How to survive a riot

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How to survive a riot
Above, Black Scout Survival shares tips for how to survive a riot.

Do you have a plan for civil unrest?
Have a plan for civil unrest and know what to do even before the
rioting starts. Start by assessing the situation and using
technology to your advantage. Also make sure you review
preparations for
Martial law.
Riot Preparedness
How to survive a riot in an urban environment

Situational awareness can help you survive a riot.
Could you survive a riot unscathed? The answer is "yes" if you've
prepared. What may happen during a riot is unpredictable, but
how you react in the first few seconds is critical. Planning for a
riot is the same as planning for any other kind of disaster: study
the situation, then make a calculated move to adapt and react to
it responsibly.

How you handle yourself could be a matter of life or death. Below
is how to survive urban unrest (no knuckle guards required)...

How to Survive a Riot
The day may come when you find yourself caught in a riot after a
concert, sporting event or political event and the situation may
quickly escalate to pandemonium. When you have a plan on how
to handle yourself, you'll feel a sense of calm and advantage over
the others. Knowledge weighs nothing and can give you the edge
on survival. Study the riot rules below to plan and survive a riot.

Prepare for a riot with these riot rules:

Riot Rule #1: Maintain "Situational Awareness."
If you're caught in a riot, you need to know how to react like a
prepper and that means maintaining a situational awareness.  
Maintaining situational awareness will serve you well if you think
of it as staying in the yellow zone. You have the option to go
forward to the green or pull back to the red zone to get out of
harm's way. Having a situational awareness means you'll have an
escape route before anything happens.

The most important consideration for how to survive a riot is to
maintain an awareness of your surroundings, which will prepare
you for how to react. Simply paying attention when you are in a
crowd of people can help you avoid people acting strangely. You
may not be able to run away immediately, but you can make a
break for it when the opportunity arises if you've analyzed the
situation properly. Here's how to do just that...

Take note of the three kinds of rioters:

  • Active participants: Identify the leaders of a mob who are
    the active participants, so you can lock a focus and distance
    yourself from the angry people.

  • Agitators: On the periphery you should know who are the
    agitators who can sway the focus. Knowing where the focus
    may shift will help you plan a better escape route. Do not
    get involved or take sides.

  • Passive participants:  Have an awareness of the non-violent
    bystanders, so you can blend in with them and disappear.
    Some bystanders are waiting to help out. This is a mistake
    that could cost you or your child's life. Don't get involved. Do
    get out of harm's way! Let the professionals help the injured
    when it's over or get out of harms way to alert the

Situational awareness is being aware of what is happening in your
surroundings, as a way to project what might happen as this
information could impact the outcome of your personal safety. Be
aware of your situation and predict what might happen! It's that

Riot Rule #2: Have an escape route.
When you have a situational awareness you can map out
potential routes of your escape ~ even if it means going through
the kitchen of a restaurant or heading into a building. You'll likely
have some knowledge upon entering an arena or area where there
is a protest that has gotten a little out of hand.

Before a riot strikes you should have an evacuation route in your

  • Walk, don't run. As you make way to your escape route,
    keep your head down and eyes averted while walking to
    safety to carefully avoid confrontation. Instruct your kids to
    do the same.

  • Lock arms with loved ones. While working on your escape
    route, lock arms. Among the many dangers of rioting, is that
    kids can become trampled and families and groups can
    become separated. Locking arms will be discussed more

  • Look for cross roads. This will give you potentially three
    avenues of escape. A car is not a good place to be especially
    if you're caught in heavy-traffic areas; however, if you're in a
    car know that activists are often afraid of cars for fear of
    being rundown. Lock your doors and roll up the windows if
    you're stuck in your car.

  • Duck out into a subway. Go underground to get away from
    the crowds on the street. Subways offer several escape
    routes. Learn also how to escape from a subway.

Riot Rule #3. Acknowledge the fear.
Keep your emotions in check Acknowledge the fear to yourself,
but show a poker face (especially if you have kids) and remain
calm. It's hard to remain calm when a riot is in your midst: yet
that's the typical advice you'll get from a prepper's column. Before
you can learn to handle yourself in a rioting situation, you'll need
to acknowledge the panic internally. Have a poker face if you
have children, but acknowledge your own fear to yourself and
acknowledge their fears. People gauge their reactions on how a
flight attendant handles any given situation from turbulence to an
unruly passenger, the same is true of your children.

Showing a poker face will give you an edge. Say something like,
"Hey this is a pretty hairy situation and I know you're scared, but
we're preppers and we know how to handle this sort of thing. Now
do exactly what I say." Or simply, "Preppers always have a plan,
we're moving this way!" Then lock arms and go.

  • IMPORTANCE OF AN ARM LOCK: Locking arms will keep
    your bodies close together helping to avoid separation, which
    is especially important if you have kids. An arm lock could
    save your child from being trampled to death! An arm lock
    also provides "strength in numbers" for all members of your
    group. Teach your kids the importance of an arm lock or hand
    lock when camping to help make your body appear connected
    and in unison when confronting wildlife. For the same
    reasons it will make you appear larger and more of a threat
    to with which to contend.

Riot Rule #4: Trust your gut
A certain euphoria happens sometimes with people in a riot who
ordinarily would respond appropriately in a crowded situation. The
root cause of uncertainty creates a turbulence.

Rely on your instincts as the situation unfolds. Instincts is
nature's warning call. When you trust your gut, you'll leave the
area before the violence even happens.

Riot Rule #5: Respond quickly, react with confidence.
What separates survivors from those who don't make it? People
who respond quickly, remain clear in head, focused in their task,
have a distinct advantage in surviving a crisis. This can help in a
flash mob situation (see the video below) where you choose to
fight. When the
fight or flight response kicks in you allow yourself
to focus your energy decisively and confidently.

  • Take off your MAGA hat, remove your pony tail. Don't give
    a rioter a reason to harass you. Just take off your MAGA hat.
    Also, remove a pony tail because having a pony tail gives an
    assailant something to grab. This is among the first things a
    rapist will look for in attacking. Wear a hat instead as that
    can fall off and you can escape.

  • Walk and don't run, go with the flow, step aside, then
    duck out. Go with the flow calmly, but step aside from the
    population without going in the opposite direction. As with
    an undertow or a volcanic eruption, your aim is to move
    aside and never take it head on or you will exhaust yourself!
    Stay in the fray ~ away from the crowd mass as you plan
    your exit.

  • Move inside, don't take sides! Duck away quietly from the
    confrontation, and don't take sides. You can act aloof, put
    your head down, and duck out into a building or subway for
    refuge. Why inside? Riots often are public street scenes and
    are not confined indoors. Inside is where you will find a safe
    haven if you are away from glass.

Here's how to handle flash mob encounters:
Above, Youtuber LegallyConcealed shares some tips and tricks on  surviving
civil unrest, including what to put in your backpack.

Happy endings...
Now you know a little more about how to deal with civil unrest in
urban environments. You never know when some small sporting
event could turn into a riot. When you're aware, you can
recognize the signs of rioting and take action. Another thing you
can do is to familiarize yourself with the
survival psychology rules
for how to handle yourself with an angry mob.

Related articles...

More articles of interest to preppers...

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at - the Web site of
emergency preparedness, prepping, survival,
homesteading and self-sufficiency.
The tactics in the video above aren't for everyone ~ it's a video with
preppers in mind who carry.

Riot Rule #6: Never underestimate the danger.
Take swift and immediate action never underestimate the danger
of crowds:

  • Watch for projectiles! Guard your head and keep it low to
    avoid, bottles, rocks or other objects people may throw.

  • Look where the crowds are going. Usually rioters head in
    just one direction towards something ~ like a mascot at a
    stadium, a particular person or group of people.

  • Move to the side, if you're able, not against the mob or
    toward the object.

Riot Rule #7: Have a separation plan.
Hopefully you've remembered survival rule #4 which was to lock
arms to stay together, but if members of your family or group
inadvertently separate, you'll need to have plan about what to do
if it happens and you're not together. For adults this could mean
meeting at the hospital, but for kids it might be more complicated
depending on age.

Often times we tell kids to stay put, so we can retrace their
footsteps to find them; however, t may not be physically possible
for a young child to stay put when the force of the crowd is
directing them away. Once your child makes it to safety, he or
she can know to hug a tree. (This is the same principal as in the

#8: Use technology.
Your cell phone can help you identify escape routes and help you
escape. For example, if you have time to duck into a building, Siri
can help you navigate your way to a more safe location.

Get walking directions with Siri!
  • Hold your the side button or say "Hey Siri" to activate the
    navitation program.
  • Say "Get me walking directions" to launch the Maps App.
  • Tap on the green "Go button" for your walking directions.

You can also use your phone's app for a flashlight.
To turn your flashlight on my phone, tap the "Power" or "On"
button. This lets you use teh camera flash to navigate in the

Social media can also help!
Use your phone to check local news reports to see the status of
the rioting. This will give you an idea of the streets to avoid.

Surviving a riot isn't going to be easy...
Be smart! Take control now by having an escape route,
maintaining situational awareness, and learning to understand

Here is an important video series on how to survive an urban riot:
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