grow potatoes at home

Three 5-gallon food-grade buckets
Potato grow bags
Seed potatoes
Planter perfect for growing potatoes
Potato planter
How to grow potatoes
Jumbo Potato bag
Grow potatoes anywhere,
without tilling beds or
hilling up soil. Harvesting
is a snap; just dump out
the soil and there they are!
The Jumbo Potato Grow
Bag, pictured above, offers
plenty of room for a big
harvest. The patented
fabric air-prunes roots for
stronger, healthier plants.
It also aerates soil,
prevents heat build-up and
allows excess water to
drain away. Reinforced
nylon handles. Fold for
storage, reuse year after
Grow Potatoes easily at home
Potato grow sack
Best prepper protein source: meat
Corn in the prepper's pantry
Augason Farms Food Storage
Nine reasons to get into sprouting
Lessons from the potato famine
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Happy endings...
Celebrate the potato! It's a healthy and easy food to grow at
home, even if you live in an apartment. There is no better time to
grow potatoes than in March. Grow potatoes around St. Patrick's
Day, but no later than the end of March, so that you can harvest by
July. When the work is done, you can celebrate...

first Monday of April is officially Tater Day! Tater day began in
Benton, Kentucky in 1842. It was a market day to buy potato
shoots for the next growing season. Pretty son there was a
carnival and all sorts of fun surrounding the day. This year is the
173rd annual Tater Day (2016) and  in Benton, Kentucky it's
celebrated from Thursday, March 31st through Monday, April 4th!

Related articles...

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at - the Web site of
emergency preparedness, prepping, survival,
homesteading and self-sufficiency.
Above, Grow Veg shows you how to reap the benefits of growing potatoes.

Here are some tips on growing potatoes

Where to plant potatoes
Potatoes can grow just about anywhere or any climate or any
size garden, but they like loose, well cultivated and acidic soil.
Try coffee grounds or pine needles to make the soil rich enough
to grow potatoes easily!

  • Avoid planting your potato crop directly with tomatoes,
    sunflowers, raspberries, pumpkins, squash, or cucumbers.
    Why? Competition provides the answer. Tomatoes, which
    are in the same plant family as potatoes, will compete for
    the soil conditions. Squash, will compete for sunlight. They
    are incompatible.

  • Go ahead and plant Beans, cabbage, corn, and horseradish
    with your potatoes as these are great companions in the
    garden to help potatoes grow!

  • Plant potatoes in a container! Potatoes do well in large, tall
    containers (even garbage cans). To harvest, just tip the
    container. For container potatoes, make sure you to have
    good air circulation (e.g., drill holes in plastic). You can even
    plant potatoes in an old tire.

How to harvest potatoes and maintain your home grown
  • Harvest can begin as early as the plant begins to flower as
    with new potatoes; however the harvest for larger more
    mature potatoes starts when the foliage begins to die.
    Essentially when the visible portion is dry.

  • Potatoes are a low maintenance crop. If you leave any
    potatoes in the ground, they'll pop up again next year.
    Imagine enjoying home grown potatoes year after year! This
    can happen if you ensure quality soil. Generally in three
    years the soil will be depleted on its own. So there you have
    it: potatoes are an easy crop to grow. So start now and
    easily grow your own potatoes at home.

So how will your potatoes grow? Very easily! Even so, preppers
always have a backup plan! Be sure to have a
supply of freeze
dried potato products to help ensure you won't ever go hungry.


  • A sweet potato is not a potato at all. Sweet potatoes are
    actually a completely different vegetable than regular
    potatoes. Sweet potatoes are not in the same botanical
    Family unlike potatoes, they need hot weather to thrive.
    Sweet potatoes are tropical perennials. Essentially their
    production decreases when temperatures fall below 64
    degrees Fahrenheit.

  • NEVER eat green potatoes because they are poisonous!
    So while you can eat a fried green tomato, you should never
    eat a fried green potato!

Now you know how easy it is to grow potatoes at home! You can
survive on a healthy diet of potatoes supplemented only with
milk or butter, which have the two vitamins not in potatoes,
(vitamins A and D), so why not grow potatoes at home?

Want to Grow Potatoes at Home?
Here are six methods for growing potatoes at home from
Grow Potatoes
Why & How To Grow Your Own Potatoes

Grow potatoes! You know you love them, so grow potatoes easily
at home, even if you live in an apartment. March is the best time
to grow potatoes, which is easy enough to remember if you think
of the Irish who love potatoes.

Every prepper should learn how to grow potatoes in a container.
It's not only a survival skill, but it's fun. Below are three reasons
you should get going on growing them...

Why preppers should grow potatoes
Why make growing potatoes part of your prepping plan? Here are
three good reasons to grow potatoes. Below are three good
reasons to start growing potatoes.

#1: Potatoes are an almost perfect and complete
food source
You can survive on a healthy diet of potatoes supplemented only
with milk or butter, which have the two vitamins not in potatoes,
(vitamins A and D).

A medium sized potato including the peel, packs provides 27 mg
of vitamin C, which is about 45% of what you'll need. Plus you'll
get Potassium, Vitamin B6 and trace amounts of other essentials
including folate, iron, magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and

Knowing you can
survive on a healthy diet of potatoes
supplemented only with milk or butter, which have the two
vitamins not in potatoes, (vitamins A and D) is reason enough to
grow potatoes. But did you know that growing potatoes would
pack more energy per square foot than just about anything else
you could grow? And best of all, home grown potatoes are tastier
than anything you could buy at the store.

  • Got powdered milk? A cup of milk provides 23% of your
    vitamin A for the day in addition to Vitamin D and calcium!
    Preppers should store powdered freeze dried milk.

  • Got butter? Butter provides both Vitamin A and Vitamin D as
    well. Commercially canned butter is best.

The only downside to potatoes is that you may need to peel
them like the dreaded military chore of peeling potatoes for the
troops. No worries! Just get yourself a sturdy potato peeler, like
the Back To Basics Apple And Potato Peeler, pictured at the lower
right hand of the page.

#2: Potatoes are comfort food.
Potatoes are satisfying nutrition, but you likely also crave
potatoes now and again.

#3: Potatoes are easy to grow!
Why grow potatoes? You will have a bountiful harvest. You won't
need any fancy machinery to grow potatoes. You'll find several
easy options for growing potatoes even in small containers. To
harvest and enjoy, just pull them from the earth, give them a
good wash and cook them. Here's how to get your potato crop
started. Can you grow potatoes from potatoes?

  • Get seed potatoes. There are two ways to these:
  1. Buy seed potatoes from a reputable source. Choose
    organic seed potatoes, as the popular yukon gold seed
    potatoes pictured above. Your aim is to get disease-
    free potatoes and to buy organic. Be sure to buy from
    quality sellers like the ones on Amazon. If you're buying
    locally, use your sense of smell to see if the seed
    potatoes are rotting and disease-free.
  2. Seed your own potatoes for planting. For beginners,
    this option for getting your potato crop is not a good
    idea as tempting as it may be. That's because it's very
    difficult to seed without ample experience and you need
    to start with healthy, chemical free potatoes.

  • Chit potatoes. "Chitting" or greening potatoes induces
    sprouting, ensuring your seed potatoes are ready for
    planting. You can pre-sprout your seed potatoes indoors, so
    you can enjoy earlier crops. Sitting potatoes in a cool dark
    place encourages sprouting. Note that supermarket potatoes
    have been sprayed with a chemical to PREVENT sprouting.
    The eyes are where you'll see the sprouts.

  • After they've sprouted, cut larger potatoes into chunks
    about two days before planting as long as you maintain
    at lease two eyes/sprouta. This reduces the risk of

  • Prepare the bed by loosening the soil at least 10-12
    inches deep. Want small potatoes? Space plants closer

  • Be sure to plant by St. Patrick's Day, so you can harvest
    in July. Otherwise it may be too late!
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