Prepping with Kids

Backpack tent
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Radio flyer wagon- prepper car
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Happy endings...
There are so many ways to involve kids in prepping. Even just
showing kids how to tap a water tank can be an educational and
enjoyable experience.

Remember this: preparing is caring!
Kids love to feel safe and secure in your care, and you can show
them you care by sharing with them how you prepare.

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emergency preparedness, prepping, survival,
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Here is a list of ideas to involve your children in prepping:

  • Take the kids camping. It's an easy bet that most kids love
    camping. You can start off by making a tent inside the house
    on a cold winter's day, or camping in your back yard. When
    summer hits, head out for a car camping trip. Gradually you
    can move up to a backpacking. Right is a super affordable
    backpacking tent for scouts that your kids will appreciate.
    They can learn to set it up themselves.

  • Engage young children in prepping with a story. A
    wonderful introduction to prepping for kids is the "Prepper
    Pete Prepares" series of books, by Kermit Jones, Jr. --
    Prepper Pete works hard to keep his family safe by preparing
    for events such as power outages, bad storms, illness, and
    other disasters.

  • Entertain each other. Turn out the lights for dinner and eat
    by candlelight and tell ghost stories. Enhance your
    storytelling with shadow puppets. Get out a musical
    instrument. Sing your favorite song together without a CD.

  • Check out the pantry together. Try some freeze dried
    chicken straight from the bag, then see what you can make
    for dinner with it. Sample some freeze dried ice cream bars
    and show your kids the secret stash of survival desserts. Can
    some bubble gum or candies together.

  • Get cooking. Bake some bread from scratch together and
    allow your child to make his or her own mini loaf. Pick
    blackberries together, then bake a pie.

  • Go fishing. Take your child fishing and teach also how to
    bait or gut the fish.

  • Make something. Assemble a mini first aid survival kit for
    his or her school backpack. Whittle something. Use paracord.
    Sew or knit together, explaining the importance of these
    forgotten skills.

  • Have a taste test. Get some samples of food bars, freeze
    dried meals and shelf stable foods, and have a taste test!

  • Use essential oils. Not all oils are kid friendly, but you'll find
    quite a few on the market for safe and effective use. A good
    place to try essential oils on children is on their feet.
    Diffusing is another way to allow kids the opportunity to get
    into essential oils.

#4: Instill a healthy respect of fire.
Schools often do a good job of holding fire drills to teach kids
about fire safety, but they don't teach kids how to build a fire.
That's the job of a prepper! As your child's guardian and as a
prepper, you must instill a healthy respect of fire. This
understanding will teach your child more about fire safety than
his peers may know.Here's how to build a healthy respect for

  • Make a candy fire. Make a pretend fire with candy. Start
    with a jelly bean fire ring, use a fork to rake a crushed Oreo
    as dirt, set out coconut shreds as fluffy kindling, pretzels for
    kindling, make a match out of a raisin, add a tootsie roll is
    the log, and top it with fruit rollup flames.

  • Review fire safety.
  • Explain the importance of tying up hair, and securing loose
    clothing before building a  fire.
  • Have older kids teach the little kids the stop, drop and roll
  • Talk about escape routes and engage children in the process.
  • Kids must never hide in the closet (have that conversation
    with your kids)!
  • Teach teens and older kids how to use the fire extinguisher!
  • Read a fire safety book. A great read for your littlest ones is
    "No Dragons for Tea," which teaches fire safety to help
    prevent tragedy in your home.

#5: Teach children germ-free techniques.
In a severe pandemic situation, you simply can not trust little
kids to keep their hands off stuff. It may be better to keep them
home and under your watchful eye than to send them off to
daycare or school and risk infection during key times of crisis.
Many preppers decide to home school to minimize this worry.

Kids put their dirty fingers in their mouths, they rub eyes and pick
noses, and they scratch where the sun doesn't shine. These
things help put kids among the highest at risk during cold and flu
season and especially during a pandemic crisis.
Pandemics seem to be popping up and effecting children:

Now more than ever to mitigate the problem with coaching and

  1. Wash hands often and carry a natural hand sanitizer with
    you always.
  2. Avoid high traffic indoor places. Don't allow children to play
    on the indoor mall playground or at the restaurant -- it
    harbors a cesspool of bacteria.
  3. Bring wipes for arcade equipment and public computers, or
    electronic games at the doctors or dentists office, which
  4. Wipe the grocery cart with sanitizing wipes or use a car
    seat, as pictured left.
  5. Teach Bathroom Skills. The cleanest toilet in a public
    bathroom is stall number 1 because most people head to the
    back stalls for more privacy. Use it and show children how to
    use the toilet seat covers. Show kids tricks of not touching
    the flushing device, door handles, soap dispensers and
    especially the exit door!
  6. Practice the Dracula cough: Have kids sneeze or cough into
    the inside of their elbow as if they are Dracula and pulling
    their cape around their face.
  7. Don't share pens, pencils, crayons or markers. The pencils
    kids share at school are an easy way to spread the germs.
    Mark your child's pencils for school with washi tape and teach
    your kids to use only their own pencils, pens, crayons and
    markers. Teach by example: bring your own pens to the
    doctor's office to sign forms or to the grocery store to sign
    statements. Know that magazines and toys in the doctor's
    office are loaded with the worst kind of germs.

#6: Think in advance of children's needs as they
grow and mature.
As kids as they mature, so do their needs. Following are some
ways to think in anticipation of needs as your children grow in
terms of meeting their prepping needs.

  • Bikes. Always have a bike for your kids and one the next
    size up ready to go. If you had to bugout by bike and your
    child's bike is ridiculously small, you'll have a problem on
    your hands in terms of how fast you can get the family to
    safety of your bugout location. Consider getting tandem
    bikes where the adult controls or bike trailers. Conversely, if
    your child is too old for a co-pilot bike trailer, pictured right,
    then take it off so that this doesn't weigh you down in your
    journey. If you have kids and you're prepping, give your bikes
    a quarterly tune up and size check.

  • Children's gas masks:  Think in advance of your unborn
    children or grandchildren by securing an infant gas mask for
    your family or group.Choosing to buy a gas mask for your
    child is peace of mind that only a prepper can understand!
    Unfortunately, since the Ebola scare, gas masks with NATO
    filters are hard to find. They are sold out on Amazon.

  • Children's pandemic mask. Specifically designed to fit small
    faces and provide comfortable protection, the children's
    pandemic mask, picture left features a Disney character to
    make safety fun. These are Latex-free and breathable face
    masks with a pleat-style design and stretchable ear loops.

  • Anticipation of Puberty (feminine pads, condoms):
    Families who have young girls will need an adequate supply
    of feminine products, even if they haven't hit puberty, in
    anticipation of the day which will come. Along with feminine
    napkins or tampons, preparation also requires stocking extra
    panties, and sanitation wipes for this purpose. A handheld
    bidet may be necessary in uncertain times when toilet paper
    is not available. Parents of girls in the 'tween years who are
    hitting puberty mark, would be Another serious
    consideration, depending on your religious views, is to stock

  • Clothing and shoes. Kids will outgrow their clothing and
    shoes! You may already save older kids clothing shoes for
    the younger ones. Another option is to take advantage of
    sales and to scour garage sales and thrift shops to find
    clothing and shoes a few sizes bigger than your kids fit right
    now. Take priority to pack jackets and boots in larger sizes.

  • Stock up on cloth diapers. Even preppers without babies
    should consider adding cloth diapers to their prepping lineup.
    Cloth diapers serve as a first aid item for stopping the
    bleeding, and you can use them to clean up vomit or provide
    a cool water compress for a fever. For a fever, soak the
    cotton diaper as compress in lemon water. At about a buck a
    diaper, they are pretty cheap for other household purposes
    as well: dusting or car washing and waxing. You'll find they
    are a handy item around the house. And of course, it is also
    a good idea for the unexpected new member of your prepping
    community for diapering, burping, or nursing. Cloth diapers
    are an ideal prep for anyone who has girls approaching child
    bearing age or women still in their child bearing years in
    their group.

#7: Have adequate children's fever medicines,
sponges and electrolytes handy.
As worrisome as it may be, a fever is the body's natural response
to germs that invade the body. White blood cells come to the
rescue to fight infection as the body's temperature rises. A fever
warns that the body needs attention. Know the drill:

  • acetaminophen (Tylenol Infants' Drops)
  • ibuprofen (Advil, Infants' Motrin)
  • Provide electrolytes (nursing, Pedialyte, Vitamin Water)
  • Stock up on sponges to dampen a feverish child; and
    remember to
  • Loosen clothing and minimize blankets when a child has a

  • Important:
  • never ever use rubbing alcohol on a baby, which absorbs
    too quickly into the skin and presents alcohol poisoning with
  • never give kids aspirin (as there is a risk of Reyes

Finally, every family should own a non-contact thermometer!
Particularly important during a pandemic, a non-contact

#8: Prep for kids with allergies.
You might not know whether your child has allergies to bee
stings, if he or she has never been stung before. Keep these
things in mind:

  • Keep Benadryl handy in case your child is not able to
    breathe after a bee sting.

  • Get an EPI pen prescription. Talk to your pediatrician about
    getting an EPI pen prescription if your child has allergies.
    Beware: EPI Pens expire!

#9 Plan for your Child's Dental Needs.
Plan your your children's dental needs, particularly if they have
braces or retainers.

  • Stock up on kids toothbrushes + toothpaste. (Skip fluoride
    toothpastes.) Fluoride is not beneficial to kids (or adults.)
    Your dentist has been lying to you about fluoride.

  • Stock up on dental defense gum! Spry gum can help
    prevent tooth decay. This gum has no asparatame and
    instead has Xylitol, which is a natural ingredient that inhibits
    bacteria's ability to stick to your teeth. When bacteria can't
    stick, they can't colonize. When they can't colonize, they
    can't make their acid by-product, which is the main cause of
    plaque and tooth decay

Important note about cavities...
Don't share utensils or drinking cups with kids. Saliva spreads
cavities, otherwise your
bacteria may transfer to your child.

#10: Teach kids prepping, survival and homesteading

Ideas for Prepping skills for kids:

  • Teach kids first aid skills. Enroll kids in a CPR or first aid
    class. Often you'll find classes at your local community

  • Provide self-defense instruction: Learn the art of self
    defense, including enrollment in a Martial Arts class. Martial
    Arts will instill confidence in your child and has also proven
    to increase grades at school.

  • Get crafty with duct tape and paracord. Preppers do
    amazing things with duct tape! There are fun crafts with duct
    tape from making wallets to. Paracord

  • Teach them knife skills. In the 1950s, parents trusted kids
    with a pocket knife and boys probably carried them to school.
    It's obviously not the same today. While you can provide
    instruction and safely teach your child skills with a knife, it's
    up to you to teach responsibility, supervise your child, and
    store knives safely away for appropriate use only.

Survival skills ideas for kids:

  • Camp with your kids. When you go camping with your kids,
    be sure to give child a whistle and a red poncho to tuck in a
    pocket. Emergency Zone® Brand emergency Poncho, pictured
    left in red, is lightweight and compact. This is a smaller size
    for children measuring 40 x 33 inches and has an attached
    hood. Not only does it provide emergency weather
    protection, but the color red will attract attention should
    your child become lost in the wilderness.

  • Teach kids the importance of "tree hugging." No, this is
    not some liberal tree-hugging scenario. The hug a tree and
    survive concept teaches kids how to survive in the woods if
    they become lost. The first rule is to find a tree as it
    provides shelter. Finding a tree also keeps kids focused.
    Some kids find comfort in hugging the tree or talking to it
    when they are scared. Most importantly, when kids stay put
    it keeps kids out of harms way and makes it easier for
    rescuers to find him or her. It's also important to teach kids
    that they should hug just one tree, and not a cluster of trees
    where they will not be seen from make themselves "big" and
    noticeable so that rescuers can spot them even from the air.

  • Enroll in a scouting program. Boy Scouting and Girl Scouting
    also can help build upon skills you teach, such as fire-
    building, knot-tying, learning to use a compass, signaling,
    and more.

  • Be the first to enroll in first aid. Get your child into a "first
    aid" or "babysitting" class with the American Red Cross to
    learn valuable life-saving skills.

Homesteading skills for kids:

  • Set expectations about living off the land. Be frank with
    your kids about what life might look like off the grid, and be
    grateful for the things you enjoy today.

  • Nurture their gardening skills. Have kids help in the garden
    or provide them with their own mini plot or container garden.

  • Get in the kitchen and bake from scratch!

#11: Be selective in packing kids bugout bags.
Pack kids bugout bags on the light side: ensure the bag is no
more than a third of their body weight.

Kids packs should include hard candies to keep them energized
and such things a
survival bandanna with information on
navigating and survival tips.

Hard candies give a boost of quick energy and keep the mouth
moist, as well they provide a morale booster for hard times and
will be useful for such things as sore throats. Buy organic hard
candies or look for hard candies made of cane sugar. If the label
reads "sugar" then you can bet it is beet sugar (not as healthy as
it sounds).

#12: Don't get bored, get board games.
Plan ahead for family game night.

  • Make money off your kids old toys. While many kids toys
    are useful in prepping, others are not. Sell them to a
    consignment store to earn more money for your preps.

#13: Take heed of toys that double as survival items.
Save your toys! Some kid's toys can double as survival items:

  • Save the scooter. If your child is done with the razor
    scooter, don't throw it away. Pack your child's old razor
    scooter in your commuter car. It folds easily and just may
    help you get home!

  • Get a folding bike. Get your child a bike that folds and you'll
    have a bug-out option when the fuel runs dry or a get-home
    option in a severe emergency.

  • Preserve the Radio Flyer Wagon. That little red wagon,
    which was perfect for your kids earlier days could serve you
    well in an off-grid situation to haul water and supplies. Don't
    throw it away even if they've outgrown the wagon stage.

  • Recycle the sand in the sandbox. Your kid's sandbox,
    contains something valuable: sand! Ideal for helping you
    fortify your home, get sandbags to block entrances to your
    property, like gates and doors.

  • Melt those crayons! Did you know you can transform a
    crayon as into an emergency candle? If you have a paper
    wrap on the crayon it will burn 15-20 minutes! The paper
    wrap is like the wick and the crayon color itself is the wax.
    Here's the video proof that a crayon can burn like a candle.

Why prepping with kids is important
Prepping with kids is fun and you can involve them in your family
hobby.  A family that preps together, stays together (and
survives). When you have children, you'll need to make extra
preparations for survival to think of their future needs. As well,
parents, grandparents and caretakers should consider children an
asset to long-term survival situations for many reasons:

  • Children are the future!  Children are the survivors of
    tomorrow and represent hope. In short, survival of the
    human race depends on them! Preppers want their children
    and their children's children to survive.

  • Children love to learn. Adults can have fun bonding with
    kids in meaningful ways by prepping with them. Enjoy your
    time prepping with your child, grandchild, nephew or niece,
    young sibling or cousin. Hobbies and skills you practice as a
    family will keep the bonds strong well into the future. So
    start now to share your passion for hobbies including
    cooking, sewing, knitting, fishing, camping, gardening,
    horseback riding, archery, and target practice. Read kids
    prepper books, such as the Prepper Pete series.

    Preppers have many skills to offer children who are willing
    and able to learn. Boy Scouting and Girl Scouting also can
    help build upon skills, such as fire-building, knot-tying,
    learning to use a compass, signaling, and more.

  • Finally, children bring with them many useful tools. Kids
    toys can double as survival items!Toys, such as wagons,
    scooters and bikes, walkie talkies (two-wave radios),
    crayons, chalkboard, paper and pens, all which may be
    applied as tools for survival.

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Water is life: Do you have enough for you and the kids?

Teach your kids the most basic skills, like how to get water in an
emergency. The little boy below is discovering his family's
valuable reserve water of 260 gallons, which is enough for a
family of four for a month. Your child will enjoy the precious time
together. Enjoy!
Prepping with Kids
Preparedness activities for children

Share prepping activities with your kids!
Prepping is fun and even more important and enjoyable if you
have kids. While teenagers will appreciate some of the finer
aspects of prepping, you can get young kids into prepping in
many ways. Below are some fun ways to get your children started
in developing prepping habits that will last them a lifetime.

Considerations for prepping with kids
Preppers with young children know prepping is immensely
important for the survival of humanity! To that end, we've
collected a list of special considerations for preppers who have
children or grandchildren...

#1: Keep the secret safe!
The number one rule of prep club is "don't talk about prep club!"
It's often difficult for children to keep secrets, but you must
either keep your prepping totally private from your young kids or
emphasize the importance of keeping quiet as though your child's
life depends on it.

One way to help children understand the importance of secrecy is
to tell children bluntly and honestly: "If you tell others about our
prepping, then your belly might go hungry," and "Someone in the
fmaily might die if you tell others."  Be sure to emphasize that
"This is our a family secret to keep us all safe."

#2: Start your child's day with a healthy glass of
Getting your kids started prepping begins each morning. Respect
for water is of utmost importance in prepping. Tell kids that life
is water! Indeed, water is the combination of oxygen and
hydrogen;  the two kiss to make this life sustaining liquid.

Starting your day off hydrated with life sustaining liquids makes
sense for you too as keeping hydrated will help your body fight
infections: and you never may know how the day will end. That
extra glass of water may be the sustaining factor in survival.

  • Teach children the rule of three. You can live only three
    minutes without air; three days without water; and three
    weeks without food.

  • Get a Lifestraw and support a child in Africa with water
    for a year! When you buy Lifestraw products you also
    ensure getting life saving water to kids in developing
    countries. Get some for your family, then demonstrate to
    your kids how easy it is to use and how lucky they are to
    have clean water, when not all kids around the world have
    access to clean drinking water.

#3: Engage your kids in prepping activities.
Prepping is fun and you can share the passion. Your experience
together can be an afternoon or evening, a half hour or just a few
minutes. Prepping is a lifetime passion and a daily lesson.
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