Put together a survival hygiene kit

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Survival hygiene kit
Putting together a hygienic kit for survival

Personal hygiene kit for survival.
Keep clean during an emergency! Plan for your hygienic care in an
emergency and put together a survival hygiene kit. Personal
hygiene is important to your health ~ and arguably even for your
very survival and this is why such kits are often gifts to the

Kits you assemble now can help you maintain the most sanitary
conditions possible during an emergency to help minimize the
spread of disease and infection. Assemble your own kits for
charity or for your own preps and evaluate ready-made survival
hygiene kits below...

Put Together a Survival Hygiene kit
Preppers should consider putting together a survival hygiene kit!
Have a hygiene kit in the bugout bag and in your vehicles, but
also have some available for others who may drop by your
homestead unexpectedly.

A hygienic kit is an overlooked part of a survival plan. Men,
women and children will require slightly different hygiene kits, but
the basics are pretty simple. Keep a
personal hygiene kit, like the
one pictured immediate right, in your emergency preparedness
supplies or bug out bag. You can pack your hygiene items in
ziploc bag or transfer it to compact toiletry bag.

Homeless shelters and emergency shelters often provide personal
hygiene kits and these kits can help provide a guideline of what
to include in yours. The
personal hygiene pack, pictured
immediate right, is one such a kit. It contains personal toiletry
items for use when traveling or during disasters or emergencies.
It would be a nice welcome kit for homeless too.

The survival hygiene products in this kit includes:
  • 2 disposable washcloths
  • 1 razor
  • 1 comb
  • 1 short handle toothbrush
  • 9 individual clean wipes
  • 1 shampoo and body wash 2 oz,
  • 1 antiperspirant/deodorant
  • 1 bar soap
  • 1 nail clipper
  • 1 toothpaste.

#1: Find a five-gallon bucket or container.
Make a survival hygiene kit for your household starting by getting
a five gallon bucket. The bucket with lid will ensure your contents
are safe from water damage. You don't need to use a food grade
bucket for your survival kit. Some people prefer to get a colored
bucket to distinguish it from food buckets.

The reason to have a survival hygiene kit in a bucket is so that
it's grab and go ready!

  • Wildfires: Anyone who's ever had to evacuate because of a
    wildfire will appreciate the value of essential comfort items
    that you pack yourself.

  • Tornado shelter kit. If you're in tornado alley, then you'll
    want to ensure you have a kit in your storm shelter.

  • Job loss. A personal survival hygiene kit can help you get
    through a personal emergency when you don't have extra
    money to spend.

red utility bucket, right, is an excellent start to a personal
hygiene kit. Red is easy to spot in an emergency and you'll
distinguish it from your white food grade buckets. This bucket
includes a gamma seal lid and is available in a variety of colors.
For example, you may like a green bucket for your gardening
needs, a blue bucket for water storage needs and so on.

#2: Get a Gamma seal lid.
For buckets that don't have a lid, get a Gamma seal lid to ensure
you can quickly get in and out of your supply cache. Gamma seal
lids can help you turn your five-gallon food grade bucket into an
proper airtight container for food storage or other supplies.

Gamma seal lids are ideal beyond food storage. Use a gamma
seal lid to contain charcoal in a bucket or your kindling. Gamma
seal lids are also ideal for storage of other essentials in prepping,
such as storage for fishing supplies, garden tools, or for
beverages to take camping. A colored gamma seal lid can help
distinguish the contents, but it's better to have a colored bucket
in case your shampoo leaks in the kit.

Installing a Gamma Seal lid is pretty easy, but you'll need a
rubber mallet to install one.

#3: Gather supplies:
Hygiene kits can provide all the supplies you need to bathe, clean
teeth, comb hair and shave. Customize a list of survival items to
stockpile to ensure proper sanitation in survival times for your
family or group, depending on your needs.

Be sure to pack enough for your family and a few guests, so if
you;re a family of four, you would want 6 toothbrushes and
several personal size toothpaste.

There are any number of things you can include in a hygiene
survival kit. Emergency hygiene kits could include any of the

What to include in your survival hygiene kit:
  1. Alcohol swabs
  2. Bandages
  3. Bidet*
  4. Brush and comb
  5. Cotton balls and Q-tips
  6. Condoms and lubrication
  7. Deodorant
  8. Dental floss
  9. Dental hygiene kit
  10. Dental wax (for people with braces)
  11. Diapers
  12. Disposable toilet seat covers
  13. Emesis bags
  14. Feminine hygiene products
  15. Hand sanitizers
  16. Hair gels
  17. Hair ties
  18. Hydrogen peroxide
  19. Knife
  20. Laundry liquid
  21. Lice comb
  22. Lipbalm or lipstick
  23. Lotion
  24. Facial tissues
  25. Female urinal
  26. Mirror
  27. Mouthwash
  28. Nail clippers and metal nail files. Avoid emery boards as
    they may damage in storage from moisture.
  29. Neosporin (it never hurts to have extra)
  30. Plunger
  31. Razors and razor blades
  32. Sanitary menstrual pads, tampons or menstrual cup
  33. Scissors
  34. Soap liquid, such as Campsuds which is biodegradable
    and can be used as a shampoo.
  35. Hard soap with a soap holder ~ Avoid ivory or Jergen's
    soap because of the moisture content
  36. Shampoo and conditioner
  37. Shower cap
  38. Small scissors
  39. Solar shower
  40. Toothpaste and toothbrush
  41. tooth repair kit
  42. Toilet paper tablets
  43. Toilet paper
  44. Tweezers
  45. Razor blades and shaving gel
  46. Waste bags
  47. Water pouches
  48. Wet wipes and Fresh Bath personal hygiene wipes
  49. Wash cloth or hand towel (microfiber in a dark color)

    * A Bidet is not often on the list of other prepper Web sites,
    a bidet is an unusual prep. A bidet is a water bath for your
    genital and anal area. In the old days a bidet was common
    and was simply an oval basin. Today a bidet is often used
    for recovering from childbirth to keep the area clean. For a
    sanitizing effect, you'll need only small bottle with the
    appropriate hygienic water stream angle, such as Blue Bidet,
    pictured at the top right-hand corner of the page. Blue Bidet
    costs under $10 and could be one of the more important
    survival items in your arsenal.

#4: Print a list of your supplies.
Inventory and print a list of supplies so you remember what
you've packed in the contents of your survival hygiene kit.

Seal your kit and mark the outside of the bucket so you can
quickly identify it.

Put together personal hygiene kit as a gift.
A hygiene kit can mean the difference between sickness in health.
Put one together for yourself or for others. Even if you have a
plan for bugging out to a shelter in and emergency it's important
to realize that clean facilities might not be readily available
following an emergency. As a prepper you may also find that you
have unexpected guests show up at your home following an

Ready Made Hygiene Survival Kits
There are also kits of emergency supplies created specifically for
hygiene following a disaster. Below are some personal hygiene
supplies and kits need maintain healthy, sanitary conditions:

Camping Toilet set.
An important survival hygiene product is a camping toilet.
Pictured right in red, the
portable toilet set includes the bucket
and latrine seat complete with 5 liners, 5 chemical toilet packs
with deodorizer, as well as toilet paper, gloves for sanitary
changing and even hand sanitizer. They've thought of everything!
Stock extra infectious waste bags. You can also buy a bucket and
include your own supplies in it.

Female Urinals
Female urinals allow women the flexibility to urinate while
standing up the way a man can do. The concept of a female urinal
is something to consider in the rare circumstance where you are
caught in your vehicle without a restroom nearby. With a female
urinal, which acts like a sieve, you can discreetly urinate into a
targeted receptacle, such as a small jar. It's also great for use
when you find an unsavory bathroom. You won't have to sit on
the toilet (and in this way you can also avoid any disease).

Maintaining health and preventing disease are the primary
reasons you'll want to put together a survival hygiene kit.

Happy endings...
Putting together a survival hygiene kit isn't just to keep you
looking good ~ it's to help prevent disease and maintain normalcy
to get you through crisis. Did you know that one of the ways that
a doctor can tell if a patient is getting better is if s/he begins
grooming? Putting on lipstick in the hospital is a sure sign that
the recovery has begun!

Survival hygiene kits can provide basic necessities for your family
if you're forced to leave your homes because of human conflict or
natural disaster. Take time on your
prepper TO DO list to get this
important task done.

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  6. Foods with a long shelf life
  7. Pandemic preparedness
  8. Survival tips from the American Pioneers
  9. How to set up a quarantine

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preparedness Web site of prepping, survival,
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