Fake wasp nest
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Peppermint oil gets rid of spider
Citronella geranium
Lemon thyme
Sage sticks naturally repell mosquitoes
Murphy's mosquito sticks
Safe rest bed bug covers
Diatomaceous Earth
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Bed bug killer
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How to get rid of bugs naturally
Organic peppermint oil
Boric acid roach and ant killer
If ants are bothersome around your homestead, read our article
about the
natural and non-toxic ways to get rid of ants.

How to get rid of bed bugs naturally...
Banishing the bed bugs can be done naturally. Among the most
difficult of pest problems,
bed bugs are making a comeback.
Here's what to do about them:

  • Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth & Calcium Bentonite
    will give you a thorough elimination of bed bugs, fleas,
    cockroaches, slugs, ants, garden insects, silverfish & other
    crawling pests.

  • Don't let the bed bugs bite! Non-toxic protection for your
    bed from bedbugs is as simple as a cover, like the one  
    pictured immediate left from SafeRest. Independently lab
    tested and certified, Safe Rest surrounds and protects the
    mattress on all 6-sides against allergens, dust mites, bed
    bugs, bacteria, fluids, perspiration and urine.

How to get of cockroaches naturally...
Kicking out the cockroaches can be done naturally, but here's
something interesting to know: believe it or not cockroaches are
edible! While Cock roaches are a viable edible, perhaps you
don't really want them on your menu.

If cock roaches aren't on your apocalyptic menu, here's how to
naturally get rid of these vile little critters:

  • Sprinkle Borax (sodium borate). To get rid of
    cockroaches naturally sprinkle Borax on the top shelves and
    roaches won't bother you. Roaches love the high spots of
    shelves of your kitchen cabinet. Both cockroaches and ants
    will eat Borax and carry it back to their colony and "Voila!"
    problem solved!

  • WARNING: Keep Borax away from meat storerooms.
    Sodium borate is a poison!

  • Boric acid. Naturally occurring boric acid is one of the
    safest and least toxic methods of pest control. It's your
    secret weapon against cockroaches, ants, silverfish, fleas
    and more.

  • Cinnamon essential oil. It may be an old wive's tale, but a
    kid's science project studying cinnamon as an insect
    repellent also concluded that cinnamon essential oil is a
    valid cockroach deterrent. One of the "hot" oils, you
    shouldn't use cinnamon essential oil around your
    homestead if you have cats or dogs, though it is effective
    at getting rid of cockroaches.

  • Plant Catnip. Catnip makes cockroaches cower.

  • Fix water leaks. You may not realize it, but if you have
    cockroaches, you may have leaky pipes! Fix them.
    Cockroaches can live only a week without a water source,
    but they can live a month without food. Get rid of that next.

  • Clean the crumbs, grease and residue. With nothing to
    nibble, there's no reason for a cockroach to nibble around
    your kitchen. That's just the start because cockroaches
    love grease and the residue of food.
  • Be quick to sweep up the tiniest bread crumbs.  
  • Rinse your plates if you aren't putting them directly
    into the dishwasher.
  • Mop the floor frequently to get rid of the residue.

  • Get rid of paper bags. Roaches love hiding out in your
    stash of brown paper bags. Recycle them or use them for

  • Keep your woodpile away from the house. Cockroaches
    love wood piles. Preppers love woodpiles too, as do spiders
    and snakes. Get to it chop-chop!

  • Suffocate them with soap. A good clean cockroach kill is a
    soapy suffocation (they breathe through their skin). You'll
    clean and kill at the same time without the chemicals. Try
    citrus liquids because cockroaches hate citrus.

  • Recipe for cockroach abatement. A mixture of boric acid,
    flour and cocoa powder is enough to kill your cockroach
    problem! Use one part boric acid to one part of the flour
    and cocoa mixture. (Please don't use this natural cockroach
    poison if you have children around who may be attracted to
    the food-like plate.) Read more about Boric Acid uses
    around the homestead.

How to get rid of crickets and grasshoppers
Did you know you can eat crickets and grasshoppers? Eat them!
Not that you'd really want to "eat your grubs," it is something
to consider if food is in short supply, and eating them is one
way to get rid of them!

According to Mykel Hawke in his book "Hawke's Special Survival
Forces," pictured at the top right hand corner of the page, "... It
would be foolish to ignore insects as a food source and a good
supplement to any diet out in the wild."  His argument is
cogent: 100 grams of grasshoppers top in his chart, provide 20
grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. The list includes beetles,
termites, ants, crickets, worms and caterpillars as excellent
food sources. If you decide to eat buts, make sure you get rid
of the hard parts, such as the shells and legs. Skip the wings
and tails which sting!

If you don't plan on eating them for your survival, then learn
how to get them out of your garden:

  • Cucumber peels. While cucumber peels are loaded with
    vitamins, you may find yourself with scraps from time to
    time. Cucumber peels will drive out both ants and crickets.
    Why not compost the peels where you don't want the
    grasshoppers hopping?  While it's not the total solution, it
    certainly will help.

How to get rid of fleas naturally...
Flicking the fleas is pretty easy to do naturally. Here's how to
naturally get rid of fleas:

  • Cinnamon essential oil. Cinnamon essential oil is great for
    getting rid of fleas. Unfortunately, it's most often
    overlooked because the hot oil isn't compatible for use
    with cats and dogs, and usually you don't have fleas if you
    don't have cats and dogs.

  • Garlic isn't just for vampires: it gets rid of fleas. Put
    garlic powder on your pets food. Some preppers argue that
    garlic will repel fleas by working its way to their coat via oil
    glands. The oil repels the fleas.

  • Lavender essential oil. Lavender essential oil is not only
    soothing, but it's particularly effective natural pest control
    for dogs and cats, which is why you will sometimes find
    lavender included in dog shampoos.

  • Orange essential oil. You also may find a natural dog
    shampoo with orange essential oil. Orange oil is a natural
    for repelling all sorts of bugs.

How to get rid of fruit flies naturally...
Flipping the fruit flies is most often done with vinegar.

Make a fruit fly away with these natural concoctions:
  1. bay leaves
  2. lavender
  3. rosemary
  4. spearmint (other insects don't like spearmint either,
    including ants, mosquitoes, and moths).

How to get rid of houseflies naturally
While you can always swat the common housefly, sometimes
their numbers are so pesky and they are evasive on a hot
afternoon that you let them slide.

  • Fly paper strips is a sticky substance that attracts flies and
    when they land on the strips, they are stuck (and
    subsequently die).

Preppers have more reason than ever to get rid of the common
housefly. Houseflies carry a host of diseases from Salmonella
and E. Coli -- to something you may not have heard about
Shigella (an intestinal pathogen that causes dysentery).

How to get rid of mosquitoes naturally...
Mosquitoes are a pesky problem...

Curb those pesky mosquitoes! If you're lucky enough to catch
the first batch of larvae, you'll cut the chance they breed and
this minimizes your problem later in the season. Who knew
mosquitoes would be such a picky bunch? There are dozens of
ways to keep mosquitoes from buzzing near your ears:
  1. Basil. An herb that makes mosquitoes skedaddle, basil will
    make a delicious addition to your herb garden.
  2. Catnip. Treat your kitty and combat mosquitoes
    simultaneously. Try rubbing catnip on your skin: it's purr-
    fect and catnip is 10 times more effective than Deet (as
    reported by Scientific Daily)! The essential oil in catnip is
    Catnip makes the cockroaches cower, too.
  3. Citronella geranium. Citronella geranium Bugging out or
    camping in bear country? A citronella candle is wonderful
    for repelling mosquitoes, but when you are in bear country,
    you'll need to avoid citronella!
  4. Frankincense. Frankincense is an excellent mosquito
    repellent, but also a flee, tick and house fly repellent!
  5. Garlic. Rubbing garlic on your body apparently will repel
    two kinds of blood suckers vampires and mosquitoes.
  6. Rosemary. Packed with antioxidants, rosemary is great for
    repelling mosquitoes and it's a natural disinfectant. Best of
    all, it's easy to grow and doesn't require much water
    making it a drought tolerant plant for your garden.
  7. Sage. Burn sage and smoke out mosquitoes and any bad
  8. Spearmint. You'll be minty fresh and mosquito free with
    spearmint. Mosquitoes dislike spearmint, and other insects
    too, including ants, flies, and moths.  Rub spearmint on
    your skin directly as a natural mosquito repellent or plant
    spearmint in pots and move wherever you find them.
  9. Lemon thyme. Lemon thyme is loathed by mosquitoes.
    Pictured right is the Mosquito Repelling Creeping Lemon
    Thyme plant.  Lemon Thyme is the ultimate no-spray
    mosquito repellent! This plant combats mosquito problems
    safely and effectively. A relative of the thyme family,
    creeping lemon thyme has a pleasant lemony fragrance
    that scents the air with a perfume mosquitoes won't
    tolerate! The high citronella oil content of this hardy, easy-
    to-grow perennial plant is more potent than any other
    mosquito repellent plant tested, and more potent than
    citronella candles or sprays, especially when the leaves are
    rubbed onto exposed areas of bare skin. Reported by plant
    scientists at a major university, and published in major
    national magazine media, the mosquito repellent thyme is
    up to three times more effective at repelling mosquitoes
    than other mosquito-repellent plants. Mosquito repellent
    thyme is used as a garnish or cooking herb. The plants are
    easily grown and spread fast making an attractive low
    growing 4 tall ground cover with a mass of light violet
  10. Lemon Grass. Popular in Thai cooking, lemon grass is not
    easy to grow by seed. If you're serious about getting
    lemon grass to deter mosquitoes naturally, then purchase
    a bundle at an Asian market or online.
  11. Lemon Verbena.
  12. Marigold. You're golden with Marigold if you don't like
    mosquitoes, because mosquitoes will buzz away at the
    smell of it. Marigolds produce a sap that is a bug repellent.
    Plant them plentifully in your garden though most of your
    garden is food, this will look lovely and help your veggies
  13. Mums. Get some help from a mum. Chrysanthemums are
    the plant that produces the very toxic pyrethrin, which
    replaces DEET in several types of bug repellent and is also
    a contact insecticide. This is another flower that does the
    trick to repel and will help your food grow.
  14. Parasitic Nematodes. These little killers infect fleas and
    lay eggs inside their bodies, which hatch. In turn, the larva
    eat the insides of the flea as it develops and finally leaves
    the empty husk to find a new living host to perpetuate the

More natural ways to deter mosquitoes:

  • Insect shield: Insect Shiled Synergy blend by Plant
    Therapy, pictured at the top of the page, is made of 100%
    pure essential oils.  It's a blend of: Citronella, Eucalyptus,
    Cedarwood, Lemongrass, Lavender, Litsea, Tea Tree,
    Patchouli & Catnip, Insect shield Essential oil will keep the
    mosquitoes at bay naturally!

  • Have a Mosquito Smokeout! Mosquitoes don't like smoke,
    including smoke from coconut shells and sage. In French
    Polynesia, people burn fires, and the smoke from coconut
    shell temporarily repels mosquitoes from the area. The
    solution of burning coconut shell may be an option if you
    live in Hawaii, If not, try Murphys Mosquito sticks, pictured

How to get rid of moths naturally...

  • Spearmint. Moths don't like spearmint, and either do
    mosquitoes, ants and flies.

  • lemon. Spray lemon juice at door ways and window sills to
    prevent moths from entering your home. Place lemon rinds
    in the closet to repel moths in case the natural scent of
    lemon at the entry points of your home fade. There

  • Here's a moth repellent recipe: Combine equal portions of
    ground cloves, nutmeg, and caraway seeds . Hang the
    mixture in a sachet bag or tea strainer will make moths fly

How to get rid of ticks naturally...
Fleas and ticks dislike lavender essential, among many natural
substances. Here's
how to avoid ticks while camping.

For repelling ticks try:

How to get rid of spiders naturally...
How to naturally get rid of spiders: peppermint essential oil.

How to get rid of wasps naturally...

  • Wondering how to get rid of wasps naturally? First
    things first: make sure you know the difference between a
    honey bee and a wasp before you set out to destroy what
    you think is a wasp's nest. We must preserve the
    beneficial honey bee for its pollinating miracles! Rethink
    your wasp "problem"! Are the wasps really a problem?
    Wasps aren't really a garden pest, they are pollinators!
    Beneficial to your garden, they prey on aphids. They
    become a pest only when you eat meats and sweet drinks
    outdoors. Once you're sure you have a decided you have a
    wasp problem, take heed of these natural tips for getting
    rid of wasps:

  • Get rid of humming bird feeders. The same sugars that
    attract humming birds to your feeders will also attract the

  • Feed your pets indoors. If you leave dog or cat food
    outside, you're inviting wasps with the scent of meat.

  • Act when they are dormant. If you find a wasp nest
    within reach that you'd like to remove because it poses a
    threat to young children, for example, do the nasty work in
    their dormant state early in the morning when the weather
    is cooler. Wasps are naturally more active at night and
    when it's warmer. Even if your time your attack and remove
    the nest, know they will return to rebuild often in the same

  • Hang a fake wasp nest! Wasps hate competition. A wasp
    nest simulator will ensure wasps don't build near what they
    think is another colony. The bonus is that they look pretty!
    Pictured right, the Beee Free Wasp Deterrent is a natural,
    non-chemical solution to your wasp problems. Just hang
    your Beee Free in an area that is frequented by wasps,
    yellow jackets, or hornets and the territorial insects will
    detect an existing nest and go elsewhere. Wasps are very
    territorial and will not usually build their nests within 200
    feet of another nest. Keep your Beee Free up throughout
    the year, and you will discourage wasps from building
    nests in your backyard. Each package comes with 2
    simulated wasp nests.

  • Hang a shiny penny in a bag of water? Maybe! A myth
    has been circulating the Internet that when you hang a bag
    of water in a zip lock bag, the reflection is too much for
    flies and wasps to bear and they won't buzz your table.
    The idea is that refracted light in water confuses compound
    eyes, but is it not true!? Myth Busters busted this idea, but
    others swear by this simple and effective method. The
    thing is the Myth Buster guys didn't use a shiny penny (and
    they were targeting flies not wasps). So why not give it a

  • Make cloves and Lemon Potpourri: Wasps and bees keep
    away from lemons and cloves, so if you're feasting
    outdoors, why not make a decorative potpourri? Stick
    cloves into a fresh lemon!

If you happen to have some toxic wasp spray around, no
worries! You can use it like Mace! It's on our list of
survival tools.

Fleas and the Plague
The bubonic plague, appears about two to five days after
exposure. Symptoms include high fever (107), gangrene,
seizure, muscle cramps, and bleeding from the ears, along with
the telltale swollen rings on the skins. Swollen lymph glands,
called buboes, are often found on the neck, armpit and groin of
the victim. Once the symptoms start, without treatment, the
plague could kill approximately two thirds of infected humans
within four days.

It's good to know that fleas don't reproduce well in low
humidity; however that won't save you. So how does a prepper
guard against the plague? Sadly, the only cure is prevention. If
many rodents die in your area, there's a good indication of a
plague outbreak, and it's time start preventative action,
including isolating pets. A flea collar will do little to prevent the

The cure for the bubonic plagues is antibiotic gentamicin;
however, in a pandemic situation there likely won't be enough
to go around. Alchornea cordifolia is a shrub or small tree found
in tropical Africa, which has herbal medicinal properties of
gentamicin. Good luck if you don't live in near that shrub.

Happy endings...
Every bug has it's place and purpose in the environment, though
as preppers we may not always see this clarity. It's true that
some bugs are beneficial!

  • Ladybugs, for example, will eat your aphids. Ladybugs
    prefer to eat aphids (around 50 a day), but they will also
    attack scale, mealy bugs, boil worm, leaf hopper, and corn
    ear worm. Attract ladybugs.

  • Caterpillars and butterflies. Hang oranges to attract

In case you're wondering...
  • entomologists (studies all bugs and insects)
  • lepidopterists (studies specifically butterflies)
  • apiologists (studies specifically honeybees)
  • preppers and survivalists (eats ants, beetles, crickets,
    termites, grasshoppers and worms)

Related articles...

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at happypreppers.com~the emergency
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homesteading, and self-reliance.
Get rid of bugs naturally
How preppers make the bugs skedaddle

Natural ways to deter or kill bugs.
Bugged by bugs? You can avoid dangerous pesticides and get rid
of bugs naturally with essential oils, herbs and spices; natural
minerals; and other ingenious methods! There are many chemical-
fee ways to get rid of bugs.

Insect control doesn't mean you have to rely on harsh chemicals.
Learn how to get rid of ants, spiders, mosquitoes and more with
natural pest control.

How Preppers Get Rid of Bugs Naturally
In an off-grid world, the situation will only worsen when it comes
to the bugs invading the homestead. Below are ways to get rid of
bugs with essential oils, herbs, minerals and mostly natural

How to get rid of ants naturally...
When down comes the rain the ants will come marching in,  
unless you take a preemptive strike! One way to do that is to mix
Borax with powdered sugar in places where you suspect ants will
enter your home. Read more about that below.  

There eare a dozen more ways to deter them naturally:
  1. baking soda  ~ baking soda kills ants, but to make this
    natural method of getting rid of ants effective, you must use
    sugar as a bait.
  2. black pepper ~ black pepper is a non-lethal deterrent. Just
    sprinkle black pepper where you don't want ants. Quit
    simply, ants dislike black pepper and they will go somewhere
  3. borax ~ Borax is another way to get rid of ants naturally.
    Borax is a white powder, made of sodium borate, and is a
    detergent booster with many uses for preppers. To use it
    effectively to kill ants, you must use a bait like sugar. Borax
    is has many benefits and uses for preppers.
  4. cedar shavings. Ants dislike the cedar in the pencils,
    soprinkle pencil shavings around your plants to give ants
    their marching orders in the opposite direction.
  5. chili powder ~ chili powder is another non-lethal deterrent.
    Use it like black pepper and just sprinkle where you want the
    ants to skedaddle.
  6. cinnamon. ~ Another herb that ants dislike is cinnamon and
    it's a particularly effective natural deterrent to try around
    your dog or cats food dishes, since it doesn't bother dogs or
    cats. Beware that Cinnamon leaf essential oil is a hot oil and
    not for use around cats or dogs.
  7. coffee grounds. Coffee grounds are ideal for nourishing your
    soil and it turns out the ants don't like them, so go ahead
    and sprinkle them on your topsoil and let the rains break
    down the compost and deter the ants from marching.
  8. lemon. Spray lemon juice where ants enter your house.
  9. orange peel extract made of citrus rind, contains d-
    limonene, which is toxic to ants, but safe for kids. Orange
    Oil degrades the waxy coating on the exoskeleton of insects,
    causing dehydration and asphxiation.
  10. parsley will punch out those pesky red ants.
  11. peppermint and peppermint essential oil. Want to rid the
    rodents or bugs without using harmful chemicals or inhumane
    traps? Peppermint oil is the natural solution! Peppermint oil
    is useful for keeping ants away as well as spiders, mice and
  12. spearmint. Insects that don't like spearmint, include flies
    and moths.
  13. Tea tree essential oil. Drop tea tree oil on the baseboards
    and watch ants skedaddle.

  • BONUS: Bugged by ants on your humming bird feeder? Oil
    their path and your pesky little problem will slip away.
    Whether you use olive oil or Vaseline, the ants will find it
    much too slippery.

You can also use boiling water,
Diatomaceous Earth, and Borax
with cornmeal.
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