emergency preparedness in the pantry

meat is the best prepper protein source

Make sloppy Joes with Keystone Ground beef!

Happy endings...
Be happy that meat is available now. In war time, during an
economic depression, or in the years of a drought, meat will be
hard to come by. In the event of
job loss from a pandemic or
Great Depression your family will welcome meat at the
dinner table.

Meat is a luxury you can prepare for today, so that you can live
richly tomorrow whatever the days may bring.

  • During World War II, SPAM became very popular.
  • During the Great Depression corned beef hash was popular.
  • Today canned bacon is popular with campers and survivalists

Just for fun..
Type in bacon loving prepper on Google and you'll find
the Happy Preppers! Bacon is the luxury prepper protein and it's
available in a can! Yoder's bacon is made the Amish way.
Bacon in a can is pre-cooked and layered carefully into a can.

More Prepping articles...

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at happypreppers.com - the emergency
preparedness Web site of prepping, survival,
homesteading, and self-reliance.
Meat Food Storage
The best long-term survival food is meat!

What is the best prepper protein? Meat!
Meat is important to man's survival. The word itself suggests we
should eat it: "m-eat!" But if you were to look in the average
prepper's pantry there's one thing that's sparsely there when
compared to other canned and dehydrated goods, and that's meat.

Did you know that canned meat is the most requested item at
food banks? Meat is highly prized! It's time to take stock of the
meat in your larder to ensure your family's survival and here's
more about why meat is the best prepper protein...

Meat is the Best Prepper Protein
Why is meat the ultimate survival food? The protein in meat, fish
and poultry is essential for building new cells, maintaining tissues
and helping you perform at your best when physically active, as
you would be during an emergency. In short, proteins make
everything happen!

Meat is the most complete source of protein, and thanks to the
conveniences of
freeze dried meats you can store meat very
easily for more than 25 years or more. Meat is an important
survival food for many reasons and below are ten of them....

#1: Meat is a complete protein.
The main reason to stockpile freeze dried meat buckets as well as
canned meat is for the protein content that's available straight
from the can or mylar pouch. Meat is a complete protein in and of

Red meat has almost every nutrient humans need, including all
the essential amino acids to build muscles, skin, hair and to keep
your blood, glands and organs functioning properly. Red meat has
B vitamins, iron, zinc, and selenium. Meat gives us around 90% of
sustenance we need to survive.

  • NOTE: Many preppers think beans are a protein, but this isn't
    true. A complete protein will have nine essential amino acids
    and beans are missing the methionine. The protein isn't
    complete with beans until you add the right portion of rice or
    corn. Rice and beans together make a protein and you can
    survive months on a rice and beans diet.

#2: Freeze dried meat makes a great snack.
Many preppers don't know that freeze dried beef dices can be
eaten straight from the can or used in any recipe requiring cooked
beef. Pieces are diced and chopped at a perfect size for chili,
soups, stews and casseroles. Use them for camping, emergencies
or for everyday to create meals in a jar.

  • Freeze dried beef. Freeze dried hamburger meat is compact
    nutrition and ideal to stockpile if you're short on space.
    Freeze dried hamburger is extremely versatile. With a 25-
    year shelf life freeze dried hamburger will be there when you
    need it most ~ in an emergency. Did you know that you can
    eat the freeze dried meat, straight from the can?

  • Freeze dried chicken. Freeze dried chicken also makes a
    great snack. Of course, you can add the chicken to your
    favorite recipes including pad thai, chicken tacos, stir-fry,
    chicken alfredo, ramen, stews, or soups. Just add water and
    enjoy. Take Mylar wrapped freeze-dried chicken on a
    backpacking trip to enhance the meat content of your meals.

  • Freeze dried Sausage. Nutristore Freeze Dried sausage is a
    rare treat. Use it for Italian pastas or make a pizza as is the
    serving suggestion on the #10 can pictured right.

#3: Meat is the most requested food at the pantries.
Meat is one of the most requested food donations at food banks
and community pantries. Pantries request canned meat and
proteins like peanut butter because the high protein content of
meat helps patrons feel fuller for longer and also because it
doesn't require much preparation for those who are homeless.

  • Canned ground beef. Hamburger in a can is a great
    shortcut to getting the meat you need into your diet during
    an emergency. Incorporating canned hamburger now will also
    help you for the nights when you're too swamped to get to
    the grocery store. Dinner is in a can! Just add a few
    ingredients and you have a home cooked meal whether it's
    sloppy Joes, spaghetti, tacos, a casserole or your own
    creation, hamburger in a can is ready when you are.

  • Canned chicken chunks. Pantries appreciate canned chicken
    because this is a non-perishable item that its patrons can
    use in soups and casseroles. It's also a versatile food
    because add to a sandwich or cracker. Also because it's high
    protein content canned chicken is a popular item at food
    banks. It's economical too. You can get almost 2-lbs of
    Keystone canned chicken (1lbs. 12-oz) for around $6.28. That
    works out to around .22 cents an ounce.

  • Canned Taco Meat. One can of Pace Taco Complete is
    enough to make 7 tacos and needs only the taco shells.
    Making tacos has never been so easy. This ready to eat meal
    is the perfect complement to a taco kit. Scratch the prep!
    Just heat the taco meat filling packed with corn, red peppers,
    and black beans and stuff your tortilla or taco shell. Dinner is
    served! Incidentally, pantries also request other shelf-stable
    complete meals and ready to eat soup, stews and chili.

#4: Meat is a high-energy food.
Having an abundance of canned meat in the prepper's pantry is
important because meat is a high-energy food. Think of meat as
compressed energy! You'll find more compressed calories in a can
of meat than the same weight of grains—and this means less
storage space.

Meat is a high-energy food in part because of its fat (exercising
converts fat to energy), but it's the protein of meat that provides
you with long lasting energy.

#5: Meat prices fluctuate.
Having canned and dehydrated meats in your preppers pantry will
help you with your budget when meat prices fluctuate and the
prices are too high. You can also stock up and save on your
favorite canned meats.

Food prices always rise and this is true especially of meat.
Canned meat is good for the pantry to help you deal with the
rising costs.

In a depressed economy meat will be a luxury! If you can afford
meat now, then it's important to plan for when you might not be
able to afford it all. When prepping for job loss, an economic
collapse, or wartime, your canned meat stockpiles will become an
increasingly important resource. Imagine yourself in hard times
trying to afford meat. You'll find it will be easier for you to afford
more pasta, rice or grains when you already have the meat in
your pantry.

#6: Canned meat is safer than home canning.
Another reason to stockpile canned meat is the sheer
convenience. Meat is a low-acid food and needs to be canned
under proper sterilization methods ~ the temperature must be at
least 101° C (and a heating temperature of 121° C is optimal).
This destroys all microorganism and spores or renders them
dormant. Canning your own meat generally isn't safe, though
many peppers can their own meat quite successfully.

Canned meat will add a high-quality, protein rich and nutrient
dense food to your diet.

In the wild, meat is safer for humans to eat than plants. Most
plants are deadly to humans; while most meat is not. Did you
know that 90% of plants on earth are deadly to humans?When
you think of it, we must be very selective about the plants we
choose to eat. It's something you might easily forget when you
see the abundance of produce at the grocery store or farmer's

  • Vegetarians would battle weight loss if it were not for
    "protein" technology. Vegetarians are usually skinny, but
    they'd be skinnier if not for our agriculture. Vegetarians
    forget how dependent they are on technology to help them
    get the proteins they need to avoid eating meat, like
    soybeans for their tofu and protein smoothies. Also, the
    technology and convenience of mass produced rice and beans
    helps them survive a life without meat. Most people can't
    grow their own rice and beans*.

    * Rice requires an abundance of water and the proper
    climate. Beans also require proper climate and must be
    dried on the vine and this can be tricky.

  • We might be omnivores, but we're born meat eaters!Why
    eat meat? For starters, humans have canines, which cut and
    shear food into chewable pieces. Your canines have the
    purpose of tearing into and then grinding meat. Another
    reason to consider stockpiling more canned meat is that the
    human body makes full use of nutrients found in meat. This
    signals that human body values meat and essentially
    requires meat. Humans have a short colon, long small
    intestine and with it lots of hydrochloric acid  to help break
    down animal protein in the stomach. Human digestion is
    designed to break down animal protein. We can't process
    plant cellulose (vegetable fibers), but we readily can process

  • Stranded in the wild? Go for the meat (and insects).
    Crickets are a good source of protein and an exceptional find
    if you're in the wild, but you'll have to be very clever catching
    enough crickets to satiate your appetite. Hunting small prey
    is a better use of your survival time and calories will be well
    spent. One thing's for sure: if you're stuck in the wild, you're
    much safer hunting than foraging for plants to eat. Still not
    convinced? Watch one episode of Alone and you'll instantly
    value meat.

#3: Hunting for Meat: Don't go it "Alone."
If you're like many preppers you're planning on fishing or hunting
in an apocalypse, instead of growing or foraging for your food.
Growing fruits and vegetables takes time, but you get more
immediate gratification from a hunting or fishing expedition.
Hunting and fishing will be part of your prepping and survival
plan, but you're going to need to rely on canned meat for many

Canned meat is the ultimate prepper survival food even if
you're a hunter and here's why...

  • Other hunter survivalists will have the same idea. With no
    rules on hunting season in an apocalypse and everyone vying
    for their share of available resources, the supply of meat
    sources will dwindle. Knowing you have canned meat in the
    pantry will help fuel your next venture.

  • Hunting can be dangerous. Safety aside, when the stuff
    really hits the fan in an apocalypse you may not have
    considered the hunters out there who will be hunting you!
    Having canned meat handy and keeping a low-profile will
    extend your life.

  • In a nuclear fallout you won't be able to hunt anyway.
    Canned meat will be safe to eat provided there's no
    radioactive dust on the lid. U.S. Scientists already tested the
    theory and found bottles and cans safe to consume. Will
    your food be radioactive? Yes, but they'll be within the
    permissible limits and it won't hurt you in the short term.

#7: Recalls will have you reaching for canned meat.
Another reason to stockpile canned meat is that recalls happen
and you'll have peace of mind knowing the meat you have in your
pantry is safe in times when fresh meat isn't safe to teat.
E. coli makes its way in hamburger meat, Listeria finds a way into
hams and sausages; and then there's beef infected with Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy (
Mad Cow disease).

Here are just some of the examples of recalls:

#8: Drought and Famine will affect the meat supply.
Lower on the list of reasons to stockpile canned meats is for
drought and famine. While the United States has had almost one-
hundred years without famine, there's a very real threat that
drought and famine could happen again is a good reason to invest
in canned meats.

During the
Great Depression, America's Southern Plains farmland
became known as the
Dust Bowl. In the period of severe dust
storms and drought of the 1930s, millions of acres of farmland
became useless. Without grass for the livestock, farmers were
forced to slaughter them. Farmers slaughtered as many as 6
million pigs.

#9: Meat has more iron than spinach!
Lean beef has iron in an excellent source of protein and iron. It's
the iron content that can help minimize fatigue. You may think
spinach is one of the best sources of iron, but it's actually meat!
Incidentally, Popeye never ate spinach for the iron content.

#10:  Humans naturally crave meat.
Very few people eat no meat or dairy at all. Those who do not eat
it are for poverty, religion or ideology. Many vegans crave meat,
and they try to work around their cravings by inventing such
things as Tofurky, and veggie burgers. For cultures who do not
eat meat, Hundusim, many partake in the dairy product: ghee.
Vegetarians eat cheese and eggs.

According to Scientific American, "
Cooperative hunting promoted
the development of language and socialization." In other words,
we must credit our desire for meat consumption to advancing of
our civilization and intelligence.

On the downside, meat takes a toll on the environment and is
expensive to produce in terms of water and agricultural resources
needed to sustain livestock. As well, Americans could perhaps eat
less meat.

Prepper Meats
The calories and nutrition of meat will provide an edge on
survival. Here are the best canned meats for prepper survival...

Shelf stable meats include:

  • Canned meats. Yoders canned meats and Keystone canned
    goods are two high-quality sources of meat proteins you can
    stock in your pantry along with cans of tuna, SPAM, and
    other canned meats.

  • Dehydrated meats: Beef Jerky and pemmican.

  • Freeze dried meats: For preppers short on space, freeze
    dried meat provides the ultimate solution of concentrated
    energy. Best of all, you can eat freeze dried meat straight
    from the can or bag.

  1. Yoder's Grass Fed beef (beef chunks, ground beef, and
    taco filling). Look for grass-fed meats, including Yoder's
    canned hamburger, beef chunks and taco filling. These
    products have a 10-year shelf life according to the
  2. Keystone Ground Beef. Make sloppy Joes, tacos and pasta
    with fully cooked ground beef in a can! It's ready to eat or
  3. Mountain House Ground Beef. A freeze dried best seller,
    Mountain House ground beef is a must have for the prepper's
  4. Provident Pantry Ground Beef.
  5. Legacy Foods Freeze Dried Beef. Select NON-GMO certified
    freeze dried products, including Legacy Foods  freeze dried
    beef and chicken.
  6. Beef Jerky. Beef Jerky was a pioneer staple.
  7. Libby's Roast Beef.
  8. Emergency Essentials, formerly Provident Pantry, Freeze
    Dried Italian Meatballs. Provident Pantry Freeze Dried
    Italian Meatballs will enhance your pasta.
  9. Rancher's cut by Honeyville Farms, directly below.

Bacon, Ham and Pork

  1. Dak Ham. Made in Denmark by people who are world
    renowned for their pork products, you get 9 grams of protein
    per serving and a can of DAK Ham, which has 8 servings.
    That's 72 grams of prepper protein for around $5.
  2. SPAM. Preppers have a dirty secret: they love SPAM from
    Hormel. Hawaiians love SPAM too. An excellent cookbook is
    Hawaii cooks with SPAM, pictured right. Try also SPAM bacon.
    The ingredients of SPAM bacon are fairly simple: Pork with
    ham, bacon (cured with water, salt, sugar, dextrose, dodium
    erythorbate, sodium nitrite), rendered bacon fat, water,
    modified potato starch, salt, sugar, sodium nitrate.
  3. Provident Pantry Sausage Crumbles.
  4. Yoders canned bacon. Did somebody say bacon? We sure
    did! From Yoders comes bacon in a can.  Truly a Prepper's
    miracle. With smoky flavor and a long shelf life, you'll be
    glad to have this canned bacon in your Preppers shelf. This
    stuff has a 10 year shelf life! You get about 40 servings per
    can of fully cooked bacon, per drained of fat. Prepper protein
    count is approximately 5 grams of protein in each slice. Just
    one can of bacon packs around 200 grams of protein.
  5. Yoders Pork Chunks. Pictured immediate right, Yoder's Pork
    Chunks is fully cooked meat in broth.
  6. Food Storage Meat Bucket: Pictured at the top of the page,
    Food Storage has a variety pack of freeze dried meats with
    canned ones. You get turkey, pork, chicken, ground beef and
  7. Legacy Foods 100% USDA Freeze Dried Meats. With
    generous portions Legacy Foods Beef and Chicken packs 33-
    37g protein per serving! Best of all, Legacy Foods are
    certified GMO free and are made in America.

Chicken and Turkey
Freeze dried poultry can be eaten straight from the can as a tasty

  • Emergency Essentials, formerly Provident Pantry, Freeze
    Dried White Chicken chunks #10 can.

  • Legacy Foods Freeze Dried Chicken. Select NON-GMO
    certified freeze dried products, including Legacy Foods freeze
    dried chicken and beef.

  • Yoder's Chicken Chunks with broth.

Not technically meat, but fish is an excellent prepper protein.

  • Hot smoked salmon. Flaky and delicious, hot smoked
    salmon has a three-year shelf life in the packaging and
    doesn't require refrigeration until after opening.

  • Cold Smoked Salmon. Store and rotate smoked salmon as
    part of your food storage. Cold smoked salmon can last a
    long time in your refrigerator and is one of the prepper foods
    to store in your fridge.

Combination Meat Packs
Did you know you can eat freeze dried chicken or beef without
adding water? Try eating the meat like a snack. The Rice and
Meat bucket is a great addition to your food storage lineup.

Enjoy the versatility of adding seasoned real meat to your
emergency food supply, everyday meals, or as a high-protein
snack while camping. Each Grab and Go container has 15
Metallyte pouches of freeze-dried meat that can be used without
decreasing the food’s shelf life. Easy to prepare, no cooking is
necessary. Just add water, re-hydration happens within 12 to 15
minutes! Rely on a shelf-life of up to 15 years.

Wise Foods ReadyWise Meat bucket, pictured at the top of
the page includes 60 total servings of seasoned beef and poultry
individually wrapped in convenient 4-portion packs. There's also
20 servings of long-term instant rice for convenience.

So now you know the ultimate survival food is meat. Go for the
jerky! Tune-in to the tuna. Stack up on the Dak! You are SPAM-I
am! Meat is the best source of protein for preppers. Beans
combined with rice provide a close second.

Preppers are quick to store rice and beans, because the
combination makes a complete protein, but somehow many
overlook meat food storage as part of their preparedness plans. It
can be expensive to stockpile meat, but it's also one of the most
important components of a long-term food storage plan.
Beans are fine and dandy, but they require a mixture with rice to
form a complete protein. Meat is the ultimate survival food.
Meats are a high energy food. The best source of protein for
preppers is meat, which is why meat is #6 on the prepper's list of
37 foods to stockpile before crisis.

Suggestions for meat, fish and poultry food storage include:
Hormel Canned ham
------------------------------------------------- Revised 03/13/2021
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Dehydrated Butter Powder
Wise Foods Ready Wise Meat Bucket
Wise Foods Ready Wise Meat Bucket
Wise Foods Emergency Food Buckets
Nutristore Beef Dices
Freeze Dried Chicken
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