pictured right)
  5. Cabbage
  6. Colloidal silver, listed above
  7. Echinacea
  8. Eucalyptus (see also lemon eucaluptus, which is not the
  9. Garlic, listed above
  10. Ginger
  11. Goldenseal, listed above
  12. Grapefruit Seed Extract, listed above
  13. Horseradish
  14. Honey (Manuka)
  15. Lavender Essential oils
  16. Lemon Eucalyptus oil
  17. Licorice
  18. Olive Leaf, listed above
  19. Oil of Oregano, listed above
  20. Myrhh
  21. Pau D'arco, listed above
  22. Sage
  23. Tea tree oil
  24. Thyme Oil, listed above
  25. Turmeric
  26. Wooly Lamb’s Ear (see article on Wooly Lamb's Ear)
  27. Wormwood, excellent for parasite cleansing.

How to Survive without antibiotic prescriptions
Antibiotics, which surfaced for medical use in the 1950s, kill or
inhibit the growth of microorganisms — they are directly lethal to
bacteria  and have no effect on viruses)!

Available topically or orally, antibiotics have been helping
mankind win the war against bacteria and live to tell about it.
Penicillin was the first natural oral antibiotic discovered for
medicinal purposes, but there are many natural alternatives.  
While the natural antibiotics are a viable option, storing
antibiotics intended for animals, because they don't require a
prescription is a common prepper practice.

Fish antibiotics, like FishMox, is a common prepper survival tactic
and well worth considering. Mind you, it's difficult to find and not
always available in pet stores, nor on Amazon, but if you can find
it, then get some! Consult your doctor about FishMox, which is the
same amoxicillin prescribed for humans, to see if this is right for
you and your family. This antibiotic intended for fish may be the
only antibiotic available in uncertain times when a doctor is not

  • Doctor Bones and Nurse Amy recommend botanical antibiotic
    alternatives, such as cayenne, eucalyptus oil, honey, thyme
    oil, peppermint oil, garlic oil, as well as fresh garlic and
    ginger. As well, they advise use of Fish antibiotics.

    NOTE: Always consult a physician for a proper human
    prescription as you may have a sever allergic reaction. Prior
    to ever needing this medication, consult your doctor on the
    proper dosage, should you ever need it when he or she is not
    around for a prescription.

  • Patriot Nurse Recommended Antibiotics:
  1. Zithromax
  2. Ampicillin
  3. Cipro
  4. Amoxicillin
  5. Doxycycline
    (Additionally she recommends clindamycin, Flagyl and

  • Equivalent antibiotics available for fish, popular with
  1. Fish Flex (Cephalexin)*
  2. FishMox Fort (Amoxicillin)*
  3. Fish Pen (Penicillin)*

While antibiotics have had a role in modern medicine, considering
the long list of side effects from prescription drugs, isn't it wise to
consider first the natural antibiotic alternatives?

Grow your own medicinal herbs
What will you discover in Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs
book, a beginners guide? Bring herbs into your life! Learn to make
an aloe lotion soothes poison ivy, dandelion-burdock tincture for
sluggish digestion, and lavender-lemon balm tea for stress relief.
Pair this guidebook with the Medicinal Herb Garden in a can, also
pictured left. Soon you will enjoy.

  • Cayenne, the most widely regarded as a circulatory stimulant
    said to strengthen the heart and blood vessels while
    promoting increased vitality.
  • Borage, effective against weak or diminished adrenal
    function, inflammation, sore and inflamed eyes, colds,
    bronchitis, congestion, and fever.
  • Pleurisy root, used by Native Americans, has been used in
    the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, chronic rheumatism,
    and as an expectorant
  • Nettle treats asthma as well as cold and allergy relief when
    steeped as a tea.
  • Skullcap treats insomnia and is a headache remedy.
  • Culver's root treats liver and gallbladder disorders.
  • Hyssop leaves have been brewed into a tea to soothing
    properties for colds, flus, sore throat, bruises and burns!
  • Lemon balm is a known folk remedy used as an anti-viral
  • Lavender has a multitude of uses for preppers.

What's the Difference between Antiseptics,
Antibacterials and Antibiotics and Disinfectants?

  • Antibacterial: apply to skin! An antibacterial is anything that
    is active against bacteria.  Saliva has natural antibacterial
    properties, which is why wound in your mouth heal quickly,
    so your instinct to lick a wound is actually a good thing!
    Antiseptics go a step further.

  • Antiseptics: apply to the skin to prevent the growth and
    reproduction of disease-causing microorganisms. An
    antiseptic is gentler than a disinfectant, because its applied
    to living tissue. The microorganisms an antiseptic deters
    include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses! Believe it or
    not, some mouthwash is an antiseptic. Mouthwash
    antiseptics include ingredients such as cetylpyridinium
    chloride, chlorhexidine (available by prescription from your
    Dentist), or zinc chloride.

  • Antibiotics: an agent that kills or inhibits the growth of a
    microorganism applied topically or orally. Antibiotics are
    transported... used in or on the body to kill or inhibit the
    growth of microorganisms. Antibiotics have no effect on

  • Disinfectant: disinfectants applies to surfaces (not skin). A
    disinfectant is a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria. A
    disinfectant is stronger than an antiseptic. It kills bacteria,
    and also viruses and fungi.

Terms useful to know:
  • antibacterials - An antibacterial is a substance "active
    against bacteria."
  • antibiotic: - An antibiotic is a medicine that inhibits the
    growth of or destroys microorganisms. It can be topical or
    taken internally.
  • antiseptic - Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances applied
    to the skin to help prevent infection.
  • analgesics - Analgesic is a fancy word for painkiller.

When there is no doctor, preppers will need to be creative about
their medical supplies. Following is a list of antibacterials and
disinfectants to consider stocking. Many have uses beyond their
wound cleansing properties.
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