how to avoid the plague

Anti viral facemasks
Flea trap to avoid plague infestion by fleas
History Channel on the plague
Pest Plug
How to survive the dancing mania known as the plague
N95 Particlate respirator -pandemic preparedness
Non-touch thermometer
Nitrile gloves
Big Berkey Water filtration System
How to Survive the Coming Plague
How to Survive the Plague
Plague Map from CDC
Are fish antibiotics safe for humans?
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Where the plague has been found in the United States in the
past decated:
Unfortunately, the plague is still lurking and taunting humanity
though we seem to think of the plague as something we've
overcome. In fact, if you live in
Arizona, California, Colorado,
Nevada or New Mexico, the plague has already been in your state
recently! If you live in Australia or Europe, your territory has not
seen the plague since the end of World War II and you can sigh
some relief. Here is the latest plague scare:

  • Oregon girl gets the plague (Oct. 29, 2015). Many people
    think of the plague as an ancient disease, but it still haunts
    us today. An Oregon teenage girl tested positive for bubonic
    plague, according to the Oregon Health Authority.

  • Colorado, June 2015 and August 2015: A 16-year old boy
    from Larimer County. Colorado died in June, and in early
    August officials from Pueblo City Colorado announced an
    adult had died from the plague; however, no detailers were
    released on the person who died.

  • Flagstaff, Arizona April 2015: Did you know that Arizona has
    had 64 cases of the disease since 1950?  The state
    averages about two human cases annually!

The Dancing Mania!
During the Bubonic Plague of 1347-1351 there was a "dancing
mania" that spread among those who remained healthy. The
survivors did a "happy" dance of sorts, expressing sheer joy for
having lived through those bleak times!

Perhaps the secret to their survival was
Thieves Essential Oil, .
Learn more  about how Thieves Oil helped some survive!

After the population dwindled, the survivors could charge a higher
wage because there simply were fewer people left to do the
work; and fewer people also meant less of a demand for goods
and housing, so prices dropped. As well, plague survivors likely
lived to a longer life span, enjoying their old age, because they
had a hearty immune system. No wonder the plague survivors did
a happy dance! The survivors were grateful, though many of them
lost their entire family.

Happy endings...
May through October is a particularly vulnerable period for the
plague. If you have pets, you need to take extra precaution.

While the
Plague in dogs is rare, if you own a dog it's imperative
not to allow the dog out of your home during an extreme crisis or
you may risk getting fleas in your home. The grave danger of the
plague is that usually dogs have no symptoms of the disease.
Also, while the plague is rare in dogs, the fleas your dog brings
home is what puts you at risk of the plague. If the fleas are bring
the bacterial disease it could infect you and not the dog.

anthrax, botulism, cholera, smallpox, or the plague be
carried out by missiles, a bomb or a plane-sprayer? You never
know what North Korea or Russia is planning.

Related articles...

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* These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
For any health or dietary matter, always consult your physician. This information is
intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional
medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in
seeking medical advice when available.
How to Avoid Getting the Plague
Protect yourself and your family from getting the plague

How to avoid the plague, like the plague...
Yersinia pestis was the "black death" that culled the medieval
population of Europe, but also Asia. This infectious disease,
caused by Plague Bacillus, was "cured" by ancients through
bloodletting, flagellation, living in sewers and bathing in urine
among other odd treatments that, for obvious reason, didn't work.
Yet there's one treatment that still has merit today: thieves oil!
Discover the ancient secrets, along with modern tactics, for how
to survive the plague below....

How to Avoid and Survive the Plague
Preppers love camping, fishing, hunting and enjoying the great
outdoors, yet these activities also can put us at higher risk than
the general population for getting the modern day plague. Find
out more below about why this is so and learn how to survive the

To prevent the plague, keep these ideas in mind:

#1: Realize that rats aren't the real problem.
Drats, it's not just the rats. While images of rats and filth
infiltrate our minds when we think of the black plague, rats were
only partially responsible for the devastation. The true culprits of
the plague were the fleas who hitched a ride on all sorts of
animals ~ from small rodents all the way up to the tallest
camels. Few realize that cows, pigs and sheep also succumbed to
the disease, alongside humans.

It was the great pestilence and rightly named, and the pest was
the flea, not the rat.

#2: Flee the fleas!
How can you prevent the plague, or at least keep it from
spreading in your community? For starters you can minimize your
exposure to fleas. It only takes one flea bite to get the plague.
The bubonic plague is an infection of the lymph nodes (and
spread through flea bites). There are other kinds of plague,
though the one with the fleas is our first concern as preppers.

Here are some ideas to flea the fleas:

  • Walk your dog and keep your cats in doors during an
    epidemic. According to the CDC, "Animals that roam freely
    are more likely to come in contact with plague infected
    animals or fleas and could bring them into homes."

  • Keep pets off your bed! "Don't allow dogs or cats that roam
    free in endemic areas to sleep on your bed," the CDC
    advises. Why not start now? Kennel training your dog is a
    good way to start prepping with your puppy.

  • Use repellent on yourself when camping, hiking. Use
    repllant when hiking or camping in places where you may be
    exposed to rodent fleas.. Look for products containing DEET.
    If you don't want to apply DEET to the skin, you can apply
    the product clothing. You can also apply products containing
    permethrin to clothing to prevent fleas from biting you.

  • Give your pet a repellent. Pet Naturals of Vermont Protect
    Flea Shampoo for Dogs and Cats, pictured immediate right,
    will help reduce the problem if there is an outbreak of the
    plague. This natural repellent protect your pets from fleas,
    ticks, mosquitoes and flies, thereby keeping you flea free
    and reducing your exposure to the plague.

  • Get a flea collar for your pet. A flea collar will do little to
    prevent the problem, but your life depends on every means
    possible so try a collar and these solutions:

  • Consider Flea traps. Avoid fleas, like the plague! The non-
    poisonous, odorless flea trap, pictured at the top of the page
    is safe to use around children and pets. Patented design
    uses color, heat, light, and sweet odor to lure fleas; attracts
    fleas from 30 feet away in every direction.

  • Have hope for holistic options. Mint and pennyroyal may
    repell fleas. Garlic isn't just for vampires.  Some preppers
    argue that garlic will repel fleas by working its way to their
    coat via oil glands. The oil repels the fleas, so why not put
    garlic powder on your pets food?

  • Go for the Marigold! Marigolds produce a sap that is a bug
    repellent. Plant them plentifully in your garden though most
    of your garden is food, this will look lovely and help your
    veggies grow.

  • Get some help from a mum. Chrysanthemums are the plant
    that produces the very toxic pyrethrin which replaces DEET in
    several types of bug repellent and is also a contact
    insecticide. This is another flower that does the trick to repel
    and will help your food grow.

  • Employ the Help of Beneficial Parasitic Nematodes. These
    little killers infect fleas and lay eggs inside their bodies,
    which hatch. In turn, the larva eat the insides of the flea as
    it develops and finally leaves the empty husk to find a new
    living host to perpetuate the cycle.

  • Get rid of your pet! It's a difficult decision to get rid of a
    dog or cat because pets are treated like family. If getting rid
    of the pet simply isn't an option then you'll need to take
    extreme measures to protect yourself and your pet during an

#3: Don't dress a squirrel, stay away from a camel.
Dressing a squirrel could put you at risk as a prepper during an
outbreak. Also as we mentioned above cows, pigs, sheep and
even camels could carry the plague, which will put self-reliant
homesteaders more at risk. Okay, you might not have a camel,
but the plague could affect a llama,

Did you know that there are more than 200 different rodents that
can serve as hosts to the plague? Hosts may to avoid include:
  • chipmunks
  • domestic cats and dogs
  • marmots
  • prairie dogs
  • squirrels,
  • deer mice
  • rabbits, hares
  • rock squirrels

If many rodents die in your area, there's a good indication of a
plague outbreak, and it's time start preventative action, including
isolating pets. While a cure for the plague exists, prevention is
the best solution and the way to do that is to minimize your
exposure to fleas.

Wear gloves if handling potentially infected animals.
The CDC recommends wearing Nitrile gloves if you will be
handling or skinning potentially infected animals. Wearing gloves
will prevent contact between your skin and the deadly plague
bacteria. Nitrile gloves, pictured immediate right are
manufactured using synthetic polymers making them more
puncture resistant than ordinary rubber gloves. Double gloving is
important for handling bodily fluids of an Ebola victim (sick and
deceased individuals).

Further the CDC says to "Contact your local health department if
you have questions about disposal of dead animals."

#4: Grab a bottle of antibiotics for your fish.
You may wonder, are fish antibiotics safe for humans? We provide
no links to fish antibiotics (because they are for your fish and not
humans, wink, wink), but it's good to listen to the medical
community. Many prepper physicians, nurses and medics have all
endorsed use of fish antibiotics for times when there is no doctor;
however, these same physicians, nurses and medics have
important knowledge you don't: they know which antibiotics
correspond to the human condition, along with which have allergic
concerns. They also know doses and length of treatment.

Antibiotics to cure the plague include:
  1. Ciprofloxacin (veterinary equivalent is Fish-Flox)
  2. Chloramphenicol
  3. Doxycycline
  4. Gentamicin; Alchornea cordifolia is a shrub or small tree
    found in tropical Africa, which has herbal medicinal properties
    of gentamicin. Good luck if you don't live in near that shrub!
  5. Streptomycin
  6. Tetracycline (veterinary equivalent is Fish-Cycline)

Antibiotics are important, but don't fool yourself. Get the
knowledge you need well before you need it. You may even like
to theoretically ask your doctor, but know this: before the
discovery of antibiotics, roughly 60% of affected individuals would
die of the plague. Compare that to today's 10% death rate!  Once
symptoms start, and without treatment, the plague could kill
approximately two thirds of infected humans within four days.

Symptoms of bubonic plague come after 2-5 days of exposure to
the bacteria. Without treatment 50-60% of people with bubonic
plague die.  The plague is highly treatable in modern times with
antibiotics. In a collective sigh of relief most people would feel
satisfaction with that knowledge. Preppers, however, know the
coveted treatment may be entirely unavailable in crisis and will
look to alternative treatment options: like fish antibiotics.  

#5: Steal this idea: thieves oil.
Every prepper should stock a precious bottle of thieves oil. This is
an ancient remedy with scientific backing. Thieves oil is a blend
of essential oils that's scientifically proven effective at combating
viruses and bacteria. Mind you, it's no "snake oil"! Unlike the odd
ancient remedies for the plague,
thieves oil is the natural answer
to antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Well known for its dietary, aromatic, or topical use, Thieves Oil
originally recreated by Young Living Essential Oils has been  
tested at Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, and found to be
effective against airborne bacteria! During the 15th-century
plague, thieves used an
oil of cloves, rosemary, and other
aromatics to protect themselves while robbing plague victims.
The king pardoned the thieves if they would only divulge their
secret, or so the legend has it.

For dietary, aromatic, or topical use,
Thieves Oil has a rich history
as an apothecary staple. During the 15th-century plague, thieves
used an oil of cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics to protect
themselves while robbing plague victims. In the
Survival Medicine
Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way,
immediate right,  by Joseph Alton M.D. and Amy Alton ARNP, they
recommend stocking Thieves Oil (Page 78) for upper respiratory

An ingredient of thieves oil is camphor. It's interesting to note
that Essential Oil of Camphor, an extract from the roots and
branches of the camphor tree, was used in ancient Persia to
combat the bubonic plague. Using camphor as a cure for the
bubonic plague may hold merit to the use of thieves oil, which
contains a percentage of camphor. Whether or not camphor
actually helps cure the bubonic plague is another story. Whatever
the case, camphor is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and an

#6: Keep clean.
The plague is a serious bacterial infection that's caused by poor
sanitation, overcrowding, and fleas. Remember, it was the large
rodent populations that carried the fleas throughout Europe and
Asia ~ it wasn't the rats biting humans that caused the plague.
In short you need to keep away the dirty rats and stay clean.

  • Get out the Steramine and get ready to clean.

  • Install Pestplug Steel Wool. Pestplug Steel Wool, pictured
    immediate right, is a safe and environmentally friendly
    product that will help prevent unwanted pests and rodents
    from entering homes, buildings, RV's and many different
    structures. Because of the sharp fibers in our stainless steel
    wool, mice and rodents can not chew through it like many
    other products.

#7: Take a step into history.
"Ashes to ashes we all fall down." The line from the famous
nursery rhyme and children's game is with us still today to remind
us of the pandemic that almost crushed our civilization. The
gruesome Black Plague of the Dark Ages, also called the great
pestilence, was the greatest biological disaster of mankind. Not
everyone perished during this catastrophic event. To understand
why this is so, travel back to the 14th century to
learn how to
survive the plague without the aid of antibiotics.

The cleverly written piece advises you at the "first whisper of the
plague" to flee any populated area. In summary of the article:
  • Stay away from fleas, rats, cats, dogs and humans.
  • Don't board ship or enter a castle.
  • Bathe frequently in hot water.
  • Keep a burning fire.
  • Apply pennyroyal* liberally. (We recommend Thieves Oil)
  • Pray to your favorite deity.

    * The National Institutes of Health says that Pennyroyal is an herbal
    extract historically used as an insect repellent, but that is highly toxic to
    the liver and therefor not recommended.

These medieval cures for the plague may have been a natural
instinct among the people who survived. One of the biggest
secrets of the Black plague is that there were many "super

When we think of the Black Plague, we often think of entire
villages getting wiped out by this devastating pandemic. The
truth is, however, that many of our ancestors remained unscathed
despite living alongside plague victims. In other words, we didn't
"all fall down" during the bubonic plague, which was happy news

Even more happy news for mankind followed the plague when all
was said and done. Our ancestors, these "super survivors," were
also healthier thanks to a better diet and lifestyle. You see, the
survivors improved their living conditions, because there were
fewer people in the work force and they were able to charge more
for their labor. Diets improved because laborers had more money
to spend on meats and grains. This actually made them healthier
in the end. Our ancestors improved their stamina.

#8: Prepare for three kinds of plague.
Raging thirst, fever of above 107, and delirium are the foremost
of symptoms. The plague, appears about two to five days after
exposure. Soon gangrene sets in, along with muscle cramps and
seizures, and the telltale swollen rings on the skin called bubuos.
Bleeding from the ears is another horrific symptom.

Medieval Europe suffered from the bubonic plague, but two other
plagues have since emerged into our purview (and they all differ
in symptoms and in how the disease is spread):

    Bubonic Plague (fleas from host to host).
    Bubonic plague is an infection of the lymph nodes that  
    affects the lymph system (tonsils, adenoids, spleen, and
    thymus).. Symptoms of bubonic plague come after 2 - 5 days
    of exposure to the bacteria. Without treatment 50% of
    people with bubonic plague die. It's spread through fleas,
    but also fleas who hitch a ride on rodents and surprisingly is
    also sometimes spread through infected clothing.

    Bubonic plague symptoms (lymph nodes), include:
  • Swollen lymph glands, called buboes, are often found on
    the neck, armpit and groin of the victim.

    Pneumonic Plague (air from human to human).
    The pneumonic plague is an infection of the lungs and
    spreads from human to human. Symptoms of pneumonic
    plague appear 2-3 days after exposure to the bacteria.
    Pneumonic plague patients require isolation. As with
    exposure to Ebola, anyone who has had contact with a
    pneumonic plague patient, needs to self quarantine. As well,
    antibiotics are a good preventative measure for anyone who
    has been exposed.

    Pneumonic plague symptoms (lungs), include:
  • The first signs of illness are fever, headache, and
  • Coughing up blood is the telltale symptom of pneumonic
  • Pneumonia sets in quickly with shortness of breath,
    chest pain, cough, and sometimes bloody or watery
  • It's the most contagious of the three types of plague.

    Septicemic Plague (blood from fleas and rodents).
    Septicemic plague is an infection of the blood. The
    Septicemic plague is caused in the same ways as bubonic
    plague; however, buboes do not develop. Unfortunately, the
    Septicemic plague may cause death well before any
    symptoms occur. Thankfully it's spread through fleas and
    rodents (it is rarely spread from human to human). A
    pandemic mask will come in handy for preventing the
    airborne version of the plague, Septicemic plague symptoms

    Septicemic plague symptoms (blood), include:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bleeding from the mouth or nose.
  • Bleeding from under the skin.
  • Diarrhea and
  • Fever and chills
  • Gangrene (blackening and tissue death of fingers, toes
    or nose)
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Shock
  • Vomiting

#9: Know How the plague transmits:
The first way for how to survive the coming plague is to know how
the plague transmits. The famous plague started through a
bacillus, vector borne transmission, carried by fleas; however, a
plague of the future might also spread by air, by direct contact,  
by contaminated materials or even by undercooked food.

  • Vector-borne: Transmission carried by insects, such as
    fleas, or other animals such as rodents. Get rid of pests and
    have flea traps and mouse traps on hand.

  • Contaminated food or water: Transmission through fecal
    matter contaminating food or water.

  • Droplet contact: Transmission of infected person through
    coughing or sneezing on another. The plague may be
    transmitted through cough droplets according to the CDC.
    When a person breathes in bacteria containing droplets of
    the plague pneumonia, he or she may become infected.

  • Direct physical contact: Transmission by touching an
    infected person or animal.

  • Indirect contact: Transmission by touching contaminated
    soil or other contaminated surface.

  • Airborne: Transmission through air. The person breathes in
    the Yersinia pestis particles and becomes infected in the
    lungs (pneumonic plague).  "Becoming infected in this way
    usually requires direct and close contact with the ill person
    or animal," according to the Center's for Disease Control

#10: Know where the plague hides.
The truth is that plagues come and go. We as humans get
smarter, and so does the bacteria. Currently the plague in
Madagascar is more virulent than the strain from Dark Ages. Of
119 cases,
the plague has killed dozens in Madagascar (January
31, 2010), according to the World Health Organization.
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