freeze dried cans

Augason farms butter
Freeze Dried Foods
How to secure quality freeze dried foods in #10 cans

Tips for new preppers on buying freeze dried foods.
Before you even begin to store #10 cans, first stock water and
have the means to filter more water. It would be heartbreaking
to have stockpiled #10 cans and have no way to make the meals.

All about Freeze Dried Cans
When you're ready to start buying freeze dried foods, start with
#10 cans, then head to the buckets. A beginning Prepper's aim is
to buy ready freeze dried meals (such beef strongman off dinner,
or bacon and eggs skillet breakfast); instead of component parts
(such as freeze dried beef, dehydrated pasta and whole
powdered eggs). In this way, you will have a few months supply
of meals when the initial disaster hits and you can invest all your
energy in being alert for predators, healing or staying warm
following the catastrophe. The last thing you'd want to do is try
to make a meal from scratch.

When you have adequate stock of just-add-water meals, then
you can prepare for an economic depression. Buy some buckets
of rice and beans. When buying freeze dried items in bulk,
include freeze dried veggies for soups and stews or freeze dried
meats on your list. Freeze dried meats are expensive, but they
pack the most concentrated nutrition. In fact, if you are short on
space (Apartment prepping, tiny house occupant) then
concentrate your efforts FIRST on stocking freeze dried meats
and proteins.

Freeze dried foods are an excellent way to save for your future.
You don't have to rotate them!Coated with a protective enamel
inside and out for double protection, including the lid, #10 cans
have the longest shelf life available. They can last 25-years!
After opening, use the contents within 2 to 3 weeks for best
results and taste. Be sure to use the convenient resealable
plastic lid between uses.

Freeze dried foods in #10 cans are vacuumed packed because
food gets spoiled when it hits oxygen. This slows and almost
stops the process keeping foods fresh. Mountain House brand
#10 cans have unique canning process that uses both vacuum
oxygen removal and nitrogen flushing so that 98% of the
residual oxygen is removed.

So before heading to the dollar store to stock up on canned
goods, consider that a #10 can of freeze dried food, as with the
Provident Pantry Ground Beef can, left, has a 25 year shelf life!
You'll find more space in your pantry if you buy freeze dried
foods, but you'll have to increase your water supply.

  • NOTE: While it's true that there has been a high demand in
    freeze dried survival foods, and there has been a shortage
    of raw materials necessary for production, you can rest
    assured knowing that the items recommended at are available at the fastest possible
    delivery times. Products we recommend come with Amazon's
    highest delivery standards in the industry. Occasionally you
    will receive partial orders with reassurance that the balance
    of product is coming soon.

Here are some of our favorite #10 canned foods
  1. Any #10 can from Mountain House. At the top of the
    list if you have kids, should be the Macaroni and
  2. Ground beef by Provident Pantry, pictured left. It's
    inexpensive for the amount of beef you get. Pair the
    mac and cheese with some freeze dried ground beef
    and you have a cheeseburger pasta!
  3. Provident pantry ice cream sandwich bars. What a
    morale booster these yummy treats would provide,
    along with the extra calories, they will be savored.
  4. Provident Pantry Muffin Mix. Get out that solar oven
    and enjoy yummy muffins to add normalcy to a survival
    situation. Yum! Packed in a #10 can, this will add some
    variety to the granola and egg dishes you've stashed
  5. Future Essentials Mozzarella, pictured at the bottom of
    the page. Where are you going to get such yummy
    cheese for your pastas? This is a hard to find item!
  6. Future Essentials Bread Crumbs, also pictured at the
    bottom of the page, bread crumbs are difficult to find in
    #10 cans.
  7. French bread mix, immediate left.

Freeze-Dried Foods
freeze dried food packed in #10 cans can last upwards of 25
years. Plan on storing about a cup of water per individual serving
of freeze dried food.. Here's our list for the American Prepper
every day food storage:

Freeze dried food Essentials:
  1. Ground beef
  2. Ham
  3. Diced Potatoes
  4. Shredded Potatoes
  5. Sliced Potatoes
  6. Pinto beans, black beans and
  7. Onions
  8. Shredded Mozzarella
  9. Shredded Cheddar

Powdered foods:
  1. Cheddar cheese powder
  2. Sour Cream powder
  3. Buttermilk powder
  4. Egg powder (dried whole eggs)
  5. Powdered milk

Grains: Everything you need to know about wheat, rice, oats
and corn.
  1. Rice
  2. Rolled oats
  3. Whole Wheat
  4. Corn

Specially formulated for long term food storage, a #10 can is 5.5
x 6 x 7 inches This specification refers to the can's physical size
(and does not measure the can's contents, which may vary). An
empty #10 can weighs approximately 8.5 oz. (240 grams). Even
after 30 years, as long as the  #10 can hasn't been punctured,
opened, rusted or corroded it's still edible; however, you might
notice a slight difference in taste and appearance.

Happy endings...
Did you know
coffee was one of the first freeze dried foods
accepted into mainstream?

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All about freeze dried foods in #10 cans
------------------------------------------------- Revised 02/17/2021
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